Do you expect Trump to be jailed before the election?

It won't be Trump who suggests us to "fight like hell" against your socialization of this country. Count on it.
We are not going to turn the country into Venezuela, and that's what you are insinuating, right? Get real.
What you don't understand is that our policies are more popular than your policies. We do have some common ground, though.
No, the border crisis, the waste of revenue paying for illegals and the Biden/Harris socialist policies are the reason for chaos.
We had the most conservative bill ever, negotiated by a Republican (Sen Lankford), and Trump told sycophant Speaker Johnson to shelve it because Trump wanted to make it a campaign issue. No,. Republicans are the reason.
His community service will be serving as president for 4 more years. Don't blow a fuse when it happens :)

Doubtful. If it does happen, America will suffer, as it suffered while he was in office.
Trump has been found guilty of 34 felonies. He is out on bail awaiting sentencing. He is a criminal. Anyone else who did what he did would already be in jail. Trump gets favored treatment in all phases of life. Yet he cries like a baby when he faces the music even a little. Merchan will not put him in jail. He should, but will not. Trump will not accept his guilt nor give a response saying he is sorry for what he did. If you did that you would be whisked off to the gulag. He should be, but he will escape justice again.
I agree with everything you said here, Nordberg...

...EXCEPT that last sentence.

Trump will almost certainly NOT escape justice. (If he does, our Republic is finished.)
They're listed on the charging documents, use google.
He was falsely accused, yes. The trial was rigged, yes. It was all part of the stunt to render Trump ineligible to run, and to deprive We the People of our preferred candidate. We the People have high hopes that Trump will become President and pardon himself along with all of the Jan-6 protesters.

You Marxists can gnash your teeth all you wish.

Trump is a threat to US National Security. Trump is an ignoramus, a clown, a buffoon. He is nauseating to even listen to. Everytime he moves his lips, he lies.
Then you should have no trouble listing for me your top ten examples of how Trump somehow fell short in his official duties as President such that he was not the best President in US history. Remember, focus only on the execution of his official duties as President, i.e. no tweets, no campaign ads, no personal affairs, etc ...

Just give me your top ten.

Trump is going to jail, sooner or later.
We'll see about that. You have to admit, you're currently batting 0.000

Trump is a sex abusing, pervert, fraudster, criminal.
Nope. I'm not buying it.

I hope they give him a long sentence and he rots in jail.
So when you were talking about sociopaths and complete lack of empathy, you were referring to yourself, yes? You would dog-pile on the crucifying of an innocent man? You really are an evil Marxist piece of shit.
We are not going to turn the country into Venezuela, and that's what you are insinuating, right? Get real.
What you don't understand is that our policies are more popular than your policies. We do have some common ground, though.

We had the most conservative bill ever, negotiated by a Republican (Sen Lankford), and Trump told sycophant Speaker Johnson to shelve it because Trump wanted to make it a campaign issue. No,. Republicans are the reason.

Doubtful. If it does happen, America will suffer, as it suffered while he was in office.
No, you're not because Harris will not win.

Sure, all it did was allow those who are here illegally to stay. That's bullshit.
Deport ALL illegals and those who house them, heavily fine those who hire illegals.

Yeah, it suffered alright. with 20% less cost of living. Step into reality, Bidenomics is a disaster.
He was falsely accused, yes.
Your evidence for that contention is what?
The trial was rigged, yes.
Your evidence for that contention is what?

It was all part of the stunt to render Trump ineligible to run,
The investigation into Trump began before he dec;lared himself a candidate. He declared his candicacy long before most do, no doubt to frame the argument as 'election interference'.
and to deprive We the People of our preferred candidate.
If a candidate is a criminal, your preference is moot. Your reference to 'We the People" is posturing. You are not 'the people'.
We the People have high hopes that Trump will become President and pardon himself along with all of the Jan-6 protesters.
We the just people have high hopes the criminal, fraudster, con man, pervert, Trump will be convicted and sent to prison, where he belongs.
You Marxists can gnash your teeth all you wish.
I'll file that in the wishful thinking file, and also the 'I'm ignorant on the subject of Marxism' file.
Then you should have no trouble listing for me your top ten examples of how Trump somehow fell short in his official duties as President such that he was not the best President in US history.
Well, in the clown department, which disqualifies him for being the 'best president', on that count, alone, we have:

Remember, focus only on the execution of his official duties as President, i.e. no tweets, no campaign ads, no personal affairs, etc ...

