How much though? Because many have been evaluated, and it's not "much".
Any taxes on the middle class will be marginal compared to the taxes on the ultra rich. There's also savings to them as well depending on which program we're talking about.
Waste is inevitable, there's never a guarantee of 100% efficiency. Yes we should not fund fraud or waste, but the massive cuts presented by the GOP are not a proportional response.
It can be argued in some instances questioning the nature of recipients is a waste of money.
I see it here in small towns, it must be prevalent in large cities. The waste is there, why not eliminate it?
So you admit the middle class would get taxed. I thought it was just the "rich"?
Questioning recipients is not a waste of money, not questioning them is. Why should I give you the dollar I earned if you are not a citizen or can earn one yourself?