Climate change is pure bullshit!!

Never said any such thing, Poorboy. Stop making shit up.

Never said any such thing, Poorboy. Stop making shit up.

Stating a theory of science isn't lying, Poorboy. I even gave you the equations you are denying.
Post 370 by you and my response in 372 show that you claimed the term light only includes visible light. I am not making shit up. I am actually able to provide the posts that support my claim about what you said. A skill that you seem to completely lack. Does that mean I am more intelligent than Into the Night? Or does it just mean that Into the Night is a liar when he makes claims that he can't support?

Now let's see if Into the Night can provide the number of the post where he claims he provided equations. My guess is he will never provide that because as it becoming more and more obvious -

Into the Night is a liar.
Simple. Holes in the ozone layer ARE a threat to humanity- unless you consider cancer not to be.
Not the point. The hole in the ozone layer at the S. Pole is naturally occurring. Scientists claimed it is man-made. That has been proven wrong.

That is, the hole gets bigger and smaller, but it exists.

On the other hand, the scientists have moved the goal posts. When their original claims that the hole would close by 2000-ish and that didn't happen. Now they're claiming 2050. Well, we're halfway there and the hole is the same goddamned size it's been, sometimes even bigger. Seems to me that they're full of shit and in 2050 they'll just move the goal posts to say, 2100...
It is supported by his own posts. He continue to try to deny he made them.

I understand science quite well. I will state that I think IBDaMann understands it even better.
Both of us have stated the theories of science that Poorboy is ignoring. I even stated the equations to him.

Now he tries to change the equations by adding and subtracting terms, or denying the equation even exists.

A theory of science speaks for itself. That IS the supporting argument in science. There is no other.

What global warming? No gas or vapor has even the slightest capability to warm the Earth.
The highlighted sentence shows you either haven't got a clue about what's being claimed about CO2, or you are deliberately being disingenuous.
Yeah. You understand science so well that you think Stefan-Boltzmann doesn't apply to a container.
If I recall correctly, you specifically quoted Into the Night as insisting that Stefan-Boltzmann applies to everything back when you were confusing Stefan-Boltzmann with Kirchhoff's law.

You understand science so well that you think "light" only refers to visible light and doesn't include infrared light and ultraviolet light.
If I recall correctly, Into the Night was indicating the manner with which you were not adhering to the experiment, but this is OBE now since you are going to reengage under greater clarification.
Not the point. The hole in the ozone layer at the S. Pole is naturally occurring. Scientists claimed it is man-made. That has been proven wrong.
There were no scientists who claimed the "ozone hole" or the "ozone depletion" was man-made. All the claims were from cowardly leftists who claimed that the claims were coming from "thientithts." You should have recognized the lack of science and the overflow of panic-hype intended to control the population through fear.

The poles generate alternating ozone holes, depending on which one is in winter, during the sequential months of nighttime that the sun is not shining on that section of the stratosphere. There is ozone depletion that is "man-made", but it is both negligible and occurs in the troposphere. Unfortunately, this is the ozone depletion that is always conflated with the stratospheric ozone of concern for which there is no depletion whatsoever.
I suggest the most appropriate and most effective way to reduce the earth's CO2 would be to ...
The most appropriate way to reduce Earth's CO2 would be to increase Earth's atmospheric CO2. Helping global plant life thrive is the most appropriate response to concerns about life on Earth.
You have no undertanding of thermodynamics. Ask me how I know.

They told you.

For example, you don't understand Q = m(∆T) even as you cite the law it is used with.
Oh.. Look. I found that I can trap light -
Well, it would be correct to say that you think you might have found a way to trap light, or to write that you believe that everything you read on the internet is true. Either way, go ahead and use what you think you have learned from the article that you believe must be true, and perform the experiment. Write up your results so that your experiment can be repeated by others ... and then you WIN!