Just give me your top ten.
I said Trump is a threat to US National Security, for a number of reasons, and I simply can't limit it to 10, sorry:

His debt to foreign banks is a national security threat.

His incessant undermining public faith in elections is a national security threat.

His incessant assertion that the press is the enemy of the people undermine public confidence in the very thing that protects them from tyranny, i.e., a vigorous and free press, which is a threat to liberal democracy, and a national security threat.

His contempt of congress and obstruction of justice is a threat to national security

His attempt to use the DOJ for political ends is a threat to national security

His hiring lobbyists to the cabinet posts they fought against is a threat to national security

His failure to grasp the seriousness of climate change is a threat to national security ( this is the big one)

His gutting the state department, leaving half of the ambassadorships unfilled is a threat to national security

His hiring of incompetent persons is a threat national security.

His incompetence handling Covid is a threat to national security

the unprecedented turnover in the white house is a threat to national security

His tendency to hire sycophants/yes men, and fire those who speak truth to power is a threat to national security.

His lack of knowledge of US history, lack of knowledge of civics, and many things along these lines, is a threat to national security

His arrogance and total lack of empathy, and total lack of humility, plus the above, means he is unfit for the job and his unfitness is a threat to national security.

His nepotism is a threat to national security.

His corruption, bilking of the US Taxpayer to the tune of $16 million from entourage stays in his hotels and resorts, all of which his family has profited and his nepotism, allowing his daughter in law to win millions of dollars worth of China trademarks while he was negotiating with China is a threat to national security.

His nauseating fawning over Putin whose objective is to destroy and/or greatly diminish America's standing in the world, is a threat to national security

His incessant egregious lying, i.,e., "Truth Decay" is a threat to national security

His usurping the Senate by appointing 'acting' heads of departments of whom the president is supposed to appoint and be confirmed by the Senate, the acting heads cause more instability and decrease of moral in the rank and file in those departments,
is a threat to national security

His firing of Comey, which was detrimental to the morale of the rank and file of the FBI, and Trump's scapegoating the FBI, and undermining a once trusted American institution (post Hoover, of course). is a threat to national security

His acquiescing to Erdogan by allowing DOJ to interfere in US Attorney's office investigation of a Turkish bank because it will adversely affect members of Erdogan's family, noting that Erdogan tried to do it with Obama, and his DOJ refused, but Erdogan is finding Trump a pliant president, noting that Trump abandoning the kurds, who were instrumental in helping us in the Iraq war, whose members died for America, Trump did this to appease Erdogan, whereupon the vacuum that that pull out created forced the Kurds to turn to Russia, thus increasing Russia's influence in the region, noting that Trump has property in Turkey, is a threat to national security

His decision to begin the process of withdrawing the United States from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty will end an arms control agreement with Russia that has been a centerpiece of European security since the Cold War. The move, meant to penalize Russia for noncompliance, is likely to alarm the international community, particularly Europe, and cause fears that the US and Russia could enter a new nuclear arms race is a threat to national security

His pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, A massive trade deal meant to counteract China's economic power. Trump ran on a promise to spike the plan, saying it was unfair to American workers. The pact was never officially adopted by Congress. The other 11 nations have carried on without the US, the void this pullout caused allowed China to gain considerable influence over international Trade in the affected regions. The partnership was an agreement that was the result of many years of negotiation is a threat to national security

His pullout of the Iran nuclear deal. Despite criticism, the deal bought America about 15 years of time to work on ways to thwart their development of nukes, and without the deal, they are restored to their pre-agreement abilities, with one difference, their money in banks, which was frozen, is now in their hands, so we don't have the benefit of the agreement nor the benefit of the freeze on their funds is a threat to national security

