Climate change is pure bullshit!!


:rofl2: Suuuuuuuuuure they did... :rofl2: It's actually more like this:

NASA: "Hey you, Mr. Contractor, who actually knows WTF he is doing... Build _______ for me.

Contractor: "Okay, so long as I get paid good money for doing so."

NASA: "Of course! We have plenty of money to overpay you with because we steal it from people all across the nation who actually make meaningful contributions to society, unlike us, who simply leech off of, and take credit for, other people's hard work. We'll make sure to do the same to you too.

Contractor: "Whatever. Just get the money into my account, if you can even manage to do THAT much."

:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

So you're trying to tell me that, say, Michels Corporation can't manage to build a road properly without the "deep involvement and guidance" of the WI DOT??? LMFAOOOOOO!!!!!! :rofl2: :rofl2:

hahahahahahahahahahahaha LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL hehehehehehehehehehehe :rofl2: :rofl2:

TOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!

:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: So the private contractors who ACTUALLY DO THE WORK, and otherwise regularly do such work all on their own on a private basis, somehow couldn't have done that same work without NASA's existence and assistance?? :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

I'm happy that I am able to think and learn, unlike yourself.
My God, you are one immature, mentally fucked up, adolescent minded dipshit.

That juvenile nonsense doesn't rate a serious reply.

Grow up if you want to interact with me.

I don't argue with children.
The problem with being scientifically illiterate is that you don't know if what you are copy-pasting from the internet is correct or full of errors. You have sadly become like the fundamentalist Christian who cannot field any question about his faith but who can only recite passages from the Bible that plausibly address the issue. In your case, you have relegated yourself to being one of those people who presumes that just because it is on the internet, it must be true. That's embarrassing. Nonetheless, you have no choice but to post whatever you find from any nonauthoritative source and just hope beyond hope that what you post is correct and helps your cause.

UNFORTUNATELY ... you copy-pasted the faulty information above, hoping that nobody, such as me, ever mentions any of the errors.

Oops! That's exactly what I'm going to do.

The emissivity coefficient does not indicate the radiation of heat. In fact, I can tell that you don't know what "heat" is, and therefore couldn't filter this webpage out based on its erroneous usage of the term. The emissivity coefficient is the efficiency of the body to radiate thermally.

There is no such thing as a "grey" body. This term is propagated amongst warmizombies, along with the term "albedo," as a courtesy of self-identifying as "really stupid mother f-ers who don't understand anything that is being babbled." So, thank you for at least being honest to that extent.

Oops! Conflation error. The "emissivity" you used above is not the "emissivity" you are using here, and you have nary a clue what the problem could be. Let's just relish the moment, shall we? Yes, we shall.


The "emissivity" you mention at the opening of your post is a black body constant and covers all wavelengths. There is no "substance" parameter and no "wavelength" parameter. It is just a constant.

The "emissivity()" you are using here is a function of wavelength and chemical substance. It computes radiativity of a substance.

Even a high-schooler knows that these are completely different things, yet here you are ignoring the obvious in your desperate, flailing attempt to somehow link your stupid religion to science.

It's not like you would somehow know. Stefan-Boltzmann doesn't "work." It's a relationship of black body science, and is not the absorptivity and radiativity of any particular substance (although it will still apply, just like all other physics). Before you make the same egregious rookie error, look up Kirchhoff’s Law ... because that's what you are talking about here. The use of the word "emissivity" instead of "radiativity" is unfortunate.

Do you know how Stefan-Boltzmann came about?
Let me see if I have your arguments correct.
Thermal energy (also known as heat) cannot transfer by radiation.
Different elements radiate at different wavelengths. (They would also absorb radiation at different wavelengths.)
How's the watch?
I guess when you cut off the rest of the sentence to change its meaning you think you have a valid argument.
In fact you have nothing but bullshit.
This is my statement
First of all we have to accept the authors at their word and accept that they started with an assumption and then tried to prove it.

