This one is pretty funny since you have just violated Stefan-Boltzmann law which says all black bodies radiate electromagnetic radiation.
The earth as a grey body must also radiate electromagnetic radiation.
To fail to radiate would be a violation of the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
I never said they fail to radiate light. You must be hallucinating again.
The Stefan-Boltzmann law also says that if the temperature of the earth changes then the radiation must also change.
Yes. They are proportional.
But here you are claiming the earth doesn't radiate because light can't be trapped.
Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox. I never said Earth doesn't radiate light, liar.
Thanks for showing everyone how little you really know about anything.
You are describing yourself again.
It seems you don't understand how the energy in radiation works.
Energy isn't work.
Do you understand what a shadow is? I'll bet not since your head is a black hole that repels any knowledge.
You are describing yourself again.
I guess you have never been out at dusk.
I have. So?
They are not all the same temperature the minute the sun goes down.
I never said they were. Stop making shit up.
It seems you want to violate Fourier's law.
You are describing yourself again.
And you will never learn what an emissivity coefficient is because of that black hole in your head repelling all knowledge.
You are describing yourself again.
I see you live in the world where furnaces and refrigerators don't function.
They do function and quite well. They do not trap heat. They do not trap light. They do not trap thermal energy. They do not reduce entropy in any way.
I am curious how this is a paradox.
I have already listed your paradoxes. RQAA. You cannot clear any paradox by denying them. You MUST choose one and only one of the conflicting arguments and utterly discard the other. That is the only way to clear a paradox.
Clearly you have never cooked anything since it is possible to cook something in a pan on the stove and get it to 300 degrees and then transfer the pan to an oven at 150 to keep it warm for a period of time.
I cook quite a lot. I don't put pans in the oven. I cook in them and then turn off the stove.
So your argument is that the 2nd law has nothing to do with the transfer of thermal energy from a higher state region to a lower state region?
Never made any such statement. You are lying again.
Thanks for showing you don't understand the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
You are describing yourself again.
Fourier's law helps to define how the entropy happens but it is still entropy even if Fourier's law can be applied.
Fourier's law does not define how entropy happens.
And here you are denying that the earth gets 1380 joules per meter squared per second from the sun.
You cannot trap light. You cannot trap thermal energy. The emissivity of Earth is unknown. You cannot measure it. You don't know how much of that light is reflected or refracted away and not absorbed and converted to thermal energy.
Look at you. Bringing up Fourier's law and then completely ignoring it.
I don't ignore it, liar.
The rate of transfer is proportional to the negative temperature gradient.
The Sun does not heat the Earth by conduction, Poorboy.
A warmer atmosphere means the earth's surface will not cool as quickly overnight.
You cannot trap thermal energy.
Fallacy fallacy.
I never said that the sun uses conductive heat to heat the earth.
Blatant lie. Don't try to deny your own posts!
But it seems you are simply ignoring Stefan-Boltzmann yet again which says that ALL objects radiate.
Not at all. All objects above absolute zero convert thermal energy to light.
The type of thermal transfer doesn't change the joules required to raise the temperature of an element.
Converting thermal energy to light COOLS the object, Poorboy. Conversion to light is not a 'thermal transfer'.
It only affects how efficient that transfer might be. (Stefan-Boltzmann again.)
The Stefan-Boltzmann law does not describe thermal transfer.
Your ignorance doesn't trump what science can calculate.
You are describing yourself again. You cannot blame YOUR problem on anybody else, Poorboy.