If you aren’t for a wall ... than you are for open borders .....
^Typical RW binary thinking. Typical of the feeble minded.
If you aren’t for a wall ... than you are for open borders .....
The trouble is that, under McCarthyite thought-control, you are not allowed to know what socialism IS - you have some vague notion it has something to do with the capitalist state. Socialism is control by the vast working majority. Socialists have learned that the whole of history is a history of thieving from those who do the work, but that gradually the thieves undermine themselves by making a decent world possible if we get shot of their thieving. If we don't, it will destroy the world entirely quite soon. You are not just thieves any more - you are planning to destroy the human race with your half-witted looting.
Let's try this again, you illiterate fucking halfwit.
The original claim was made that "liberals/progressives" want to ban ICE, are for open borders and only want cops to have guns. A total fucking lie, which I pointed out.
I'm a liberal and have many liberal friends and acquaintances. To my knowledge, NOT ONE has made those claims. So, it's merely more RW lies and bullshit from you fucking hacks.
As for the New Way Forward Act, when I search on it, about the only comment I see on it are from more of your moronic RW fucktards. So, I take your statement about it witha grain of salt until I actually determine the TRUTH about it. Ad truth does not come from Hannity or Carlson.
You didnt point out shit. Your candidates are saying it. You are supporting them.
Read the bill idiot. Open your block head and look at your candidates platforms and rhetoric. Just because you a libtard and your friends also libtards aren't for open borders, your party is. That's what we are saying.
That wasn't an option. Loving91390 said "If you aren’t for a wall ... than you are for open borders ....."
Between those two options, Jesus would have been for open borders. The Bible is pretty clear about that. Personally, I'm for a wall, but I'm not Christian.
Perhaps, but I don't think Jesus specifically wanted government to have a welfare state either. When he talked about helping others, it was about voluntary help, not help forced by the state.
So while a wall doesn't seem to match Christian morality in some respects, there are numerous other aspects of government that don't seem Christian either.
Christ's message seems to be somewhat libertarian. He was mostly live and let live, but that involves keeping government out of most aspects of people's lives.
That being said, historically, Christianity has often been used to enforce statism. This was most blatantly shown by the Holy Roman Empire, Catholic Inquisitions, and Protestant equivalents of inquisition.
The bible says give a man a fish feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Seems jesus was not really for welfare.
Perhaps, but I don't think Jesus specifically wanted government to have a welfare state either. When he talked about helping others, it was about voluntary help, not help forced by the state.
So while a wall doesn't seem to match Christian morality in some respects, there are numerous other aspects of government that don't seem Christian either.
Christ's message seems to be somewhat libertarian. He was mostly live and let live, but that involves keeping government out of most aspects of people's lives.
That being said, historically, Christianity has often been used to enforce statism. This was most blatantly shown by the Holy Roman Empire, Catholic Inquisitions, and Protestant equivalents of inquisition.
Yes, I think Jesus would probably oppose what the Libertardians would call "big government," even if it was to help people. However, his stance on immigration was that we should help whoever comes to our land. He'd probably be against the wall and borders altogether because they gets in the way of people helping immigrants, even with that help being charity, not government assistance.
Of course, Christianity doesn't work in the real world, which is why so few societies tried this.
What a lot of societies are trying and not very successfully is open borders plus a welfare state. That doesn't work in the real world either, but it hasn't stopped countries like Sweden.
Yes, I think Jesus would probably oppose what the Libertardians would call "big government," even if it was to help people. However, his stance on immigration was that we should help whoever comes to our land. He'd probably be against the wall and borders altogether because they gets in the way of people helping immigrants, even with that help being charity, not government assistance.
Of course, Christianity doesn't work in the real world, which is why so few societies tried this.
The bible says give a man a fish feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. Seems jesus was not really for welfare.
That's not in the Bible.
Not only did Jesus support paying taxes (Matthew 22:15-22) but he indeed gave away free food as he multiplied the loaves and fishes (Matthew 14:13-21).
No one is bitching about paying taxes, just the wasteful spending on illegals and the lazy. Yes he indeed gave away free food, but that's because he could. If we could miraculously multiply loaves and fishes to feed the poor, we would.
If you're not against taxation then you shouldn't worry about taxing the mega rich to pay for social programs. It's something we can do, no miracles required. And when you say the illegals and the lazy, what percentage of recipients do you think you're talking about? And if you actually want to go with what the Jesus says and does, do you think he questioned the nature of the people he fed?
What social programs?
Everyone knows if you start taxing the rich, you'll be taxing the middle class too.
Any minute percentage of illegals or career recipients is too much drain on our tax dollars.
Oh, and Jesus probably didn't question the nature of the people he fed, but Rome probably did.
Social programs as in welfare spending, the thing you claim is being wasted on the illegals and lazy.
Is this some sort of reference to trickle down economics? The middle class is far removed from the multi-billionaire class.
You say "too much" as if you know what it is. Do small amounts of waste justify massive cuts or outright ending the programs? And if you acknowledged the percent of waste is small, what does that say about the majority of social programs?
Rome didn't have a comparable welfare system to the modern US. When they gave bread to the poor it was to avoid class riots. But are you implying the US should be more like Rome and question the nature of recipients?
There is much waste and fraud in these programs, they should be evaluated.
Show one "tax on the rich" that hasn't included the middle class. They get hit one way or another.
Any waste is too much. Why do you justify waste? I say evaluate the programs and act accordingly. If there is waste, eliminate it.
Absolutely the nature of recipients should be questioned. Do you think anyone, regardless of legal and/or qualifying status, should be entitled to our tax dollars? I think not.