Clarence Thomas secretly went on lavish vacations in luxury jets and superyachts paid

Called unethical, Supreme Court Justices shouldn’t be harbored nor accepting gifts from politicians

Going on a trip with friends is perfectly ethical.

You Nazis are desperate.

You got trashed on Twitter. I'm surprised MSNBCCP is still emitting pheromones programming you drones to yap about this failed attempt.
Harlan Crow isn't a politician (he's a big political donor, but he's not a politician).

My brother in law stayed in my guest room Saturday night.

I value the stay at $31 billion. My valuation is just as legitimate as the valuation the Nazis are placing on the trip Thomas took.
My brother in law stayed in my guest room Saturday night.

I value the stay at $31 billion. My valuation is just as legitimate as the valuation the Nazis are placing on the trip Thomas took.

Go ahead an put that on your Aussie taxes, underscore. Let me know how that works out for you. :thup:
Half a million dollars isn't going to buy a private jet AND a private yacht. A half million dollars isn't even going to pay the annual costs for a private jet and a private yacht.
To charter a private jet to go from DC to Jakarta and back would cost in the neighborhood of $200,000 if it was at the low end of $10 per mile. You aren't buying the jet. If the charter cost at the high end of $23 per mile, the flight alone in a private jet would cost over $400,000

idiot.....if a rich person invites me over to dinner, I am NOT expected to be able to afford the cost of his kitchen.......
idiot.....if a rich person invites me over to dinner, I am NOT expected to be able to afford the cost of his kitchen.......
More proof your mind is fading.

Remember the Lincoln bedroom scandal under Slick Willie? The Clinton Foundation donations scandal? The reason those were wrong is because it gave the appearance of buying access from powerful political figures...and probably did.

The problem with SCOTUS Justices accepting lavish gifts is the same as with the rich giving lavish gifts to politicians. Even if it didn't buy access, it gives the appearance of doing so....and, like with the Clintons, probably did buy access.



Conservative voters are just such marks for Politicians and now Supreme Court Justices to grift and make massive amounts of money from their positions of power.

All voters, ALL, should be outraged by this. But the conservative spin machine, in place for one main reason only and that is to protect and expand the privilege of the elite political class (both GOP and Dem) willgo into full gear with whataboutism to ensure the rage is focused anywhere else but on things that might get populist voters on both the left and right to vote to force this Political class grift to stop.

And GOP voters fall for each and every time.
probably nothing to see here......did he decide any cases involving his friends or did his friends simply have the collateral benefit we all share from having conservative justices on the USSC?.......then there would be something to see........

Again the claimed slumlord lawyer shows he does not have any comprehension of the law.

One Supreme Court Justice does not DECIDE cases but he does vote on many of them and can be part of a group that decided. HIs "friend", Harlan Crow, is active with Right Wing Think tanks, Right wing Foundations, Right wing Pac's and donates mass amounts of money to push and promote right wing causes.

So what does a derp like you say (despite claiming to be a slumlord lawyer)? You will pretend the above does not prove or mean much.

What you ignore is that Judges are supposes to follow an ethics guideline of avoiding even the "Perception of influence". And no one, with a brain can say this "Friend" who only became a "Friend" AFTER Thomas was put on the SC, does not pose the highest risk of 'perception of influence' since this "Friend" has one of the largest right wing influencers out there active and deliberately trying to influence via his money.
Again the claimed slumlord lawyer shows he does not have any comprehension of the law.

One Supreme Court Justice does not DECIDE cases but he does vote on many of them and can be part of a group that decided. HIs "friend", Harlan Crow, is active with Right Wing Think tanks, Right wing Foundations, Right wing Pac's and donates mass amounts of money to push and promote right wing causes.

So what does a derp like you say (despite claiming to be a slumlord lawyer)? You will pretend the above does not prove or mean much.

