It's OK to Be White
You're a mess. Either you support the ethnostate, or you don't.
An ethnostate doesn't need to be 100% anything. We could easily get America back to 90% white without forcing people to move.
You're a mess. Either you support the ethnostate, or you don't.
Race is a part of ethnicity.
White Nationalism is only about the white race.
I'm fine with giving Blacks their own land which they can run as their own ethnostate.
I don't favor Black Nationalism either. I do recognize American Blacks as being a single ethnicity, but I don't think all of Africa should unite under the banner of blackness.
We could easily get America back to 90% white.
Africa has not much to do with the US.
There are very few African-Americans here. I know some..they're white and have Dutch ancestors.
No sir.
I'm a girl.
It is, yet you seem to be conflating your definitions and muddying your own argument.
Does this mean that you believe that black nationalism is only about the black race?
I see American Blacks as being their own ethnicity.
So you say.
I don't want to, so there's that.
I'm saying that race is a part of ethnicity, but not equal to ethnicity.
A lot of Black Nationalists believe in Pan-Africanism. And they're not concerned with non-black peoples.
You don't get to apply your own set of definitions and categorizations on the human race. I just thought you should know.
No, you're trying to have it both ways. If black nationalism is race-based, then why isn't white nationalism?
I'm fine with giving Blacks their own land which they can run as their own ethnostate.
Does this mean that you believe that black nationalism is only about the black race?
No sir. Just because the lying media claimed "most qualified" did/does not make it so.
Most of America saw/sees right through the media's lies then, and continue to to this day.
I'm using the definition you gave.
What am I to make of this?
Are you?
Hillary was a senator and secretary of state.