cawacko and mott - what would it take for them to flip parties?

Pro-life is an idea that all life is sacred, and should be treated with the respect it deserves. From abortion, all the way down to treating animals bred for slaughter, with the proper respect. The Native Americans had the last one down. If republicans want to run with this concept, they either have to take the religion out of it, or embrace the religion behind it. No picking, and choosing.
Grind isn’t speaking in the broad philosophical sense. He’s talking specifically about the political anti abortion movement.
well for example you literally conceed his description isn't accurate in your post.

button pushers are not the movers of our economy, they are useless. If it weren't for rich peoples taxes, proles like jade would be up shits creek. He has it ass backwards, the rich pay for everything. The very idea that the government takes money and gives it to the rich is absurd.

No it isn’t. That has been the political reality for most of human history. That’s an aspect of the American Revolution that made it well...Revolutionary. They curtailed that significantly.

Keep in mind most of the very wealthy didn’t create or produce they wealth. They inherited it.
Grind isn’t speaking in the broad philosophical sense. He’s talking specifically about the political anti abortion movement.

Well then I'm probably wasting my time. Like I said; If they want to politicize it with religious backing, they have to embrace it. They don't get to use us as reference, when it doesn't fit our guidelines. Let's see the republicans get anywhere on abortion, with out falling back on Christianity. If it was just this later stuff that they politicize, they could probably get many dems on board. It's probably too late in the fight to get many on board though, as that ship sunk awhile back.
so you aren't pro choice because you dont support my choice to not pay taxes. If you don't support all choices, you can't call yourself pro-choice. that's your logic.

I'm pro-privacy. That is the basis of Roe v Wade.

I think it would be funny if you choose not to pay taxes. Be sure to appoint a stand-in mod before you go. lol
no it's not. you are retarded.

Most all the politicians use religious reasoning in the pro-life argument. If they want to, they need to be on the basis of what pro-life is religiously, or stop thinking they can use us just to suit their means.
I'm pro-privacy. That is the basis of Roe v Wade.

I think it would be funny if you choose not to pay taxes. Be sure to appoint a stand-in mod before you go. lol

Did he really just say Pro-choice having something to do with taxes? How did I miss that one? Pro choice, and pro-life, are only about life, and how it's supported. How he got taxes, is beyond comprehension. It's about taking care of life, and protecting it like the stewards we are called to be. You can't just advance what you want in it, and claim you give a damn about it. That sounds like fake Christians in a nutshell though.
Most all the politicians use religious reasoning in the pro-life argument. If they want to, they need to be on the basis of what pro-life is religiously, or stop thinking they can use us just to suit their means.

They are playing to their base!
They could care less about abortions
No it isn’t. That has been the political reality for most of human history. That’s an aspect of the American Revolution that made it well...Revolutionary. They curtailed that significantly.

Keep in mind most of the very wealthy didn’t create or produce they wealth. They inherited it.

we aren't talking about human history we are talking about the here and now
Well then I'm probably wasting my time. Like I said; If they want to politicize it with religious backing, they have to embrace it. They don't get to use us as reference, when it doesn't fit our guidelines. Let's see the republicans get anywhere on abortion, with out falling back on Christianity. If it was just this later stuff that they politicize, they could probably get many dems on board. It's probably too late in the fight to get many on board though, as that ship sunk awhile back.

you could be pro-life without being religious. if you truly believe it's a baby being killed you don't need religion to tell you that such a thing is wrong.
I'm pro-privacy. That is the basis of Roe v Wade.

I think it would be funny if you choose not to pay taxes. Be sure to appoint a stand-in mod before you go. lol

i think you are missing my point. Don't support my choice to not pay taxes? Don't call yourself pro-choice.
That is the logic jade was using up above in relation to someone calling themselves pro-life. It's an incredibly downsyndrome-esque argument.
Did he really just say Pro-choice having something to do with taxes? How did I miss that one? Pro choice, and pro-life, are only about life, and how it's supported. How he got taxes, is beyond comprehension. It's about taking care of life, and protecting it like the stewards we are called to be. You can't just advance what you want in it, and claim you give a damn about it. That sounds like fake Christians in a nutshell though.

ok lets take it a step further then.

if you support the choice of aborition, why don't you support my choice to murder?

can't have it both ways jade!

or maybe they are just political terms that dont' mean or intend to literally encompass all extrapolated moronic interpretations.

pro-choice means choice regarding abortion. It does not mean pro-every choice imaginable.
pro life means pro-life regarding abortion. It does not mean pro-all types of life including serial murderers.

this isn't hard to understand.
i think you are missing my point. Don't support my choice to not pay taxes? Don't call yourself pro-choice.
That is the logic jade was using up above in relation to someone calling themselves pro-life. It's an incredibly downsyndrome-esque argument.

Wesley Snipes didn't pay taxes,how did that work out for him!
How about a federal Marijuana Tax,would you pay that Grind?
anne banned from my thread for being a retard.

I will not tolerate simpleton retards in my threads.
ok lets take it a step further then.

if you support the choice of aborition, why don't you support my choice to murder?

can't have it both ways jade!

or maybe they are just political terms that dont' mean or intend to literally encompass all extrapolated moronic interpretations.

pro-choice means choice regarding abortion. It does not mean pro-every choice imaginable.
pro life means pro-life regarding abortion. It does not mean pro-all types of life including serial murderers.

this isn't hard to understand.

Seriously. "pro-life" = anti-abortion, "pro-choice" = abortion should be legal (or whatever you want to call it)

those two terms have nothing to do with religion