It's OK to Be White
That's possible, but Sanders has caved on many things before.
What other things?
I don't see his support for Hillary an act of caving. He did what any adult did, he sided with the lesser evil in an election.
That's possible, but Sanders has caved on many things before.
jesus would have sharted on your party shoes.
What other things?
I don't see his support for Hillary an act of caving. He did what any adult did, he sided with the lesser evil in an election.
Foreign policy is a good example. He's often voiced his opposition to interventionism, but his track record is one that involves going with the flow, so to speak.
You blurted off on the Pentagon budget, corporate welfare and outdated subsidies. None of which has anything to do with social program's waste.
I never quoted Jesus and never misquoted you.
It was you who said "Well at least we've settled Jesus's position on welfare" when in fact it was I who said it wasn't "settled" because Jesus isn't here to speak. Again, you need not divert from the topic being discussed. It's a sign you're losing.
And calling me a sock is a sign you're winning? What about misquoting me?
Why shouldn't we find and remove these people who are wasting our tax dollars? What percentage of theft and fraud allowable?
I didn't say we shouldn't - why do you think I've already mentioned fraud detection? It's pretty obvious you're interating with a figment of your own mind, I'm not the sock you're looking for.
What other things?
I don't see his support for Hillary an act of caving. He did what any adult did, he sided with the lesser evil in an election.
It seems like he's not against interventionism, he just opposes the war on terrorism. Which makes sense, because that's a goal without an end.
Even in the primary debates, he never said we shouldn't be in the Middle East, he just criticized the way we've been doing business there, such as fucking over the Kurds and blindly supporting anything Israel does.
every president gets threatened about israel.
How about you be a good kid and give us a working example of such a wonderful socialist society.[/
How could I when your storm-troopers massacre the participants when they start, from the Paris Commune on? Capitalism = murder, always.
Funny it seems every example I can see it's the other way around. Failure, crime, hunger, murder. I would accept your premise IF there were a single example of success. Also don't recall us killing Venezuelans or Russians in my lifetime. Both failed.
Yeah, but most presidents just bend over for Israel. Bernie is the only candidate I ever heard actually criticize Israel for their crimes against the Palestinians.
every president gets threatened about israel.
Funny it seems every example I can see it's the other way around. Failure, crime, hunger, murder. I would accept your premise IF there were a single example of success. Also don't recall us killing Venezuelans or Russians in my lifetime. Both failed.
No examples have lasted more than a year, kid, under war conditions. If there were a single example of success,see, there'd be no capitalism - that's why socialists are repressed and murdered. That's the choice: the total, murderous evil we know, that will destroy us or the hope of better
While that national religion of a Christian Nation in it's "serve the Pope or die" tautology where Islam oil destruction of food & water sources with plastic particulates certainly has an Arab jihad "death to the infidels" diatribe against Israel as did WW II Nazi Germany .
masonic zionists run christianity, is that what you mean?
I guess you rightys are swamp prone. Trump SAID he was going to clean the swamp and you dorks believed it. Trump has poured industry insiders into the agencies . But at rallies, he says he has cleaned the swamp and you idiots applaud and scream. I know you will never learn. Trump has buried is in lobbyists, He is using you low info voters like the children you are.
Says the guy who is gonna vote for a socialist, a crook with dementia, a child socialist, or a gun and soda banning socialist. Lol too funny.
Lol what crimes? I never hear about Israeli crime against palestinians on the fake news which would surely expose it given their hatred of trump AND his support of israel.Yeah, but most presidents just bend over for Israel. Bernie is the only candidate I ever heard actually criticize Israel for their crimes against the Palestinians.
Lol what crimes? I never hear about Israeli crime against palestinians on the fake news which would surely expose it given their hatred of trump AND his support of israel.
Lol what crimes? I never hear about Israeli crime against palestinians on the fake news which would surely expose it given their hatred of trump AND his support of israel.
No examples have lasted more than a year, kid, under war conditions. If there were a single example of success,see, there'd be no capitalism - that's why socialists are repressed and murdered. That's the choice: the total, murderous evil we know, that will destroy us or the hope of better
So the ussr and Venezuela were not socialist? They lasted more than a year AND we didnt murder them AND they failed AND you ignored their example.
Without the key to capitalism's success, no system can succeed. That key is incentive. You socialists dont get it. Why would I go to school for 10 years to become a doctor. Why break my balls up on a roof in the hot florida sun? Why work 98 hours a week to get my shop up and running? The incentive of making money and building wealth is the key. Socialism is generally pushed by supposed intellectuals. The lazy and lower class love it for obvious reasons.
A college professor proved this point by taking students with a averages and redistributing some of that average to boost the lower scoring students so that all were equal. Within just a few tests all the students were failing. Seems the high performing students decided that if everyone was going to be the same there was no incentive to work hard and be better.
Those pushing socialism generally never lived under socialism. Those that have run from it.