Let me congratulate you in advance ... and I'll be standing by for your writeup.
Post 370 by you and my response in 372 show that you claimed the term light only includes visible light.
Contextomy fallacy.
I am not making shit up.
You are making shit up.
I am actually able to provide the posts that support my claim about what you said.
You are making shit up.
A skill that you seem to completely lack. Does that mean I am more intelligent than Into the Night? Or does it just mean that Into the Night is a liar when he makes claims that he can't support?
I have supported all my claims.
Now let's see if Into the Night can provide the number of the post where he claims he provided equations.
My guess is he will never provide that because as it becoming more and more obvious -

Into the Night is a liar.
Argument of the Stone. Assumption of victory fallacy. Inversion fallacy.
Not the point. The hole in the ozone layer at the S. Pole is naturally occurring. Scientists claimed it is man-made. That has been proven wrong.
There is no science that says the ozone hold is man made.

That is, the hole gets bigger and smaller, but it exists.

On the other hand, the scientists have moved the goal posts. When their original claims that the hole would close by 2000-ish and that didn't happen. Now they're claiming 2050. Well, we're halfway there and the hole is the same goddamned size it's been, sometimes even bigger. Seems to me that they're full of shit and in 2050 they'll just move the goal posts to say, 2100...
There is science that says the ozone hole is man made.

These 'scientists' you speak of are priests.
The highlighted sentence shows you either haven't got a clue about what's being claimed about CO2, or you are deliberately being disingenuous.
I know what the Church of Global claims about CO2. It is not science.

-> The Church of Global Warming claims that the mere presence of a Magick Holy Gas (such as CO2) creates energy out of nothing, causing the temperature to increase.

The 1st law of thermodynamics states E(t+1) = E(t) - U where 'E' is energy, 't' is time, and 'U' is work (or force applied over time). Since the mere presence of a gas is not a force, 'U' is zero. Therefore, E(t+1) = E(t).

-> The Church of Global Warming claims the mere presence of a Magick Holy Gas has the ability to increase the surface temperature while cooling the upper atmosphere. This is a reduction of entropy.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics states e(t+1) >= e(t) where 'e' is entropy, and 't' is time. Entropy NEVER decreases. It always increases or stays the same. In other words, available energy to perform work always dissipates or remains the same. It NEVER collects. This defines the concept of 'heat' and give it a direction. Heat is the flow of thermal energy. It always flows form concentrated thermal energy (something that's 'hot'), to a relative lack of thermal energy (something that's 'cold'). It NEVER flows from 'cold' to 'hot'.

The Church of Global Warming literally tries to use a cooler gas in the atmosphere to heat a warmer surface.

-> The Church of Global Warming claims the presence of a Magick Holy Gas has the ability to keep Earth from radiating light due to thermal energy.

The Stefan-Boltzmann law states r = C * e * t^4, where 'r' is radiated light, in watts, of a square area, 'C' is a natural constant (that serves to convert the relation to our units of measurement), 'e' is 'emissivity' or how well a surface can emit or absorb light (as opposed to reflecting it, for example), and 't' is temperature in deg K.

This relation describes how thermal energy is converted to electromagnetic energy (light), which is radiated from Earth. This includes any gas, any liquid, any solid surface, ANYTHING. This is radiant heat.

The Church of Global Warming likes to add terms to this equation to include a sequence, or to include a frequency term, or to add a 'materials' term. They also attempt to state radiance is reduced as temperature rises. The equation shows radiance is proportional to temperature, NEVER the inverse.

As noted in IBDaMann's sig page, a Believer's argument typically rotates among which theory of science is getting denied by shifting context at convenient moments, or by playing word games.

Another favorite is the term 'climate change'. This is wacky. Climate has no values that can change. It has no temperature, it has no precipitation, it has no windspeed or direction, it has no value of any kind that can 'change'. There is no global climate. Earth is made up of many climates. A climate is just a subjective description only. A desert climate will always be a desert climate, irregardless of whether you are standing in a desert or if any desert appears, moves, or disappears at all. A climate is nothing more than a subjective description. It has no values that can 'change'.

The use of 'climate change' as a phrase to mean 'global warming' came about in winter in the northern hemisphere, to try to blame a snowstorm on 'global warming'. In other words, it's just rebranding the same religion under a different name.

