Corroboration is not required?? Seriously??

Who made it public? you can just blame Feinstein if you want, but it is not known.

We do not actually know if the letter WAS leaked...

...or just news that a letter existed...which precipitated making the letter public.

Anyway, these assholes keep moving the goalposts. This conversation did not start out talking about the letter being leaked...or by whom.


In essence, that would have required that the letter be made public...which Feinstein would not do. The person writing the letter, Dr. Ford, asked that it not be.

They know that...but they have so little to go on...the pretense is needed.
That may be true, but the point is that it was made public long after the allegations were made. It shouldn't have been made public unless formal criminal charges were brought.

Where the fuck do you come up with that bit of distorted reasoning?

Is there a law you can cite that says one may not tell of an assault without first filing formal criminal chares?

(HINT: No...there is no such law.)
We do not actually know if the letter WAS leaked...

...or just news that a letter existed...which precipitated making the letter public.

Anyway, these assholes keep moving the goalposts. This conversation did not start out talking about the letter being leaked...or by whom.


In essence, that would have required that the letter be made public...which Feinstein would not do. The person writing the letter, Dr. Ford, asked that it not be.

They know that...but they have so little to go on...the pretense is needed.

I addressed that pages ago. Investigations are not made public until formal charges are brought.
Where the fuck do you come up with that bit of distorted reasoning?

Is there a law you can cite that says one may not tell of an assault without first filing formal criminal chares?

(HINT: No...there is no such law.)

Civil cases have arisen from unproven allegations Frank.
I addressed that pages ago. Investigations are not made public until formal charges are brought.

You are full of shit.

There were six Kavanaugh "investigations" with NO charges being brought.There have been hundreds of thousands of "investigations" with no charges being brought.


So get off that bullshit, because anyone with a brain knows it is all smoke and mirrors.
Civil cases have arisen from unproven allegations Frank.

Is there a law...or are you just making shit up as you go along.

(ANOTHER HINT: You are making shit up as you go along...AND THERE IS NO LAW that says the allegations in this case could not be made public without formal charges being filed...


Stop digging, RB. You are in more than deep enough.
Is there a law...or are you just making shit up as you go along.

(ANOTHER HINT: You are making shit up as you go along...AND THERE IS NO LAW that says the allegations in this case could not be made public without formal charges being filed...


Stop digging, RB. You are in more than deep enough.

You can be sued for defamation of character for unsubstantiated public allegations.

Well, it's too nice a day to waste on this computer arguing with stupid people. It's a bit too windy to go to the gun range so I think I'll clean my sports car, make dinner for the GF and myself and take a nice ride through the back country roads after dinner and stop for a milkshake. Life is good :cool2:
Civil cases have arisen from unproven allegations Frank.

Well, unproven allegations is what you have. Winnow it down and tell us who committed a crime. What crime would it be. If someone in her office told about Kavamnaughs attempted rape, it was not a crime. Ford had the option of not going to a hearing. She just did her civic duty. So far, no crimes at all. Kavanaugh attempting a rape, that is a crime.Only one in the scenario.
You can be sued for defamation of character for unsubstantiated public allegations.

You can get fat from eating too many carbs.

But neither that nor what you said has anything to do with the question.

It can simply say, "Of course there is no law. I just made that up."

We all know that is the correct no one will be surprised.

And it won't hurt you to be truthful.

Well, it's too nice a day to waste on this computer arguing with stupid people. It's a bit too windy to go to the gun range so I think I'll clean my sports car, make dinner for the GF and myself and take a nice ride through the back country roads after dinner and stop for a milkshake. Life is good :cool2:

Life is better than good, RB, it is great.

Anyway...there is no need for you to argue with stupid people. You have me to argue with...and you know damned well I am far from stupid.

Enjoy the ride...the dinner...and the milkshake.

I'm about to go out and spend some time in the hot tub.

We're having left-overs from last night for dinner. I made a dish I call Turkish Delight...chopped beef, egg plants, leeks, crumbled cheese, potatoes. It looks like this fresh out of the oven.

Click for a larger picture

I'll have a dish of Butter Pecan Ice Cream for dessert.
Once again...self-awareness is not a prog strong point. I laugh at you people.

Okay...laugh. But I am very introspective...and I see my faults as well as my good points.

Anyway...I laugh myself when an American conservative claims to laugh.

"A sense of humor" is not a strong point with you people.
I have concluded your an idiot.

Wow you have all this inside information from the FBI. I’m impressed with your bull shit.
I have concluded your an idiot.

Wow you have all this inside information from the FBI. I’m impressed with your bull shit.

I'm impressed that someone who apparently can type, doesn't understand how to quote whoever you're responding to. :palm:
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Do you have a source in the FBI.
If many people wanted to speak why did they go to the Times or Post. They will write any bull shit story that walks in the door.

Kavanaugh could be a twin of the drunken womanizer murderer Teddy Kennedy but his habits are irrelevant to this allegation.
Let’s just say Ford alleged she was abused August 30 thirty six years ago.
Let’s say Kavanaugh got drunk every day from August 1 to August 29. It’s immaterial and potential inadmissible in criminal court what Kavanaugh had to drink days prior to the alleged date of this incident.
What is material is the evidence let me repeat that “evidence” that can be proven by the state/plaintiff against the defendant. What evidence did the plaintiff have to support her allegations— nothing.
In civil and criminal court it’s all about the evidence. What can the plaintiff prove against the defendant.

Nordick. You shouldn’t have dropped out of law school. Your hopelessly stupid. No more legal advice from me unless you want to pay me $250.00 an hour.

What you can do is write your senators and request they proceed with removing Kavanaugh from office. Good luck with that.
I will give you one more lesson. You do know there are 8 others on the Supreme Court. There are four others the media alleges leans right. Will you try and find high school dirt on these others.
Also don’t think Kavanaugh leans far right. He doesn’t.
You can have all the unprotected sex you want. A majority of the court will never overturn Roe v Wade.

If Ford has such a strong case she can file a civil action against Kavanaugh. The burden of proof is preponderance of the evidence. Good luck with that. Paula Jones collected over 800K in a civil action against that lying asshole Clinton. Remember he was disbarred after committing perjury.