His receiving a $500 million dollar loan from Deutsche Bank while simultaneously a deposit that amount was made to that bank, the money coming from a Russian state bank ( which means Putin controlled ) which makes Trump beholden to Putin, which explains his refusal to criticize Putin, or do much about Russian election interference is a threat to national security

His failure to grasp certain fundamental economic concepts, his contentions which are essentially false, such as 'Tariffs are paid by China" ( no, they are paid by Americans ) is a threat to national security

His appointing of a Postmaster General whose apparent mission was to slow down mail in ballots from arriving on time, noting that this postmaster general (Dejoy) has failed to comply with a court order to expedite the mail in ballots is a threat to national security

His 'tax cut' which was nothing more than largesse for the superrich, and crumbs for everyone else thus causing deficits to careen to levels history has never seen is a threat to national security

His repeal of many important environmental regulations is a threat to national security.

We'll see about that. You have to admit, you're currently batting 0.000
Yeah, nothing more impotent than declaring yourself the 'winner', as if we are in a contest. What a schmoe.
Nope. I'm not buying it.

So when you were talking about sociopaths and complete lack of empathy, you were referring to yourself, yes? You would dog-pile on the crucifying of an innocent man? You really are an evil Marxist piece of shit.
Sticks and sociopath.

Your lack of empathy so fogs your mind you can't see that his charges are backed by evidence. A jury, consisting of a cross section of Manhattan, of whom some 90,000 votes were cast for Trump, demonstrating part of the jury had to be Trump voters, and we know Juror #2 got his news from Truth Social, it's fair to say he was convicted by a jury of peers. It only takes one to hang a jury, and that juror saw the evidence and voted him down. Sorry, your contention is bullshit.
Your evidence for that contention is what?

Your evidence for that contention is what?

The investigation into Trump began before he dec;lared himself a candidate. He declared his candicacy long before most do, no doubt to frame the argument as 'election interference'.

If a candidate is a criminal, your preference is moot. Your reference to 'We the People" is posturing. You are not 'the people'.

We the just people have high hopes the criminal, fraudster, con man, pervert, Trump will be convicted and sent to prison, where he belongs.

I'll file that in the wishful thinking file, and also the 'I'm ignorant on the subject of Marxism' file.

Well, in the clown department, which disqualifies him for being the 'best president', on that count, alone, we have:

I said Trump is a threat to US National Security, for a number of reasons, and I simply can't limit it to 10, sorry:

His debt to foreign banks is a national security threat.

His incessant undermining public faith in elections is a national security threat.

His incessant assertion that the press is the enemy of the people undermine public confidence in the very thing that protects them from tyranny, i.e., a vigorous and free press, which is a threat to liberal democracy, and a national security threat.

His contempt of congress and obstruction of justice is a threat to national security

His attempt to use the DOJ for political ends is a threat to national security

His hiring lobbyists to the cabinet posts they fought against is a threat to national security

His failure to grasp the seriousness of climate change is a threat to national security ( this is the big one)

His gutting the state department, leaving half of the ambassadorships unfilled is a threat to national security

His hiring of incompetent persons is a threat national security.

His incompetence handling Covid is a threat to national security

the unprecedented turnover in the white house is a threat to national security

His tendency to hire sycophants/yes men, and fire those who speak truth to power is a threat to national security.

His lack of knowledge of US history, lack of knowledge of civics, and many things along these lines, is a threat to national security

His arrogance and total lack of empathy, and total lack of humility, plus the above, means he is unfit for the job and his unfitness is a threat to national security.

His nepotism is a threat to national security.

His corruption, bilking of the US Taxpayer to the tune of $16 million from entourage stays in his hotels and resorts, all of which his family has profited and his nepotism, allowing his daughter in law to win millions of dollars worth of China trademarks while he was negotiating with China is a threat to national security.

