I prefer using historical track records first in things like this. The same bunch of 'climate scientists' told us that the hole in the ozone layer at the S. Pole was an existential threat to humanity and that to close it we had to get rid of CFC's (Chlorofluorocarbons). If we did this the hole would "heal" and close. They put a timeframe on that analysis.
Well, we got rid of CFC's and the time for the hole to have healed is now long past. It's still there, still just as big, and sometimes bigger. It's pretty damn clear that CFC's were not the cause.
That's one example of many, where science got it wrong, and politics pushed bad science resulting in a major cost to society. So, in my view, the idea that the world is going to end or some similar nonsense in a decade or two if we don't up end society and world economies because the global temperature is rising slightly is something I say put the brakes on because the scientists and environmental types screaming for this have a proven, poor, track record of being right in the past. That's for starters.