Clarence Thomas secretly went on lavish vacations in luxury jets and superyachts paid

Congress, both parties, believed he committed improper acts even though it might not meet the reasonable doubt standard. The rules of evidence are not as strict as in court. Even the Senate did not convict him on all articles of impeachment.

Like Trump, many members of Congress voted to impeach because they believed he acted improperly but not illegally.

Without investigative training and full of partisan lies
Congress, both parties, believed he committed improper acts even though it might not meet the reasonable doubt standard. The rules of evidence are not as strict as in court. Even the Senate did not convict him on all articles of impeachment.

Like Trump, many members of Congress voted to impeach because they believed he acted improperly but not illegally.

A chronology

Two Florida judges filed against Hastings

That was in the 1980s

Imagine just how racist the times were

He was the first Black judge in Florida
A black man can't enjoy some of the finer things in America? Good to see he visited the Bohemian Grove.

You may as well admit that this went way over your pay-grade to understand!

So instead, you just say, "Looky over here- SHINEY"?

Please tell us what you know about ethics!

Or did your parents fail to teach them to you?
Herr Comrade, the article from the Hamas bitch doesn't show, or even allege anything illegal or immoral - it's just mindless shit flinging at a black man who has DARED to think for himself.

You Nazis are pathetic.

Shouldn't you be out there in the bush, trying to kill off the Platypuses or Koala Bears or something?
The impeachments of Trump were full of actual lawyers

They all are. But impeachments are a political proceeding, not a criminal trial. They often involve party-line voting.

People can act improperly and unacceptably without committing a crime.
They all are. But impeachments are a political proceeding, not a criminal trial. They often involve party-line voting.

People can act improperly and unacceptably without committing a crime.

Take a look at who actually looked at the evidence

The whole body didn’t

They took the word of the committee

Which had people like Lieberman on it

A fake Democrat
I mentioned this in the other thread, but it bears repeating. I was a VP with a large corporation and was the decision maker for a pretty significant budget. I was not allowed to accept anything of value over $25 from anyone who could potentially do business with the company. I understood and abided by that decision. That means vendors couldn't pick up my check for a meal, or for a bar tab. Could I go to a hospitality suite at a conference? Sure could. Could they take me on a vacation or put me up in a hotel room? Not a chance.

This is the post Jimmy Carter sentiment (remember when he complained about businesses writing off three martini lunches?).

I've accepted literally thousands of dollars of free stuff during my working career,
and that was all in my late twenties and early thirties before I was a union rep.

Once I became one, they took me away from working with vendors. (Influence over purchasing decisions get you perks, but you still do your job properly.)
Reasonable enough, I suppose, but I wasn't shy about accepting free stuff when it was offered.

Lunches, dinners, theater and sporting event tickets, Christmas gifts (wine, liquor, personalized golf balls, etc,) and other stuff.
One important vendor even offered me "companionship opportunities" on a business trip, but for all my faults, I wasn't an adulterer. A friendly flirt, perhaps, but that's all.

I never gave it a thought, but then again, I'm not your classic "woke" liberal.

Socialized medicine, accessible education , and union-friendly labor laws were always my big issues. That's about it.
I never actively opposed the goody-two shoes stuff, but I never prioritized it, either.
Take a look at who actually looked at the evidence

The whole body didn’t

They took the word of the committee

They didn't all take the word of the committee since the two parties voted differently.

All impeachments go to committee first.
This is the post Jimmy Carter sentiment (remember when he complained about businesses writing off three martini lunches).

I've accepted literally thousands of dollars of free stuff during my working career,
and that was all in my late twenties and early thirties before I was a union rep.

Once I became one, they took me away from working with vendors. (Influence over purchasing decisions get you perks, but you still do your job properly.)
Reasonable enough, I suppose, but I wasn't shy about accepting free stuff when it was offered.

Lunches, dinners, theater and sporting event tickets, Christmas gifts (wine, liquor, personalized golf balls, etc,) and other stuff.
One vendor even offered me "companionship opportunities," but for all my faults, I wasn't an adulterer. A friendly flirt, perhaps, but that's all.

I never gave it a thought, but then again, I'm not your classic "woke" liberal.

Socialized medicine, accessible education , and union-friendly labor laws were always my big issues.
I never actively opposed the goody-two shoes stuff, but I never prioritized it, either.

I have very few hills I'm willing to die on. Ethics in business was one of those hills for me. Would I have let any gift influence me? No, but that's not the point. Because I don't trust Thomas as far as I can throw him. Ethics is no concern for Thomas. That's why these rules are in place in the corporate world. This isn't a woke issue in my mind. It's simple ethics and integrity. Appearance of conflict is unethical. Just ask Joe Biden. He's paying the price for ignoring that. See: Hunter Biden.
I have very few hills I'm willing to die on. Ethics in business was one of those hills for me. Would I have let any gift influence me? No, but that's not the point. Because I don't trust Thomas as far as I can throw him. Ethics is no concern for Thomas. That's why these rules are in place in the corporate world. This isn't a woke issue in my mind. It's simple ethics and integrity. Appearance of conflict is unethical. Just ask Joe Biden. He's paying the price for ignoring that. See: Hunter Biden.

You're not wrong, I suppose.
I just never accepted guilt for taking advantage of a mark who was better off than I.
Also, and I suppose that this is important, I was never a public servant unless you count the army.
I don't hold out much hope for any real rage when found though, because most democrats seem ok with corrupt judges that are liberal...........alcee hastings as an example.

Wikipedia says Alcee Hastings was impeached by a Democratic-controlled House of Representatives by an overwhelming vote of 413 to 3.