Do you have a source in the FBI.
If many people wanted to speak why did they go to the Times or Post. They will write any bull shit story that walks in the door.
Kavanaugh could be a twin of the drunken womanizer murderer Teddy Kennedy but his habits are irrelevant to this allegation.
Let’s just say Ford alleged she was abused August 30 thirty six years ago.
Let’s say Kavanaugh got drunk every day from August 1 to August 29. It’s immaterial and potential inadmissible in criminal court what Kavanaugh had to drink days prior to the alleged date of this incident.
What is material is the evidence let me repeat that “evidence” that can be proven by the state/plaintiff against the defendant. What evidence did the plaintiff have to support her allegations— nothing.
In civil and criminal court it’s all about the evidence. What can the plaintiff prove against the defendant.
Nordick. You shouldn’t have dropped out of law school. Your hopelessly stupid. No more legal advice from me unless you want to pay me $250.00 an hour.
What you can do is write your senators and request they proceed with removing Kavanaugh from office. Good luck with that.
I will give you one more lesson. You do know there are 8 others on the Supreme Court. There are four others the media alleges leans right. Will you try and find high school dirt on these others.
Also don’t think Kavanaugh leans far right. He doesn’t.
You can have all the unprotected sex you want. A majority of the court will never overturn Roe v Wade.
If Ford has such a strong case she can file a civil action against Kavanaugh. The burden of proof is preponderance of the evidence. Good luck with that. Paula Jones collected over 800K in a civil action against that lying asshole Clinton. Remember he was disbarred after committing perjury.
She does not have a "strong case" you asshole.
She never claimed she did.
She says she suffered an ordeal at the hands of Kavanaugh (and his sidekick, Judge)...and has pretty much kept it to herself...not intending to bring it forth or try to make money on it.
But she felt it her civic duty to come forward because Kavanaugh was being considered for the SCOTUS.
(I realize you may not understand the term "civic duty" please look it up. Do not be embarrassed if you do not know. It is an important concept that most American conservatives do not know.}