My statement says we are accepting what they say as true. It does not say they were wrong because of who they are. I lay out an argument that you completely ignore.
The authors found that anthropogenic warming is occurring in direct contradiction to the claim in the OP.
There is no 'material' term in the Stefan-Boltzmann law, Poorboy.
I see you are unable to answer a simple question.

E = ε’σT4
What is ε' in the Stefan Boltzmann equation?
Is the ε’ for CO2 the same as the ε’ for O2?

Hint - "RQAA" will prove you don't know what the hell you are talking about.
No gas or vapor has the capability to increase Earth's temperature, Vincy. You are still ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
And you are ignoring Stefan Boltzmann when you make that claim.
If a gas can't increase the temperature than no gas can absorb or emit radiation any differently from any other gas. And yet spectroscopy proves you are wrong.
It seems it is you that is violating the first law of thermodynamics when you say gas or vapor can't increase in temperature.
It was NASA's program. They dictated the goals and specs and worked with the contractors who actually built it. The private companies who actually assembled the space vehicles over the decades NASA was launching them from the county I grew up in, could not have built them without the deep involvement and guidance of NASA.

There would have been no space program without NASA.

I'm happy you enjoy yourself.
NASA did not dictate the specs. They provided a few vague goals.
NASA doesn't build or design anything.
The space program started BEFORE NASA even existed.

NASA that went to the Moon is not the NASA of today either. Today, NASA is just another religious front for the Church of Global Warming.

NASA makes up numbers claiming them to be the 'temperature of the Earth'.
NASA ignores the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law, just like you do.
NASA makes up numbers claiming them to be the atmospheric content of CO2'.

NONE of this has anything to do with space travel and is more to do with just echoing the IPCC bullshit.

Science is not a government agency.
Last edited:
Let me see if I have your arguments correct.
Thermal energy (also known as heat) cannot transfer by radiation.
Different elements radiate at different wavelengths. (They would also absorb radiation at different wavelengths.)
Thermal energy is not heat.
Different elements radiate at different wavelengths. That's what makes spectrum analyzers work.
I guess when you cut off the rest of the sentence to change its meaning you think you have a valid argument.
In fact you have nothing but bullshit.
This is my statement
First of all we have to accept the authors at their word and accept that they started with an assumption and then tried to prove it.
It is not possible to prove any theory True. That includes any theory of science.
My statement says we are accepting what they say as true.
A theory of science is considered True until it is falsified.
It does not say they were wrong because of who they are.
You are not discussing any theory of science. Instead, you try to justify ignoring several theories of science, including the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
I lay out an argument that you completely ignore.
I don't blame him. You deny science. You deny mathematics.
The authors found that anthropogenic warming is occurring in direct contradiction to the claim in the OP.
Not possible. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. You are ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics again.
I see you are unable to answer a simple question.

E = ε’σT4
What is ε' in the Stefan Boltzmann equation?
Is the ε’ for CO2 the same as the ε’ for O2?

Hint - "RQAA" will prove you don't know what the hell you are talking about.
Emissivity does not have a 'materials' factor. You cannot add one. RQAA. Stop repeating your question over and over mindlessly. I've already answered it and answered it again here.
And you are ignoring Stefan Boltzmann when you make that claim.
The 1st law of thermodynamics that you are ignoring is not the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
You are also trying to change the equation for the Stefan-Boltzmann law, making it something other than what it is.
If a gas can't increase the temperature than no gas can absorb or emit radiation any differently from any other gas.
You cannot create energy out of nothing. You are still ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
And yet spectroscopy proves you are wrong.
Spectroscopy does not measure temperature, Poorboy.
It seems it is you that is violating the first law of thermodynamics when you say gas or vapor can't increase in temperature.
You cannot blame your problem on me or anybody else, Poorboy.
Do not worship me. While I understand that my intellect is far superior to yours, I am merely a fellow human; I am not God.
you are one immature, mentally fucked up, adolescent minded dipshit.
So to be impeccably "mature" and "grown up" like you are, I should instead be cussing and hurling insults at others?
That juvenile nonsense doesn't rate a serious reply.
So you're saying that I SHOULDN'T be taking this reply of yours seriously?
Grow up if you want to interact with me.
Translation: Nomad has officially tipped his king. He's been intellectually whipped (not that it was any sort of special feat on my part) and he has nothing intelligent to add to this conversation about how private companies can do the work just fine without any assistance from "alphabet soup" agencies.
I don't argue with children.
Who's arguing? I'm here to participate in a conversation. Apparently YOU merely wish to argue instead...... Your loss.
After you finish the long, arduous process of improving your reading comprehension, learn how to do a Google search.