His nauseating fawning over Putin whose objective is to destroy and/or greatly diminish America's standing in the world, is a threat to national security

His incessant egregious lying, i.,e., "Truth Decay" is a threat to national security

His usurping the Senate by appointing 'acting' heads of departments of whom the president is supposed to appoint and be confirmed by the Senate, the acting heads cause more instability and decrease of moral in the rank and file in those departments,
is a threat to national security

His firing of Comey, which was detrimental to the morale of the rank and file of the FBI, and Trump's scapegoating the FBI, and undermining a once trusted American institution (post Hoover, of course). is a threat to national security

His acquiescing to Erdogan by allowing DOJ to interfere in US Attorney's office investigation of a Turkish bank because it will adversely affect members of Erdogan's family, noting that Erdogan tried to do it with Obama, and his DOJ refused, but Erdogan is finding Trump a pliant president, noting that Trump abandoning the kurds, who were instrumental in helping us in the Iraq war, whose members died for America, Trump did this to appease Erdogan, whereupon the vacuum that that pull out created forced the Kurds to turn to Russia, thus increasing Russia's influence in the region, noting that Trump has property in Turkey, is a threat to national security

His decision to begin the process of withdrawing the United States from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty will end an arms control agreement with Russia that has been a centerpiece of European security since the Cold War. The move, meant to penalize Russia for noncompliance, is likely to alarm the international community, particularly Europe, and cause fears that the US and Russia could enter a new nuclear arms race is a threat to national security

His pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, A massive trade deal meant to counteract China's economic power. Trump ran on a promise to spike the plan, saying it was unfair to American workers. The pact was never officially adopted by Congress. The other 11 nations have carried on without the US, the void this pullout caused allowed China to gain considerable influence over international Trade in the affected regions. The partnership was an agreement that was the result of many years of negotiation is a threat to national security

His pullout of the Iran nuclear deal. Despite criticism, the deal bought America about 15 years of time to work on ways to thwart their development of nukes, and without the deal, they are restored to their pre-agreement abilities, with one difference, their money in banks, which was frozen, is now in their hands, so we don't have the benefit of the agreement nor the benefit of the freeze on their funds is a threat to national security

His receiving a $500 million dollar loan from Deutsche Bank while simultaneously a deposit that amount was made to that bank, the money coming from a Russian state bank ( which means Putin controlled ) which makes Trump beholden to Putin, which explains his refusal to criticize Putin, or do much about Russian election interference is a threat to national security

His failure to grasp certain fundamental economic concepts, his contentions which are essentially false, such as 'Tariffs are paid by China" ( no, they are paid by Americans ) is a threat to national security

His appointing of a Postmaster General whose apparent mission was to slow down mail in ballots from arriving on time, noting that this postmaster general (Dejoy) has failed to comply with a court order to expedite the mail in ballots is a threat to national security

His 'tax cut' which was nothing more than largesse for the superrich, and crumbs for everyone else thus causing deficits to careen to levels history has never seen is a threat to national security

His repeal of many important environmental regulations is a threat to national security.

Yeah, nothing more impotent than declaring yourself the 'winner', as if we are in a contest. What a schmoe.

Sticks and sociopath.

Your lack of empathy so fogs your mind you can't see that his charges are backed by evidence. A jury, consisting of a cross section of Manhattan, of whom some 90,000 votes were cast for Trump, demonstrating part of the jury had to be Trump voters, and we know Juror #2 got his news from Truth Social, it's fair to say he was convicted by a jury of peers. It only takes one to hang a jury, and that juror saw the evidence and voted him down. Sorry, your contention is bullshit.
This post is a thing of beauty. Thanks.
Your evidence for that contention is what?
The absurdly fabricated nature of the charges themselves.

The investigation into Trump began before he dec;lared himself a candidate.
Nope. Nothing happened in 2016 because the DNC was absolutely convinced that Democrat voters would never vote in their own best interests and would simply OBEY orders to elect Hillary, perhaps the most HATED woman in the US, arguably moreso than Kamala.

