Critical thinking.

you do not know what an independent thought is. npr thinks for you. you are delusionally intellectually superior to all who have no taken time to sit and carefully ponder the co ntent of today's "fresh air" with Teri gross. worthless hot air is what you blow. don't be skeered. I am not attacking you; you liberal types are disgusting to me. icky.

Jesus would not approve of this message.
Here’s the thing; after the Paris terrorist attacks last week, here in the USA our media IMMEDIATELY started the “are we next?” drum beat. In NYC, every politician and police official past & present were on TV and radio and in the papers telling us how security measures are up to standards, but there’s no “chatter” to the effect that ISIS is coming for us . “Don’t let the terrorists win!” “Go shopping, go to the holiday parades, we’ve got your back!” And then AFTER we get the “official” word that ISIS is touting America (especially New York City) in it’s sights, the adding presence of tactical para-military divisions are seen.

And I am thinking, “we’ll, you’ve had 14 years (and millions of dollars a’la Homeland Security) to get it together, so why all the near hysteria now?” It should be treated with half the intensity we’re seeing in our media. I say this in retrospect to what happened during the 3 months after the 9-11 attacks here. The Thanksgiving parade went on as scheduled, and you had the usual masses gather in Times Square to ring in the New Year. I remember wondering just how in the hell did our intelligence, security and police forces get it together in such a relative short time to INSURE that Al Qaeda terrorist were either subdued or all died in the attacks ... after all, these were the SAME people who committed the mother of all cluster fuck-ups that resulted in the successful killing of 3,000 people along with destruction of iconic real estate and government property by said terrorists. Were they that good on the rebound, or were they willing to risk more lives in the name of uninterrupted commerce?

Since 9-11, our government officials have stated that numerous terrorists plots have been foiled. However, the publicized ones (the plane shoe bomber, the Times Square car bomber, the plane underwear bomber) failed due to incompetence on the perpetrators part, NOT due to preventative measures by law enforcement or intelligence actions. So I am NOT surprised that the Paris attack came as a “surprise” to the national and international counter-intelligence apparatus.

I bring this up because with each major attack, you have the ultra-conservative factions of government being given carte blanche ... more invasive monitoring of the general population, secret lists, suspension of rights of the accused, etc. The majority of the public grants these actions out of fear....and fear is VERY useful tool to quell all scrutiny.

Am I saying do nothing and all is well? Nope. I’m just saying to stop and think it through before we just bask in the glory that the supermarkets magically fill up with food, the department stores have all the items for sale, and the gas station is open...and only mildly complain when we can barely afford them! Because if we think it through, then we can vote in or out the people who will implement (domestic & foreign) policies that DO work. And maybe, just maybe, there won’t be another 9-11 in another country... or here.

So what you are saying is that after seven years of the Obama Presidency; it has been a failure. Welcome to the club!!
Maybe if we stopped trying to impose our morals and beliefs on other people by trying to kill them, they'd stop killing us.

Is that what we are doing shit-for-brains? Of course it isn't; you're a dumbfuck.

right here, for all to see, is the perfect example of two characters without the ability to apply critical thinking. thanks for the great example. well done. the troll and taichi liberal: two great minds that think together.

More like two empty heads banging together.
Maybe if we stopped trying to impose our morals and beliefs on other people by trying to kill them, they'd stop killing us.

That sums up Legion Troll in a nutshell. You will quickly learn that it is pointless trying to engage him in conversation. You need only see the hunting thread with him and Winterborn.

Legion Trolls game goes something like this

1) he starts some inflammatory thread "asking" a question.
2) someone responds thinking Legion Troll is taking a position
3) when trying to pin Legion Troll down on where he stands he says "did I say that?"

Rinse wash repeat until the individual gets frustrated

I would just as soon engage Deshtard than Legion because she at least takes a position.

That is why I now have Legion Troll on ignore. It won't stop him from chasing me around JPP humping my leg like a lovesick puppy but that is his problem.

^True story.
Pray tell how nomads in the Sahara are enforcing their will upon you?

You don't seem to understand your exact spot in the food chain do you?

Dear ignorant repugnant moron; it was when they murdered over 3,000 innocents on 9-11 because we happen to not be Muslims.

Are liberals pruposefully this fucking dense or are you all born retarded?
So tell me who you are throwing away your vote on this cycle; a GOP prick who is dying to invade Iran and North Korea or a Libertarian unknown outside your circles who gets 1% of the vote.

What is it about Liberal retards and their prolific ability to make up massive piles of bullshit as they go? Yo, shit-for-brains; no one in the GOP is talking about invading Iran or North Korea; stop erupting like an emotional vagina on her period already.

Gee, and here I though righties wanted to fight ISIS and bomb the bejesus out of them; you know the old saying, either fight them over there or else you'll be fighting them over here... or words to that effect.

Nice signature Komrade; further proof that you're dumber than a rock.
Whereas I will vote for the guy who is against gun control,
Against foreign intervention, against big banks and pro working class.
Even if he doesn't get nominated.

Write in Bernie in '16!

More proof you're an ignorant moron.

you do not know what an independent thought is. npr thinks for you. you are delusionally intellectually superior to all who have no taken time to sit and carefully ponder the co ntent of today's "fresh air" with Teri gross. worthless hot air is what you blow. don't be skeered. I am not attacking you; you liberal types are disgusting to me. icky.

It is the pinacle of irony when leftist retards imagine themselves as having intellectual superiority; yes, they really are THAT dumb.
So when it comes to gun control the leftardiots are all of a sudden about states rights?

Now as I interpret the US Constitution states can impose strict gun laws. The Feds can't. Of course I don't believe the US Constitution applies to individual states. But that isn't the argument leftardiots make