So the ussr and Venezuela were not socialist? They lasted more than a year AND we didnt murder them AND they failed AND you ignored their example.
Without the key to capitalism's success, no system can succeed. That key is incentive. You socialists dont get it. Why would I go to school for 10 years to become a doctor. Why break my balls up on a roof in the hot florida sun? Why work 98 hours a week to get my shop up and running? The incentive of making money and building wealth is the key. Socialism is generally pushed by supposed intellectuals. The lazy and lower class love it for obvious reasons.
A college professor proved this point by taking students with a averages and redistributing some of that average to boost the lower scoring students so that all were equal. Within just a few tests all the students were failing. Seems the high performing students decided that if everyone was going to be the same there was no incentive to work hard and be better.
Those pushing socialism generally never lived under socialism. Those that have run from it.
Were/are they controlled by the working class? No, so no. Just as the USA pretends to be Christian, various regimes pretend to be socialist. It's a pity you are not allowed to read Marx. However good or otherwise their intentions, governments that do not represent the working people aren't socialist. It has nothing to do with your imagined 'equality'. Like coming down from trees, kid, capitalism is a necessary stage in evolution, but a very dangerous one: if we don't get shot of it soon, we're
dead. Why would you go to school for years? - because its interesting and you might be something useful like a doctor because it carries prestige. Why work in a shop when everyone can have what he/she needs? Capitalism has produced plenty, but keeps destroying it. Time to grown up.