Once the DNC discovered that Trump will beat any candidate they present, the DNC began implementing every underhanded method to remove Trump from running. The trumped-up charges in a rigged court are simply aimed to get a criminal conviction to render him unable to run. No crime was necessary and none was committed. The free shot at securing a conviction was taken to eliminate Trump from running because the DNC can't beat him legitimately.

If a candidate is a criminal, your preference is moot.
That's exactly why the DNC ran Trump through a rigged court on trumped-up charges.

Your reference to 'We the People" is posturing. You are not 'the people'.
There's no posturing. We the People are certainly the people. I'm not sure how you ever got confused about that. We the People elected Donald Trump in a fully anticipated record landslide in 2020, giving the DNC no other option but to steal the election.

Since then, the Democrat Party has been hemhorraging across all demographics and today virtually all of We the People want Trump to be elected while essentially none are planning to actually expend the effort to cast votes for Kamoley, who is in stiff competition with Hillarious Clinton for the title of "Most Hated Woman in America."

Once again, the DNC's only option is to steal the election.

We the just people have high hopes the criminal, fraudster, con man, pervert, Trump will be convicted and sent to prison, where he belongs.
Nope. You represent the dishonest shit that we honest citizens need to flush away to make America great again.

Well, in the clown department, which disqualifies him for being the 'best president', on that count, alone, we have:
Nope. You haven't been able to provide even a single example of Trump falling short in the execution of his official duties. As it stands, your position is that, to the best of your knowledge, you are unaware of any shortcoming in the execution of his official Presidential duties that would render him not the best President ever.

As such, you should want him to be reelected ... unless you HATE America, that is.

I said Trump is a threat to US National Security, for a number of reasons, and I simply can't limit it to 10, sorry:
You can't make it to even one.

His debt to foreign banks is a national security threat.

His incessant undermining public faith in elections is a national security threat.
He has the full landslide support of We the People.

His incessant assertion that the press is the enemy of the people ...
... is absolutely true.

His contempt of congress and obstruction of justice is a threat to national security
Never happened.

His attempt to use the DOJ for political ends is a threat to national security
Donald Trump has only been a victim of the DOPJ's two-tier system of injustice.

His incessant egregious lying, i.,e., "Truth Decay" is a threat to national security
Let me guess, his aftershave is a threat to national security. Dismissed.

Would you like to try again? Remember, the examples have to be real and they must pertain to the official duties of the President.
Horse manure. After 1/6 and all those jail sentences, no one is going to 'fight like hell' as Trump wants you to.

No, he's the reason for the chaos, and with him out of the picture, the nation will gradually heal.

I hope he goes to jail, but he probably will get community service.
Political imprisonment is illegal. DON'T START A CIVIL WAR YOU CANNOT WIN!
He failed to get us out of afganistan.
Are you referring to Biden's act of treason?
He failed to build a wall along the southern border.
Trump build quite a bit of wall along the southern border.
He failed to get an infrastructure bill passed.
It wasn't an infrastructure bill. It was a bill to make the Church of Global Warming a state religion.
But, he did a lot of easy things, such as a tax cut, CARES act (dems are easy for that one).

Impossible. $3 billion worth of durable goods traverse the border each day, then 10s fo thousands of people who live on one side and work on the other, then there are asylum seekers, etc, the constitution will not allow sealing the border.
The Constitution requires defending the border, dumbass. Go read it.
they are not 'biden's illegals'.
Yes they are.

The president cannot control gas prices.
Trump won't do better than Biden on that point, Netanyahu is pretty stubborn,

Trump will give Ukraine to Putin in order to stop the war, Wonderful.
Trump can't give Ukraine to anyone.
You mean more of the same, the guys that are corrupt, taking bribes, destroying the country?
No thanks.
They're listed on the charging documents, use google.
No crime.
Trump is a threat to US National Security. [
Trump is an ignoramus, a clown, a buffoon. He is nauseating to even listen to. Everytime he moves his lips, he lies.
Trump is going to jail, sooner or later.
No crime.
Trump is a sex abusing, pervert, fraudster, criminal.
I hope they give him a long sentence and he rots in jail.
No crime.