Then you can find out all about him. .
He already knows enough.
Maybe you can contact him and impart some of your imaginary math and science knowledge to him.
Trying to deny math and science isn't math or science. You cannot convert your religion to any math or science.
Suuuuuuuuuure they did... It's actually more like this:
NASA: "Hey you, Mr. Contractor, who actually knows WTF he is doing... Build _______ for me.
Contractor: "Okay, so long as I get paid good money for doing so."

NASA: "Of course! We have plenty of money to overpay you with because we steal it from people all across the nation who actually make meaningful contributions to society, unlike us, who simply leech off of, and take credit for, other people's hard work. We'll make sure to do the same to you too.

Contractor: "Whatever. Just get the money into my account, if you can even manage to do THAT much."

So you're trying to tell me that, say, Michels Corporation can't manage to build a road properly without the "deep involvement and guidance" of the WI DOT??? LMFAOOOOOO!!!!!!

TOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!

So the private contractors who ACTUALLY DO THE WORK, and otherwise regularly do such work all on their own on a private basis, somehow couldn't have done that same work without NASA's existence and assistance??

I'm happy that I am able to think and learn, unlike yourself.
You are, of course, spot on. Nomad is obviously wandering around in a confused daze. I'm trying to imagine the glorified secretary who manages a particular set of contracts, lowering her glasses, glancing across the table at physicists and engineers and dictating reentry rotation requirements along with other key performance parameters while entertaining discussions on the overarching engineering trade space.

Reality aligns to what you describe. NASA manages the contract ... the main part of that is the money, i.e. the paying of contract fees. NASA essentially lets two contracts, i.e. a first contract, let to a team that is heavy on scientists (and lots of others, of course), to help NASA build the proposal for the second contract. Whenever NASA seeks to put something into space, they haven't the vaguest idea how to express what they want or what the contract should specify. NASA is a bunch of bureaucrat geeks, not scientists or engineers. NASA typically gets a mission that is politically generated from other branches of the Federal government, e.g. build another section of the space station for enhanced observation of the moon. What does it even mean, exactly? Along with that mission, NASA will be provided funding to flesh out these requirements, and that will typically take the form of a contract with a commercial firm to meet with NASA mission planners and NASA contracting office personnel to develop an accurate project scope with all the correct terminology ... to be entered into a Request for Proposal (RFP) and published. Then engineering firms will bid on that, each one providing its own unique technical solution and pricing ... and NASA will pick the winning bid from that pool of submissions.

Without the first contract, there would be no way the NASA contracting office would be able to draft an RFP that would result in anything that would meet NASA's new mission. They wouldn't know what to ask for, and thus no engineering firm would have any idea what to propose.

The idea that NASA is some sort of bastion for SCIENCE is totally absurd. Only gullible leftist morons would ever say "I trust NASA scientists for my Climate beliefs."
Only a sock would be so concerned about the exposure of 'Into the Nightsoil' as a dumbass troll.
The good news is that you no longer have to prove that you are logically inept. You have long-since established that beyond any doubt. If you are trying to establish that you also cannot distinguish between different people, I'll see about getting that stipulated as well.

Hey, I'm here for you. Have a wonderful day.
Fuck yeah! You absolutely fucking should! Tell that fucking shit-for-brains that you are never going to descend to his level and "cuss." Be fucking clear about it too.
For fucks sake, why would I fucking do THAT? I would NEVER be such a piss-ass buttwipe as to descend to the mommy's basement level of that dumb-ass donkey dick furniture-reamed doh-tard of a dog-faced-pony-soldier known as Nomad...
