Democrat's plan to assassinate a SC justice foiled.

They had better stay away from tall buildings the urge to jump may be overwhelming.


Most of the staff of the whitehouse willingly testified and handed over all requested documents

All of them told the same story

And their documents all told the same story

The Republican Party is totally fucked
What goofy speculation is that?

The goofy speculation about Schummer [sic] being involved. It was good for a laugh, anyway.

What laws has Trump been charged with?

He wasn't charged for his law-breaking related to stealing from a charity and defrauding the Trump "university" customers, but that's America for you: if you're rich, you're generally fine to prey on the poor without anything more than civil liability.

As for personal benefit; Trump worked as President for FOUR years donating his entire paycheck

Trump worked for himself for four years, commoditizing the presidency to an extent that nobody previously had ever come close. Donating the relative pittance of the salary is easy to do when you're earning that back many times over by way of sleaze-bag maneuvers like charging the Secret Service for staying at your properties. You won't see that from a forthright and honest public servant like Biden.
Go see your doctor.

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

QUOTE=AProudLefty;4954971]Address the topic, not other posters.[/QUOTE]
Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

QUOTE=AProudLefty;4954971]Address the topic, not other posters.

Go see your doctor.
That stink is just your shit filled diaper call you nurses aid for help.

<sigh> ok. "shit filled diaper call your nurses aid for help". Well.. lets break this down.

Your first assumption is that I wear a diaper. I'm not against diapers, I just don't own any.. so that's your first fail.

Secondly.. you accuse me of evacuating my bowels in this non-existent diaper.

So let me ask you this.. if there's no diaper, there can't be any shit, ergo, your entire post is a failure.

Oh, and finally.. how come I only get the nurses AID? I have great insurance, so I would have gotten the actual nurse anyway.

Your entire post is a failure. That's you life, my friend. Failure after failure.. the most heinous of which.. you lost your soul.

Bless you.
The goofy speculation about Schummer [sic] being involved. It was good for a laugh, anyway.

It isn't speculation. We see him saying it on video. Your goofy lying is quite telling. It is an example of a dishonest, uninformed, uneducated partisan hack.

He wasn't charged for his law-breaking related to stealing from a charity and defrauding the Trump "university" customers, but that's America for you:

Translation; you were lying again. He wasn't charged because he committed no crime halfwit. :palm:

if you're rich, you're generally fine to prey on the poor without anything more than civil liability.

What poor people did Trump prey on? I am pretty sure no one forced anyone to attend those schools. What part of "lending his name" do you struggle with?

But I get it, you got caught in a lie and now feel compelled to flail and deflect. That's what we expect from dishonest halfwits.

Trump worked for himself for four years, commoditizing the presidency to an extent that nobody previously had ever come close.

Really? How did he do that exactly? Be specific so we can illustrate what a dishonest MSNBC parrot you really are. In fact, during the Trump years Americans did MUCH better than they are right now. Low gas prices. Low inflation. Wages rising. Border protected. AND, Trump donated his salary. Yep, only a brain dead halfwit can claim that a guy giving up $450K a year is in it for himself.

That's the level of dishonest stupidity we can expect from lying, leftist halfwits.

Donating the relative pittance of the salary

Only a dumb lying halfwit hack like you can call $450K a pittance. But then, you cannot post without lying or looking stupid. :palm: easy to do when you're earning that back many times over by way of sleaze-bag maneuvers like charging the Secret Service for staying at your properties.

This is what happens when halfwits like you get their news from MSNBC. Now I am sure you have some evidence of him charging the secret service for staying on his property. I would love to see that.

You won't see that from a forthright and honest public servant like Biden.

Wow, just when I think you can't get more dishonest and stupid. Biden charged the taxpayers to secure his beach house in Delaware. He was party to his son's corrupt business practices and was secretly known as the "big guy" getting a cut.

What we know from corrupt professional political Democratic hacks like Biden is that they seem to get richer while in office. Trump got poorer. Trump would have been better off financially not running.

Those are just FACTS halfwit. But alas, being dishonest, gullible and stupid seem to be your trademark here.

Donald Trump’s net worth dropped by one-third during his presidency

Trump Net Worth Dropped By $700 Million During Presidency: Report
It isn't speculation

As you know, it is. There isn't a shred of evidence of any connection between him and the plot. But, I do appreciate you jumping on board with this. When a clown car rolls up, it's disappointing if only a single clown pops out of it. You're the second, which makes it mildly funnier. Hopefully there are more.

