Satire for Sanity
Shove a laser up your jaxie.. Light has no temperature.
Haw, haw...................................haw.
Shove a laser up your jaxie.. Light has no temperature.
It is not possible to transfer heat.
I never said thermal energy doesn't dissipate by conduction.
You cannot trap light. Not even for a minute. Not even for a second. You cannot set aside any law of physics for ANY length of time.
You cannot trap light.
Not possible. You cannot trap light.
You cannot trap light.
Would you look at that. You just said light is captured and turned into thermal energy.I never said the Earth doesn't absorb light and convert some of it to thermal energy. Stop making shit up.
Let's examine Into the Night's statement and confirm its veracity.Let's examine your claim and see why it is false.
... but you aren't smart enough to learn?You have now on more than one occasions [tried to teach me] that light can't be trapped.
Nope. What's the other option that you neglected to mention, i.e. the one that happens to be the correct answer?Light is simply electromagnetic radiation. If electromagnetic radiation can never be captured then it must reflect every time it hits another surface.
He did not write "captured" because light cannot be captured.Would you look at that. You just said light is captured and turned into thermal energy.
You really should learn some science. The light is destroyed when it is absorbed. You're hopeless. You are scientifically illiterate, claiming to be a science genius. You can't be bothered to learn the science that you claim is important to you, and you force others to endure the sheer torture of your gibberish.At this point you are just arguing stupid semantics by claiming light is absorbed but not trapped.
Let's play stupid games.Let's examine Into the Night's statement and confirm its veracity.
Grab a flashlight and turn it on. Notice the light flowing forth from it. Now grab a container in which to store the light flowing from the flashlight. Fill the container halfway full of light from the flashlight and then seal the container. Store the container in a dark, cool closet for 15 minutes. Open the container and retrieve the light that you had previously stored. How much is still there?
Did you answer "none"? Really? None? What happened to the light that you stored? Did it evaporate?
Question: Does a photon ever travel at less than the speed of light?
... but you aren't smart enough to learn?
Nope. What's the other option that you neglected to mention, i.e. the one that happens to be the correct answer?
You haven't stated your support for your claim yet.
Semantics fallacy. Inversion fallacy. You cannot trap light. Absorption is not trapping light.Would you look at that. You just said light is captured and turned into thermal energy.
At this point you are just arguing stupid semantics by claiming light is absorbed but not trapped.
Semantics fallacy. False equivalence fallacy.Let's play stupid games.
I conducted your experiment by using an Infrared light source and when I opened the container 15 minutes later the inside of the box emitted electromagnetic radiation in the infrared range. The correct answer is NOT "none" according to the experiment you set up. Did I just prove that you and Into the Night are wrong. Or did I just prove that you are making silly semantic arguments because you can't argue the science?
ROFLMAO.Semantics fallacy. False equivalence fallacy.
You cannot see infrared light. You cannot trap light. Comparing two different sources of light as the same is a false equivalence fallacy.
As given by the question posed by IBDaMann, yes.ROFLMAO.
So now light only consists of visible light?
Assumption of victory fallacy.You are really digging yourself a hole and pulling it in on top of you.
After all, you did get the ball rolling.Let's play stupid games.
Infrared is an "band" and not a wavelength.I conducted your experiment by using an Infrared light source
It is not the light from the light source. The light from the light source was not trapped or contained or held or sequestered or imprisoned ... i.e. it was not stored.and when I opened the container 15 minutes later the inside of the box emitted electromagnetic radiation in the infrared range.
After all, you did get the ball rolling.
Infrared is an "band" and not a wavelength.
Oh.. now that your experiment failed you are not going to correct your statement but make excuses for why it failed. How sciencey of you. Or maybe I should say, how Into the Night of you. It's almost like you two are the same person.It is not the light from the light source. The light from the light source was not trapped or contained or held or sequestered or imprisoned ... i.e. it was not stored.
Let's stick with the experiment as scientists do ...
Grab a flashlight, turn it on and store it's light in a container as you insist can be done, and throw it in Into the Night's face.
So, how does one get a photon to stop traveling at the speed of light and to instead stop so that it can be trapped or stored or contained ... and thereafter kick it back up to light speed upon being taken out of storage/prison/containment?
As given by the question posed by IBDaMann, yes.
Assumption of victory fallacy.
Can you tell us where he said I had to see anything? It seems it is you that is making shit up about the parameters of his experiment that failed.Grab a flashlight and turn it on. Notice the light flowing forth from it. Now grab a container in which to store the light flowing from the flashlight. Fill the container halfway full of light from the flashlight and then seal the container. Store the container in a dark, cool closet for 15 minutes. Open the container and retrieve the light that you had previously stored. How much is still there?
You don't know about frequency bands? You really ARE illiterate!Light now travels in bands? Who plays lead guitar?
Go talk to the FCC and others about frequency bands. It is not made up. Buzzword fallacy. You don't know what 'reality' means or how it's defined.If you want to make shit up, it should at least have some semblance to reality.
Denying your own posts doesn't work, Void.It seems now you are correcting things I never said. I wonder if you have dementia.
Be sure to use at least a quart sized container for your light.Oh.. now that your experiment failed you are not going to correct your statement but make excuses for why it failed.
You are obviously confused. You can't even tell the difference between two different people.How sciencey of you. Or maybe I should say, how Into the Night of you. It's almost like you two are the same person.
He never made any such claim. Stop word stuffing.I already did this. I grabbed my infrared flashlight and your experiment failed. What you claimed would happen didn't. You claimed that no light would be emitted from the container.
Be sure to use at least a quart sized container for your light.This is your experiment that failed to produce the results you claimed would occur.
You said EXACTLY THAT. Stop trying to deny your own posts!That doesn't mean I said a container will store light.
Denying your own posts doesn't work, Void.When did I say that the light was stored in a container?
Denying your own posts doesn't work, Void.It seems you think you can just make shit up and then claim I said it.
It didn't, Void.I think you need to explain why your experiment failed.
You can't deny your own posts, Void.I see no reason to explain it since it has absolutely nothing to do with anything I have said.
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Would you care to tell me where in this IBDaMann said I had to use visible light?
RQAACan you tell us where he said I had to see anything?
Blatant lie.It seems it is you that is making shit up about the parameters of his experiment that failed.
Blatant lie. Inversion fallacy.Thanks for showing us you have no integrity when it comes to your position and are willing to lie to try to win.
Inversion fallacy.But then we all knew you were a dishonest idiot so we haven't learned anything at this point.
Shall we consider your king tipped?Light now travels in bands? Who plays lead guitar?
If you really have no concept of frequency bands, you don't belong in this conversation.If you want to make shit up, it should at least have some semblance to reality.
OK, your king is tipped. You obviously have no plans to provide any rational basis for believing in your "temperature increase" dogma.Oh.. now that your experiment failed
Nope. You erroneously declared all light within an arbitrary band to be the same light, and none of it was the light from the source.I already did this. I grabbed my infrared flashlight and your experiment failed.
I wouldn't expect you to understand the scientific method, so you get a pass this time.Would you care to tell me where in this IBDaMann said I had to use visible light?
Where did I say anything about bands or frequencies or even wavelengths before you accused me of not knowing what they were?Shall we consider your king tipped?
If you really have no concept of frequency bands, you don't belong in this conversation.
Your experiment failed and now you are trying to run away from it.OK, your king is tipped. You obviously have no plans to provide any rational basis for believing in your "temperature increase" dogma.
Moving the goal posts doesn't change the fact that you claimed there would be "none" and you were wrong.Nope. You erroneously declared all light within an arbitrary band to be the same light, and none of it was the light from the source.
Let me know when you stop having to use yourself to provide support for your position.You're not very good at this.
Look, you have a religion that is WACKY and that calls itself "settled science." You bought into all that mess thinking it would turn you into a gifted scientist ... and the fact that you still don't even know what science is should have told you that something about your religion is really hosed, but you are simply clinging too tightly to apply any sort of critical reasoning.
Let me know if you convert anyone. Please.
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The funny thing is, I repeated the experiment with a container and infrared flashlight and surprise, surprise, every time I repeat it the result is not "none."I wouldn't expect you to understand the scientific method, so you get a pass this time.
The way scientists operate is they try to develop science that corresponds to all observations ... but the "observations" must be entirely repeatable. You can't have people claiming to have falsified some theory of science because it didn't correspond to their claims of non-repeatable "visions" and "perceived occurrences." Hence, experiments are simplified and specified to create a repeatable, standardized event.
I specified a flashlight (visible light). My claim is that if you can capture the visible light of a flashlight, that would certainly falsify my claim that "light cannot be trapped/contained."
You have not offered any repeatable experiment that demonstrates the ability to capture any light. More importantly, you have, on more than one occasion, EVADED the main question of photons traveling at less that the speed of light, signaling your complete awareness that we are now treading on territory that thoroughly threatens your religious faith.
Where did you use the word visible? Infrared flashlights exist and are easy to grab and turn on.Grab a flashlight and turn it on. Notice the light flowing forth from it. Now grab a container in which to store the light flowing from the flashlight. Fill the container halfway full of light from the flashlight and then seal the container. Store the container in a dark, cool closet for 15 minutes. Open the container and retrieve the light that you had previously stored. How much is still there?