Do you expect Trump to be jailed before the election?

I look at his platform and remember that he accomplished 95% of what he promised in his first term........I want to see him close the border, deport Biden's illegals, cut taxes, cut gas prices, end the wars in Gaza and Ukraine and appoint more SC justices.......

Looks like about 53% of his promises were broken and only 23% fulfilled without compromise.

the case was dubious from the beginning.

it will all go away for being too retarded.

Yeah, Trump did not have access to the best lawyers and best defense in the world. They failed to get it thrown out. They needed a Trump nut like you to teach them. Trump has you so conned . You are all Trump all the time.
Yeah, Trump did not have access to the best lawyers and best defense in the world. They failed to get it thrown out. They needed a Trump nut like you to teach them. Trump has you so conned . You are all Trump all the time.
I'm America first all the time.

you're just a traitor.
I'm America first all the time.

you're just a traitor.
You never post a thing that disputes my view of you. You are calling me a traitor, yet you back a guy who is the biggest threat to America since the War of 1812. You are hoping Trump can tear it all down and become a dictator. My choices are people who govern according to the Constitution. You are all Project 2025. You are ignorant or crazy. We are down to those choices for you.
Nope, it is a lie. Trump got far more preferable treatment than any other citizen would get. You would already be in jail if you committed 34 felonies.
Fake felonies that were business entries. Elevated misdemeanors to felony status by claiming it was federal election interference. Hillary Clinton did worse. Purchased a fake dossier to try to damage her opponent.
Actually, it is an imbecilic exaggeration to say that.

The only people who think it to be an exaggeration are those MAGA morons that still support the abomination, Trump.
You're wrong. It is you who have the blindness of the out of control Democrats.
Fake felonies that were business entries. Elevated misdemeanors to felony status by claiming it was federal election interference. Hillary Clinton did worse. Purchased a fake dossier to try to damage her opponent.
What does Hillary have to do with the subject? You are wrong about her, but it means nothing about Trump's crimes. Trump paid off women to keep them quiet during his campaign. After his grab them by the pussy remark, he could not face another abuse of women problem.
Trump cooked the books to cover up his affairs. That makes it about the election. Trump presented opposing views in court and lost.
You Trumpys cannot learn the truth. You make lies up and believe them.
lol......politifact is a left wing rag.....

Yes, yes, yes, we know. Facts and numbers are so Leftist. Maybe you can look at the list and tell us where Politifact got it wrong.

But you and I both know you can't, so you won't. Sure, you'll bluster and bluff but you'll never do it. LOLOLOLOL
Yes, yes, yes, we know. Facts and numbers are so Leftist. Maybe you can look at the list and tell us where Politifact got it wrong.
sure on their list of the first five they lied about three of the five.....both you and I know you repeat the same lies so you'll never admit the truth......

he lowered the taxes for everyone who paid taxes.......the only ones that didn't get a cut were the ones who paid zero already.......he substantially cut business taxes.......he did build wall despite the fact you idiots invested every moment to preventing it......
I heard he did not fly to Bozeman because he owes the airport about 12,000 bucks for his last visit, He owes the town about 58 K for his last rally. Trump does not pay his bills.
He did fly to Bozeman, Sybil.
He was also welcomed in Bozeman.

Trump was there to support Tim Sheehy. From my observations all over Montana, Tim has excellent support from the people of that State.
Trump has been found guilty of 34 felonies. He is out on bail awaiting sentencing. He is a criminal. Anyone else who did what he did would already be in jail. Trump gets favored treatment in all phases of life. Yet he cries like a baby when he faces the music even a little. Merchan will not put him in jail. He should, but will not. Trump will not accept his guilt nor give a response saying he is sorry for what he did. If you did that you would be whisked off to the gulag. He should be, but he will escape justice again.
Yes, yes, yes, we know. Facts and numbers are so Leftist. Maybe you can look at the list and tell us where Politifact got it wrong.

But you and I both know you can't, so you won't. Sure, you'll bluster and bluff but you'll never do it. LOLOLOLOL
Learn what 'fact' means. It does NOT mean 'Universal Proof'.
Making numbers and using them as 'data' is an old established habit of the left.
Learn what 'fact' means. It does NOT mean 'Universal Proof'.
Making numbers and using them as 'data' is an old established habit of the left.

Like I told you: bluster and bluff all you like. The fact that you can't answer the question means you lot have nothing. Good day!
Trump has been found guilty of 34 felonies.
The case is not yet finished, Sybil.
He is out on bail awaiting sentencing.
No bail, Sybil.
He is a criminal.
What crime?
Anyone else who did what he did would already be in jail.
What crime?
Trump gets favored treatment in all phases of life.
You think your persecution and hatred is "favored treatment"????!?
Yet he cries like a baby when he faces the music even a little. Merchan will not put him in jail. He should, but will not. Trump will not accept his guilt nor give a response saying he is sorry for what he did. If you did that you would be whisked off to the gulag. He should be, but he will escape justice again.
What crime?