What poor people did Trump prey on?

Those who would have benefited from the charity money he instead illegally spent on himself.

Really? How did he do that exactly?

I told you. Try rereading.

In fact, during the Trump years Americans did MUCH better than they are right now.

As you know, in the Trump years we had a massive increase in murder rates, mortality rates, unemployment rates, and the deficit, and his last year included the deepest recession since the Great Depression.

Only a dumb lying halfwit hack like you can call $450K a pittance

Compared to the millions he made commoditizing the presidency, that's just what it was.
<sigh> ok. "shit filled diaper call your nurses aid for help". Well.. lets break this down.

Your first assumption is that I wear a diaper. I'm not against diapers, I just don't own any.. so that's your first fail.

Secondly.. you accuse me of evacuating my bowels in this non-existent diaper.

So let me ask you this.. if there's no diaper, there can't be any shit, ergo, your entire post is a failure.

Oh, and finally.. how come I only get the nurses AID? I have great insurance, so I would have gotten the actual nurse anyway.

Your entire post is a failure. That's you life, my friend. Failure after failure.. the most heinous of which.. you lost your soul.

Bless you.
That is too bad because your nurse's aid was cute. We will send in nurse Ratchet she cab change your panties then. Your gonorrhea drip smell is getting foul. BTW does your insurance cover your psychiatric care too because you need to change doctors.
That is too bad because your nurse's aid was cute. We will send in nurse Ratchet she cab change your panties then. Your gonorrhea drip smell is getting foul. BTW does your insurance cover your psychiatric care too because you need to change doctors.

Well, I've never had my panties, "cab-changed" but I am always open to new experiences.
As you know, it is. There isn't a shred of evidence of any connection between him and the plot. But, I do appreciate you jumping on board with this. When a clown car rolls up, it's disappointing if only a single clown pops out of it. You're the second, which makes it mildly funnier. Hopefully there are more.

(ĭn′fən-tīl′, -tĭl)
Displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity; childish: infantile behavior; an infantile remark.

gib•ber•ish (ˈdʒɪb ər ɪʃ, ˈgɪb-)
1. meaningless or unintelligible talk or writing; nonsense.
2. talk or writing containing many obscure, pretentious, or technical words.

Those who would have benefited from the charity money he instead illegally spent on himself.

That's nothing more than a dumb lie halfwit. If he had done that, it would be a crime and he would have been charged. I honestly don't think you can post without lying and looking stupid. :palm:

I told you. Try rereading.

Wrong. You were lying and flailing. Again, How did he do that exactly? I'll understand why you can't back up your stupid lies. :palm:

As you know, in the Trump years we had a massive increase in murder rates, mortality rates, unemployment rates, and the deficit, and his last year included the deepest recession since the Great Depression.

There you go with the dumb MSNBC propaganda. Those massive murder rates occurred in Cities controlled for decades by Democrats. Blaming Trump is not merely weak and stupid, but asinine.

Do you have a link to those mortality rates and how they are connected with Trump policies? Of course, you don't. It's a stupid dumb lie filled narrative.

As for Trumps last year, that was about a China virus and pandemic. Accusing Trump of that is the epitome of dishonesty and stupidity.

But things are just GREAT right now if you are a lying halfwit.

Compared to the millions he made commoditizing the presidency, that's just what it was.

So even when I provide factual evidence he LOST money and wealth, you continue with the dumb lie filled narrative you've been gullibly fed by MSNBC.

This is why it is pointless to attempt to have a coherent honest debate with a leftist halfwit suffering from a severely retarded IQ.
<sigh> ok. "shit filled diaper call your nurses aid for help". Well.. lets break this down.

Your first assumption is that I wear a diaper. I'm not against diapers, I just don't own any.. so that's your first fail.

Secondly.. you accuse me of evacuating my bowels in this non-existent diaper.

So let me ask you this.. if there's no diaper, there can't be any shit, ergo, your entire post is a failure.

Oh, and finally.. how come I only get the nurses AID? I have great insurance, so I would have gotten the actual nurse anyway.

Your entire post is a failure. That's you life, my friend. Failure after failure.. the most heinous of which.. you lost your soul.

Bless you.
Nurses don't change diapers dumb ass.
They change them while the door is wide open. Even nurses have noses.

I know nurses have noses. I had a Latina nurse's nose all over me the last time I was in Mexico.

Have you ever had sex, doc? I highly recommend it. Incidentally, I know your girlfriend has had sex and we all think she is AMAZING!!!!
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