Clarence Thomas secretly went on lavish vacations in luxury jets and superyachts paid

Did you bother to read the nonsense that Uncensored2008 posted????????????
First, I think you missed a few question marks. Are you asking a question or are you trying to construct some weird alien emojee or something?

Second, yes, I read every word, and you were supposed to explain why it is not the case that you leftists are just smear-lynching Clarence Thomas because you leftists think that you own all black people, and those who "disobey" need to be "hunted down" as hauled back to the plantation in chains.

This is what you are supposed to be showing, but your pivot to an ad hominem reveals that Uncensored2008 hit just a little too close to home. I recommend you take a "do over" and respond to the content of Uncensored2008's post instead of fleeing like a true coward.

I'm looking forward to seeing your substantive response to Uncensored2008's post. It would be disappointing, to say the least, if you were to implicitly admit that you recognize that it's all just a lynching, and that you are aiding and abetting guno in his abhorrent racism.
I heard on TV that he has accepted about 500,000 bucks worth of special treatment.
I can appreciate how you nailed down the facts of exactly what he received. I'm sure that you heard this on a truly reputable network like MSNBC so we can be certain that it's completely true. Your unbiased and dispassionate expose really tells it like it is. Thank you.

Not only should supremes not be above bribery, but they should avoid the appearance of it.
Is that because his friends are really lobbyists who have Supreme Court legislation up and coming on the docket?

Thomas has been an embarrassment to the court since ...
All of the Supreme Court justices are an embarrassment to We the People and should be dismissed.
Nothing to see here folks. It's just a trip valued at half a million dollars.

probably nothing to see here......did he decide any cases involving his friends or did his friends simply have the collateral benefit we all share from having conservative justices on the USSC?.......then there would be something to see........
You have no shame.
You are a fascist who HATES happiness in others. That makes you the kind of shit that, without which, society would be so much better off. We've been over the myriad of ways that you simply HATE humanity so all of your comments need to be viewed in that light.

The guy is a huge right-wing contributor and power.
How dare he support people who disagree with you! Lock his ass up immediately! Obviously this dude is DANGEROUS and he clearly shouldn't be allowed to have friends. Yes, locking him up would be the best bet, and let's make sure to persecute his friends as well because they really appear to be HAPPY and that is insufferable.

He took Clarence on an extended trip through Indonesia.
Where should he have taken Clarence instead? Singapore? Greece? Where is the "approved tourism locations" list?

That trip was the price of double Thomas's salary.
So we can presume that Clarence Thomas really enjoyed the trip and was subsequently HAPPY ... and that was the real crime in all of this. Thomas didn't end up with any money or additional wealth; that would have been perfectly acceptable. Leftists do it all the time. Heck, leftists live for graft, being the GREEDIEST bastards on the planet with absolutely no scruples whatsoever. Clarence Thomas did something far worse. He pursued happiness and succeeded! He had a great little vacation and ENJOYED it, and that leaves you seething. You're so right, he should be flogged.

He was in far right super conservative wealthy people extended meetings.
Let's rewrite this for clarity:
He was in [disagree with me politically] [disagree with me politically][insufferably HAPPY people][associating FREELY outside my approval/permission]
This is the real "crime" you are addressing.

This was no vacation.
Too late, you just finished detailing how lavish this vacation trip was ... Indonesia and all that.

It was an entry into the [insufferably HAPPY][people who disagree with me politically][FREELY associating group of people].
This is the real crime in all of this, right? I can see how this is so much worse than being forced to watch your daughter get raped. How can a society simply TOLERATE this going on, especially when it can be so effectively prevented with one small garrison of stormtroopers.

Thomas is doing real damage to the court.
Too funny. The Supreme Court has already been irreparably damaged. All the justices should be dismissed and a new nine selected by plebiscite. Your attempts to make a mountain out of a dry lake bed is one of the biggest wastes of time imaginable and it serves to convince that you are simply regurgitating what you have been ordered to mindlessly repeat.

His wife is a [disagrees with me politically] fundraiser and organizer.
Now you smear Thomas' wife through innuendo. So it's you, after all, who has no shame. Clue: it's no surprise.

Since Clarence has been on the court, the supreme favorability rating dropped 30 points.
Right out of Calvin & Hobbes. I'm totally sure that what you just wrote wasn't just pulled out of someone's ass on the spur of the moment. I'm certain that it is the derived conclusion from a valid, comprehensively gathered, unbiased national dataset. I'm certain of it.
I understand how the WOKE THUGS hate it but this man is allowed to have friends, he is allowed a life.
... and he is allowed to go on a vacation "almost every year" like everyone else.

I checked and it is still ethical for a Supreme Court Justice to travel to Indonesia. What is NOT ethical is for a black Supreme Court Justice to disobey his owners at the DNC and to wander off the plantation to take an unapproved vacation to Indonesia. Obviously we can't have that.
lets be honest, you know half a million is inflated........there's a difference between letting a friend stay at your house and expecting him to buy it.....
Great point, but I don't think the dollar value is of any relevance. Anticipate Clarence Thomas being roasted by Nordberg the next time someone pays for Thomas' entry into the Louvre where he gets to view the Mona Lisa valued at €87,750,000! It won't be as though Clarence Thomas will have acquired any wealth, but any enjoyment he gets on the trip will be treated as graft, nay, as BRIBERY.

