Do the Forum Mods

Do mods think all posts should follow an extreme right philosophy?

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I don't really know what you are referring to. I have never done anything about anything that wasn't personal info or rule 12 related stuff. Both of which are very easy to identify. Anything else and it's basically just you wishing for a rule that never was.

I don't see a definition of what constitutes "personal info"? This is the same bullshit that you always pull! What the fuck constitutes personal information! Please be specific! If you can! So that when personal information is again posted we all know what it is!
Psychopathy is characterised by amoral and antisocial behaviour, an inability to establish meaningful personal relationships, a callous disregard for others, extreme egocentricity, a lack of remorse or conscience, and a failure to learn from experience.
I don't see a definition of what constitutes "personal info"? This is the same bullshit that you always pull! What the fuck constitutes personal information! Please be specific! If you can! So that when personal information is again posted we all know what it is!

if you go to the rules page you can see a description. I also pm'd you letting you know in greater depth what it is.
we dont have a lot of people telling us this.

We have a very small select few saying this, and most of these people are trolls, dramaqueens, hypocrites, or people that really don't know all the details but have decided to throw their 2 cents in anyway.

Maybe just maybe the lefties think that rules just don't apply to them. They are so used to seeing Obama illegally change the rules to fit each whim and they believe in a living Constitution that they can't comprehend what you are saying.

Liberals only believe in getting their way. Rules aren't there to be followed and a guidepost. They are to be manipulated and used against ones enemies. For a liberal it is true with laws, the US Constitution and yes even JPP rules

When right wingers break the rules and get slapped on the wrist we just done complain about it and make it public so the lefties then think it doesn't happen. I have been slapped on the wrist many times. Sometimes warned and sometimes just asked politely. I have almost always complied.

This isn't hard to understand. You just have to understand the mind of a liberal like I do.
I don't see a definition of what constitutes "personal info"? This is the same bullshit that you always pull! What the fuck constitutes personal information! Please be specific! If you can! So that when personal information is again posted we all know what it is!

Oh looky Dante's is going all Saul Alinksy on us wanting to know exactly what the rules are.

Dante's is trying to employ Rule #4

Good Alinksyite
Sure he can all he has to do is read them without logging in! Anyone can read anything they want if they do it without logging in! I can't believe you're a damn mod and you are this damn stupid about the mechanics of this board. You really are a moron aren't you?

Yeah we know so tell that to Zappa. There is also nothing to stop him creating a new ID or logging via Tapatalk. It has nothing to do with that though he just wants to bellyache, as do you.
Sure he can all he has to do is read them without logging in! Anyone can read anything they want if they do it without logging in! I can't believe you're a damn mod and you are this damn stupid about the mechanics of this board. You really are a moron aren't you?

crap....why did you have to tell him........he didn't know....
Yeah we know so tell that to Zappa. There is also nothing to stop him creating a new ID or logging via Tapatalk. It has nothing to do with that though he just wants to bellyache, as do you.

Exactly. His cheap ass can use Tapatalk.

In fact for a while I I was on forced ignore from Fag Boy Howey. Yeah Zappa it happens to others. The reason you never knew is because I didn't go whining to the board. I did bitch to Grind but that was it. I started using Tapatalk to get around it and Grind slapped my wrist.

Zappa is whining just to whine. I know you know that
Exactly. His cheap ass can use Tapatalk.

In fact for a while I I was on forced ignore from Fag Boy Howey. Yeah Zappa it happens to others. The reason you never knew is because I didn't go whining to the board. I did bitch to Grind but that was it. I started using Tapatalk to get around it and Grind slapped my wrist.

Zappa is whining just to whine. I know you know that

I want Zappa to see this.
The rules here aren't hard to understand.

We essentially don't have any.

People don't seem to get that.

personal info
rule 12 stuff

nothing else really rises to a serious level.

There are currently 4 conservative posters permabanned, only 1 liberal permabanned.

But yup, we are biased in favor of conservatives.

One of the main problems is, you and some of your ilk don't understand the rules here. Or you think every mean thing should require sanction, and it doesn't. So there are many false alarms and when we tell you why something is not against the rules and give our justification, you conveniently either ignore that or disagree with it because you don't like the answer, and then just pretend we aren't being "fair" when in reality what you report and complain about would never get (and never has gotten) anybody banned.

actually you are 100% wrong. People DO get that. It is the morons that don't... and they really don't count as people now... do they?
heres a clue

when you have lots of people telling you you act unfairly to certain groups instead of knee jerk just non stop screaming "NA UH" stop breath think and adjust your outlook a little to make sure your NOT doing just what they say.

THAT is how you reassure people you are fair.

just non stop screaming "No I don't you asshole" is what a immature fool does.

Here is an adult reaction.

Im sorry to hear you feel that way.

I will be extra careful to reassure you that I am acting in a fair manner and as a gesture of this intent I will do ......................................................

I suggest that I will do....... be to stop punishing Zappa because you cant debate him .

So does the above mean when one person after another tells YOU that you are being an idiot, that you will now finally stop and take a step back to see that you are indeed being an idiot?
More evidence of the double standard and fascism here!

Anyone else notice that what Billy Bullshit says is in direct conflict with Grind's claims that if I shape up, then they will take me off Forced Ignore?




ANOTHER LIE from our Mods...

Billy's comment proves the MODS have no intention of ever removing me from Forced Ignore.
I want Zappa taken off just like the other poster was removed from forced ignore.

sounds fair huh

What you want doesn't matter. Zappa can still read my posts. Of course he claims to not want to read my posts but whines when the mods give him what he wants.

What forced ignore does do is stop Zappa's drama, he can't respond or report my posts. And given his proclivity for reporting posts who can blame the mods. The point is that contrary to liberal opinion Zappa isn't being singled out. Of course you wouldn't know that because everyone else who has been out on forced ignore didn't bitch on the board about it for two months.

New rule. The next person who brings up Zappa's sore mangina and forced ignore gets a week long ban. Enough is enough already. Pull up your granny panties and stop bitching already