I frankly got tired of keeping up with the global cooling/warming/coming ice age/warming/climatechange/climatecrisis/globalcrisis/WhatevertheFuckTheyCallitNow bullshit. So I just call it the Church of Global Warming.

These theories of science they routinely deny, or they say they don't apply for this case or that case. Theories of science apply in all cases, continuously at all times, throughout the known universe. They can never be just set aside for even a nanosecond.

You are an electrician, and from what I observe in your postings, a pretty competent one. You deal mostly with Ohm's law. Because of the low frequencies involved in your work, you don't even have to deal much with skin effect on the wire. You already know that you can't set aside Ohm's law for any length of time. That wire or that device is always subject to it's effects, continuously, for the life of the wiring as long as the building is energized.

You also deal with watts (which are just joules per second), and watt-hours (which are joules per second, measured over an hour, or rather, the equivalent of it).

Heat is like current, whether in a wire or in a pipe or river. It is not the energy itself (which is measured in watts). Heat is to thermal energy what current is to electrical work.

A blanket reduces heat, just as a resistor reduces current. You also know that though the Electrical Code describes current rating in wiring, it is the POWER that does the actual warming in a wire, as no wire is a perfect conductor. As you know, resistors (including the wire itself!) converts some of the electrical energy in watts to thermal energy in watts.

You also know that with no voltage on the wire, and no current, the wire cannot heat itself. Yet, this is exactly the kind of thing the Church of Global Warming claims is possible.
If I recall correctly, you specifically quoted Into the Night as insisting that Stefan-Boltzmann applies to everything back when you were confusing Stefan-Boltzmann with Kirchhoff's law.
That is some funny shit. Can you post a link to where I confused Stefan-Boltzmann with Kirchoff's law?
I will bet you cannot do so. Once again, you just fantasize about errors you think I made while denying errors you make.
If I recall correctly, Into the Night was indicating the manner with which you were not adhering to the experiment, but this is OBE now since you are going to reengage under greater clarification.
How was I not adhering to the experiment? Are you claiming that light only consists of visible light? It seems you are the one that is not adhering to your parameters you laid out. Or is it that you don't know the difference between light and visible light?
I know what the Church of Global claims about CO2. It is not science.

-> The Church of Global Warming claims that the mere presence of a Magick Holy Gas (such as CO2) creates energy out of nothing, causing the temperature to increase.

The 1st law of thermodynamics states E(t+1) = E(t) - U where 'E' is energy, 't' is time, and 'U' is work (or force applied over time). Since the mere presence of a gas is not a force, 'U' is zero. Therefore, E(t+1) = E(t).
It's amazing how you managed to create a gas that never expands, contracts or is endothermic or exothermic. How did you manage to do it?
Does this prove that hurricanes can not be real since the energy of a gas can never change and no work can be performed by a change in pressure?
I'm surprised that meteorologists haven't figured out there is no such thing as a high pressure system or a low pressure system like you have.
Well, it would be correct to say that you think you might have found a way to trap light, or to write that you believe that everything you read on the internet is true. Either way, go ahead and use what you think you have learned from the article that you believe must be true, and perform the experiment. Write up your results so that your experiment can be repeated by others ... and then you WIN!

Let me congratulate you in advance ... and I'll be standing by for your writeup.
Oh look. Someone already wrote it up.

I can't wait to see your expert criticism.
Or you could just go ahead and tip your king since you are so good at that.
I have supported all my claims.

Now let's see if Into the Night can provide the number of the post where he claims he provided equations. My guess is he will never provide that because as it becoming more and more obvious -
Gosh. It seems I can predict exactly the response by Into the Night. It's like I'm clairvoyant or maybe it is that he is so predictable with his failure to support his statements. (And right after he states he supported all his claims.) Clearly he hasn't supported all his claims since he failed to produce the post he claimed he said something.

Let's try this again see if Into the Night can provide the number of the post where he claims he provided equations. My guess is he will (still) never provide that because as it becoming more and more obvious -

Into the Night is a liar.
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