Diversity In Leadership Is Important.

Hello StoneByStone,

I just explained the point. It would lift social trust and restore the national identity which would make it easier to create more left-wing policy.

And I explained that the point is moot.

Americans want it so badly, that they're willing to support a mentally challenged crook who raped a child.

If that is the best chance to advance the idea then that says something about whether it is a good idea or not.
Ideology DOES trump everything in politics. In my opinion, conservativism is evil, and in your opinion, liberalism is evil. I would never vote for a conservative woman because she's conservative.

You never responded so I’ll ask again using a current event. Your OP claims it’s good to have women in positions of power in government. Yet we currently have rich straight white males in the Senate trying to keep a woman off the highest court in the land. And you’re saying that’s ok because ideology trumps everything. How does that not belie the premise of your OP?
At this point I am glad I cannot thank Legion, for he is a dumbass that has no inkling as to how the world works.
You never responded so I’ll ask again using a current event. Your OP claims it’s good to have women in positions of power in government. Yet we currently have rich straight white males in the Senate trying to keep a woman off the highest court in the land. And you’re saying that’s ok because ideology trumps everything. How does that not belie the premise of your OP?

Because I don't advocate having a woman just for the sake of having a woman. A woman who advocates misogynistic views is no good.
You never responded so I’ll ask again using a current event. Your OP claims it’s good to have women in positions of power in government. Yet we currently have rich straight white males in the Senate trying to keep a woman off the highest court in the land. And you’re saying that’s ok because ideology trumps everything. How does that not belie the premise of your OP?

b-b-b-but that's different! LOL! /sarcasm
This is most evident when women comprise a significant amount of government. In countries where women regularly win elections, paid maternity leave has become the law. In countries like the US, where elderly white men are the majority of the legislature, paid maternity leave is still a pipe dream.

The good thing about gender and ethnic diversity in leadership roles is that more groups' issues and concerns are addressed. The only reason you would oppose this is if you belong to the majority in power and fear losing power.

I love how you decide why people might oppose this. This is exactly how the left works and it's pathetic. This is why you are a cockroach
Because I don't advocate having a woman just for the sake of having a woman. A woman who advocates misogynistic views is no good.

So when reading your OP it’s implied, but not stated, that the women and minorities you are referring to are politically liberal.
Hello StoneByStone,

How is it moot?

It's moot because the idea of a monocultural USA is impossible. We are already extremely multicultural and nothing is going to change that.

It says this is how bad Multiracialism has been. People will do ANYTHING to fix things.

No, they won't. Most people are fine with Multiracialism as long as they feel safe and have a good life. Whipping up hatred has made things worse, not better. It's proof that Marianne Williamson was right. You don't fight hate with more hate. You fight hate with love. Hate is easy. Love takes more guts than hate. But it's worth the effort.

Say you have a company building widgets. And you get a bunch of workers from different cultures. The company has a way that they do things because it works and that's what they have always done. Then you get somebody new in there and they come from a completely different background. And they have a completely different perspective. And they look at what is being done and they have a different idea. And maybe the idea works better. And then the company gets more productive and more efficient. Then everybody in the company benefits. That's a win/win that never would have happened if all the workers came from the same background. That's the beauty of diversity. That's why diversity makes America great. It keeps things changing up.

And I gotta tell ya. I like Pizza. Do you like Pizza? That's not an American food. That came with immigrants. So did tacos. I like tacos. I like burritos and I like Chinese food and sushi too. And I like french pastry. And gyros. I like lots of different foods from all over the world. I'm GLAD we have all these cultures and their cooking and their art. The thought of only American food and people just like me all the time sounds boring. I like different spices and I like the way different people spice our culture up. And I'm not alone. You're never going to get people like me to accept what you want. So what are you going to do with all the people who don't want what you want? Kill everybody? And if all these people are 'eliminated,' then how do you kill the ideas? The knowledge is out there that we have all these different cultures. You're not going to stop that.

Do you think we can have martial arts fighting movies but not have anybody learning those techniques? Everybody who does Tai Chi should stop?

Supposed we create this all-vanilla-all-the-time culture you envision. How could we experience other cultures for fascination and entertainment if it's not allowed here? What. We would all have to have enough money to travel to other countries for that? That's highly impractical. It would burn up a lot of fuel and hurt the environment. But suppose that gets solved and we have all this travel between countries because all those 'different' people aren't allowed here. How do you stop travelers from falling in love? You're going to have Americans who go to other countries and spend some time. They are going to meet people they like and fall in love. They are going to want to marry and live together. Where do they live? You're going to tell them they have to leave the USA if they marry a foreigner? That's ridiculous. If we did that, we would be exporting Americans to other countries. Other countries would be getting lots of our expertise and benefiting as America gets left behind, left out of that.

Your whole concept absurd, simplistic, unworkable.

I would advise you to rethink it. It can't work.
This is most evident when women comprise a significant amount of government. In countries where women regularly win elections, paid maternity leave has become the law. In countries like the US, where elderly white men are the majority of the legislature, paid maternity leave is still a pipe dream.

The good thing about gender and ethnic diversity in leadership roles is that more groups' issues and concerns are addressed. The only reason you would oppose this is if you belong to the majority in power and fear losing power.

Why? I thought the most intelligent and experienced was important. Who cares what race or heritage someone has. I want the most experienced and intelligent.

In other words, anyone but shrill lying loons like you.
Why? I thought the most intelligent and experienced was important. Who cares what race or heritage someone has. I want the most experienced and intelligent.

In other words, anyone but shrill lying loons like you.

Diversity, when the most qualified gets the position, is perfectly fine. Diversity in order to make things look like a box of crayons is not.