Critical thinking.

How DO those dead babies taste by the way? Ready for another war on your tax dollars? Maybe your son will go this time.

So tell me who you are throwing away your vote on this cycle; a GOP prick who is dying to invade Iran and North Korea or a Libertarian unknown outside your circles who gets 1% of the vote.
So tell me who you are throwing away your vote on this cycle; a GOP prick who is dying to invade Iran and North Korea or a Libertarian unknown outside your circles who gets 1% of the vote.

whereas you will vote for a woman who is a well documented liar, a bungler in Benghazi, screwed us in Libya, doesn't know what to do with Syria, sees imaginary 'wars on women', takes funds from foreign countries, thinks all victims should be heard (unless those victims were harmed by her husband)... and who is ok with President drones a lot.
whereas you will vote for a woman who is a well documented liar, a bungler in Benghazi, screwed us in Libya, doesn't know what to do with Syria, sees imaginary 'wars on women', takes funds from foreign countries, thinks all victims should be heard (unless those victims were harmed by her husband)... and who is ok with President drones a lot.

Gee, and here I though righties wanted to fight ISIS and bomb the bejesus out of them; you know the old saying, either fight them over there or else you'll be fighting them over here... or words to that effect.
whereas you will vote for a woman who is a well documented liar, a bungler in Benghazi, screwed us in Libya, doesn't know what to do with Syria, sees imaginary 'wars on women', takes funds from foreign countries, thinks all victims should be heard (unless those victims were harmed by her husband)... and who is ok with President drones a lot.

Whereas I will vote for the guy who is against gun control,
Against foreign intervention, against big banks and pro working class.
Even if he doesn't get nominated.

Write in Bernie in '16!
Whereas I will vote for the guy who is against gun control,
Against foreign intervention, against big banks and pro working class.
Even if he doesn't get nominated.

Write in Bernie in '16!

Holy shit! That's hilarious! You think think Bernie is against gun control! Hahahaha!
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Right here, for all to see, is a perfect example with of a crank who offers NO personal opinion or fact based analysis on the OP, but instead wastes time and space on personal attacks.

your words are another example. I am not attacking. you don't get it.

then enlighten us all. Elucidate, my child, elucidate.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
But the man has a point, as we've seen Red State leadership walk the fine line of voter restriction with redistricting in the last 20 years.

P A R R O T alert ! I am not attacking. don't be afraid of my words.

what are you squawking about? I give credit where credit is due, and criticize likewise. I know that's forbidden with today's political fences, but then independent thought and critical thinking eventually saves the day.
Ahhh Sheograth, a silly right wing crank wrought with intellectual impotency sticking his tongue out at people. Until you've got something of worth to say, I'll just ignore you.
You always say that, but I don't think you can ignore me. In fact, I know you can't.
what are you squawking about? I give credit where credit is due, and criticize likewise. I know that's forbidden with today's political fences, but then independent thought and critical thinking eventually saves the day.

you do not know what an independent thought is. npr thinks for you. you are delusionally intellectually superior to all who have no taken time to sit and carefully ponder the co ntent of today's "fresh air" with Teri gross. worthless hot air is what you blow. don't be skeered. I am not attacking you; you liberal types are disgusting to me. icky.