What you ignore is that Judges are supposes to follow an ethics guideline of avoiding even the "Perception of influence". And no one, with a brain can say this "Friend" who only became a "Friend" AFTER Thomas was put on the SC, does not pose the highest risk of 'perception of influence' since this "Friend" has one of the largest right wing influencers out there active and deliberately trying to influence via his money.

so what you are saying is that Thomas decided no cases except those in which he followed his conservative principles.......good, I thought you were claiming he voted for money......
idiot.....if a rich person invites me over to dinner, I am NOT expected to be able to afford the cost of his kitchen.......

If you charter a jet, you aren't paying for a jet engine. You are paying for the fuel, labor and other costs associated with that travel. It's not like you can claim the cost to fly to Jakarta for the Thomases was the cost of the cheapest flight on Spirit airlines.

If a rich person invites you to dinner, the value of that meal would be the price of the lobster, cavier, wine, white asparagus and the hired chef to make it, not the cost of a burger at McDonalds.
If you charter a jet, you aren't paying for a jet engine. You are paying for the fuel, labor and other costs associated with that travel. It's not like you can claim the cost to fly to Jakarta for the Thomases was the cost of the cheapest flight on Spirit airlines.

I'm not......I'm saying their cost was zero....and you've told me that his friend got zero for doing it, because Thomas voted exactly as every conservative would have expected him to...I'm glad we could have this conversation...let's do it again sometime......
A judge should care about appearances. If he looks like he is accepting gifts from a wealthy person, it puts his rulings and the courts look possibly flawed. If a judge was getting that treatment from Soros, you guys would throw fits. You would think that was criminal, not just bad appearances. Other courts have it spelled out. It seems we expected wiser behavior from a person who reached the supremes. The fact that they are not specifically enumerated for the Supremes, does not mean that they are above the standards.
It is not wrong if it is not specifically denied, is poor thinking. He is hurting the court.
The fact that his owner is extremely wealthy and has a huge collection of Nazi memorabilia is not why. There will have to be ethics rules written for the Supremes, thanks to Thomas's damaging the court like he is.
No shit. So why did you seem confused about the ethics involved?

there's no "ethics thing" involved.....tell me which case Thomas has decided which involved his the world of tit for tat, you have no tits.....

I went to visit my sister and husband in Hot Springs last winter.......stayed at their condo for a week.......ate meals at their I have to buy their condo?......
there's no "ethics thing" involved.....tell me which case Thomas has decided which involved his the world of tit for tat, you have no tits.....

I went to visit my sister and husband in Hot Springs last winter.......stayed at their condo for a week.......ate meals at their I have to buy their condo?......
An expected reply coming from someone who claims to be a Christian then spends most of his time calling people he dislikes "Demmycunts".

No. Are you drunk or just demented? WTF would you have to buy their fucking condo?

An expected reply coming from someone who claims to be a Christian then spends most of his time calling people he dislikes "Demmycunts".

No. Are you drunk or just demented? WTF would you have to buy their fucking condo?


so now its my fault that you're a cunt......why can you idiots never take the blame for your own stupid choices?......
so now its my fault that you're a cunt......why can you idiots never take the blame for your own stupid choices?......
I'm fine with my choices, minion. You're the one upset with how your life turned out. Why else would you be such a miserable, bitter geezer?

Maybe if you turned to Jesus, you could find happiness?

so what you are saying is that Thomas decided no cases except those in which he followed his conservative principles.......good, I thought you were claiming he voted for money......

Again, i have to educate you on the law.

You thought Thomas, or any single Supreme COurt Justice could decide a case with one vote and thus why you think it is a gotcha to say Thomas did not. That is only because you are dumb.

I am bookmarking this one too to add to your ignorance and for you to backpedal away from later when you pretend you did not think and say a single Supreme Court justice had the power to decide cases until i educated you otherwise.
Again, i have to educate you on the law.

You thought Thomas, or any single Supreme COurt Justice could decide a case with one vote and thus why you think it is a gotcha to say Thomas did not. That is only because you are dumb.

I am bookmarking this one too to add to your ignorance and for you to backpedal away from later when you pretend you did not think and say a single Supreme Court justice had the power to decide cases until i educated you otherwise.

fucking idiot....did the SC consider any cases since Thomas became a justice in which his friend was involved......yes......I the balls if you had any.......