Democrat's plan to assassinate a SC justice foiled.

That's from the Bible, dumbass. Pastors say that all the time.

Halfwit says what? :palm:

point·less | \ ˈpȯint-ləs \
1: devoid of meaning : SENSELESS
a pointless remark
2: devoid of effectiveness : FLAT
pointless attempts to be funny

ob·tuse | \ äb-ˈtüs , əb-, -ˈtyüs \
obtuser; obtusest
1 formal : stupid or unintelligent : not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple
He is too obtuse to take a hint.
an incredibly obtuse person
Many of the witnesses are republicans

Yeah SOME refused to testify

MOST gave over every document without qualm

Most are low level aids and staff

They all told the same story

All their documents told the same story

The Republican Party is totally fucked dude
Many of the witnesses are republicans
Yeah SOME refused to testify
MOST gave over every document without qualm
Most are low level aids and staff
They all told the same story
All their documents told the same story
The Republican Party is totally fucked dude

The meaningless clown show will not prevent the massive Red Tsunami coming in November. You loons better stock up on meds. It's going to be harsh. ;)
Does it physically hurt to be a worthless Nazi troll with absolutely no penis? You seem to be handling it as well as can be expected, Cheryl.
Asking for yourself Mr. Aryan Microphallus? As a doctor to a patient I can tell you being a Nazi like you and having a tiny pee pee like you has been reported in the medical literature to hurt. Why? Have you been experiencing pain. Perhaps that is why you have been so cranky lately. Just stop trying to fap that tiny little thing and some of your frustration will go away. But I'm sorry to tell you that those dancing Nazis in your head are likely fatal.
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Asking for yourself Mr. Aryan Microphallus? As a doctor to a patient I can tell you being a Nazi like you and having a tiny pee pee like you has been reported in the medical literature to hurt. Why? Have you been experiencing pain. Perhaps that is why you have been so cranky lately. Just stop trying to fap ythat tiny little thing and some of your frustration will go away.

They are a dying breed- Trump and his minions are going to jail- WHERE THEY BELONG! AND FINALLY!

Well.. let's not get too cocky. I doubt many of the "higher ups" like Rudy, Meadows, Pillow fuck, and the rest of them.. Navarro and Bannon will do not more for a year for ducking subpoenas..

Eastman though.. that guy.. now, he'll get disbarred like those other bimbo bitches who followed Rudy around to dildo factories. But Eastman... he actually wrote a "treason handbook". I'm not sure he's been charged yet, but if anyone should go away.. it's him. We can't have people writing blueprints to overthrow America.. that's just not cricket.

A lot of the bottom feeders, the ones who actually attacked the capitol with weapons.. a bunch of them have gone away and I think you already know several of the Proud Boy scum have been charged with seditious conspiracy. Ya... those guys will not see light for awhile. You know.. proud boys are a anti-woman bi-curious organization. Members have to pledge not to jerk off more than once a month. Those are going to be some long weeks between "rub-outs" for those pond scum piles in prison :)
The meaningless clown show will not prevent the massive Red Tsunami coming in November. You loons better stock up on meds. It's going to be harsh. ;)


Your team didn’t get 50% of the vote for trumpy

And that was with a full press commitment of Putin

This is going to change everything

Only the base will turn out for republicans

That’s not enough

Tons of republicans will be so humiliated they won’t even vote
Asking for yourself Mr. Aryan Microphallus? As a doctor to a patient I can tell you being a Nazi like you and having a tiny pee pee like you has been reported in the medical literature to hurt. Why? Have you been experiencing pain. Perhaps that is why you have been so cranky lately. Just stop trying to fap ythat tiny little thing and some of your frustration will go away. But I'm sorry to tell you that those dancing Nazis in your head are likely fatal.

Hi, buddy. Hang on.. you stink let me get my mask. Nice to see you. Have fun with your evil trolling today.

Your team didn’t get 50% of the vote for trumpy
And that was with a full press commitment of Putin
This is going to change everything
Only the base will turn out for republicans
That’s not enough
Tons of republicans will be so humiliated they won’t even vote

Again, you're a delusional mental case. The meaningless clown show will not prevent the massive Red Tsunami coming in November. You loons better stock up on meds. It's going to be harsh. :palm:
They had better stay away from tall buildings the urge to jump may be overwhelming.

I'd be encouraging them to climb tall buildings and jump. Hell, if they prefer Kanukistan, I'll even take up a collection and help the shrill hate filled dumbasses pack. ;)