Leftists HATE happiness in others.

Leftists motto: We're not happy until you're not happy.
First, I think you missed a few question marks. Are you asking a question or are you trying to construct some weird alien emojee or something?

Second, yes, I read every word, and you were supposed to explain why it is not the case that you leftists are just smear-lynching Clarence Thomas because you leftists think that you own all black people, and those who "disobey" need to be "hunted down" as hauled back to the plantation in chains.

This is what you are supposed to be showing, but your pivot to an ad hominem reveals that Uncensored2008 hit just a little too close to home. I recommend you take a "do over" and respond to the content of Uncensored2008's post instead of fleeing like a true coward.

I'm looking forward to seeing your substantive response to Uncensored2008's post. It would be disappointing, to say the least, if you were to implicitly admit that you recognize that it's all just a lynching, and that you are aiding and abetting guno in his abhorrent racism.

How does a rational person come up with a substantive response to the off the wall tripe that Uncensored2008 post????????????????
Great point, but I don't think the dollar value is of any relevance. Anticipate Clarence Thomas being roasted by Nordberg the next time someone pays for Thomas' entry into the Louvre where he gets to view the Mona Lisa valued at €87,750,000! It won't be as though Clarence Thomas will have acquired any wealth, but any enjoyment he gets on the trip will be treated as graft, nay, as BRIBERY.

Leftists HATE happiness in others.

Leftists motto: We're not happy until you're not happy.

Clarence makes a lot of money. his wife makes a lot of money. They should accept no gifts. Doing so besmirched the Supreme Court of the United States. It puts his votes and statements into question. It is doing real damage to the highest court in the land. Sorry, but I see that as bad. You rightys quibble about how big a bribe is acceptable. The answer is zero.
Clarence makes a lot of money. his wife makes a lot of money.
Totally irrelevant.

They should accept no gifts.
They should accept all the happiness life has to offer.

Doing so besmirched the Supreme Court of the United States.
As far as I am concerned, I will make that determination.

It puts his votes and statements into question.
Your statement needs to be expressed in the active voice, not the passive voice. Otherwise, your argument is dismissed because you do not do my thinking for me.

It is doing real damage to the highest court in the land.
It is doing no additional damage to the Supreme Court, which is already irreparably damaged.
How does a rational person come up with a substantive response to [how is it not the case that we leftists aren't just smear-lynching Clarence Thomas, after all, we leftists own all black people, and those who "disobey" need to be "hunted down" as hauled back to the plantation in chains.]
Your first step is to formulate a well thought-out post clearly detailing your position ... and then you post it.
Totally irrelevant.

They should accept all the happiness life has to offer.

As far as I am concerned, I will make that determination.

Your statement needs to be expressed in the active voice, not the passive voice. Otherwise, your argument is dismissed because you do not do my thinking for me.

It is doing no additional damage to the Supreme Court, which is already irreparably damaged.

You were wrong again. You do not decide what is truth. Your attempts are very bad and wrong.
Totally irrelevant.

They should accept all the happiness life has to offer.

As far as I am concerned, I will make that determination.

Your statement needs to be expressed in the active voice, not the passive voice. Otherwise, your argument is dismissed because you do not do my thinking for me.

It is doing no additional damage to the Supreme Court, which is already irreparably damaged.
You don't get to speak for others, Sybil.

You have no shame.

I'm ashamed that a racist fascist like you is American.

The guy is a huge right-wing contributor and power. He took Clarence on an extended trip through Indonesia. That trip was the price of double Thomas's salary.

The lies you Nazis tell.

I have a guest room in my house. I have friends and family stay in it fairly often. What is the price of the stay?

Obviously none - it's not open to the public. He was in far right super conservative wealthy people extended meetings. This was no vacation. It was an entry into the wealthy conservative club.
Thomas is doing real damage to the court. His wife is a super right-wing fundraiser and organizer. Since Clarence has been on the court, the supreme favorability rating dropped 30 points.

I said you Nazis would try to assassinate Thomas. Now this is a character assassination, which failed a week ago (you're just too fucking stupid to keep up.) But there is little doubt you Nazis would attempt to murder one or more justice to gain/hold power.
lets be honest, you know half a million is inflated........there's a difference between letting a friend stay at your house and expecting him to buy it.....

Half a million dollars isn't going to buy a private jet AND a private yacht. A half million dollars isn't even going to pay the annual costs for a private jet and a private yacht.
To charter a private jet to go from DC to Jakarta and back would cost in the neighborhood of $200,000 if it was at the low end of $10 per mile. You aren't buying the jet. If the charter cost at the high end of $23 per mile, the flight alone in a private jet would cost over $400,000

Some private jet companies charge you by the mile instead of by the hour. Airstream Jets offers a distance-based card that charges between $8 and $23 per mile, depending on the jet size and distance.