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From what I have been told, this Top poster has made it a point to slander my character and promote bogus innuendo about me.

This is it's opportunity to prove it is not just lying its ass off once again.

Slander is verbal you ignorant twat, you are thoroughly detested by us veterans, of course you do know why but hide behind your new Pussy Posse. If you think are being libelled, then sue us arsehole!
Yes I think I can safely say that he detests the mofo, ask him yourself.

i think cypress is a clown and a hypocrite, and very annoying. Also a cuck and a fat neckbeard loser. But I don't really hate him. I don't really think about him much at all.
Look Mr Jerkoff,Top isn't a victim of anyone but you!She claims there's two sets of rules.
It's put up or STFU time.
Butt out bitch.

So you and Owl say, but you offer nothing in the way of proof. You've been letting a retired teacher make a fool of you for years, but you call me a bitch. You are a bully and a pussy.

EDIT, to add that you are also a suck-up.
Toxic's super power is convincing the gullible that she's a victim. You might want to have a chat with some of her former defenders about that.

Her super power is convincing you and Mason that she has them. Grow the fuck up, sweetheart. She makes fools of you and Mason each and every day. Unless, you are right in that she is sending secret codes with every post. Again, grow the fuck up. Adopt Mason and Jade. They need you, and only you.
Her super power is convincing you and Mason that she has them. Grow the fuck up, sweetheart. She makes fools of you and Mason each and every day. Unless, you are right in that she is sending secret codes with every post. Again, grow the fuck up. Adopt Mason and Jade. They need you, and only you.

Poor things, both of you. I feel sorry for you.
It's the secret code that only you and the idiots Mason, Jade, and Christie seem only able to detect.Yes, saying good morning is a secret code that only you and your gang can detect.

It is easy to see why you blow Trump, believe Israel was behind 9/11 and is evil, that Toxic was ever a teacher of anything, and that COVID-19 is a Chinese plot. :laugh: