Do you expect Trump to be jailed before the election?

You seem to be the one worried about your own mental status,

Not at all. But you should be worried about yours, you're the definition of a mental case. :laugh:

or you would not bother with these childish circular arguments.

Says a cretin that only whines like a childish dumbass.

Only idiots think they have to have the last word on everything!

Irony from a whiny leftist douchebag who thinks he speaks for everyone. Aling with your severely retarded mental acuity, you have zero self-awareness as well.

But, YOU can't contain yourself.

I wish you would. But alas, you're determined to ensure everyone knows what a whiny, brainless uneducated twit you are. Yay you!
Look Troll!

:lolup: Doesn't think he is a mentally deranged troll. :laugh:

I normally do not even respond to your BUTT Buddy's nonsense- OR YOURS!

So NO! I do not have to have the last word in.

NOW let's see if you have the last word on this conversation- THAT YOU CHOSE TO BUTT IN ON!

I bet you can't restrain yourself.

BUT DON'T expect a LAST WORD response from me, because I'm through with you already WANKER!

Your snide comments to this forum, are so ridiculous, they are never even worthy of a well- worked up FART, much less a written response. [Geeko Sportivo]
:lolup: Trying to have the last word. :rofl2:
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he committed no crimes.

all those are fake.

Trumped up charges.

he's the reason for the word.
A grand jury of citizens found evidence to put him on trial. He was given a fair trial. He had his side represented by high-priced lawyers. The judge gave him a deference that the average person would not get. He was found guilty very quickly of 34 felonies. He is out on bail awaiting sentencing.
You do not understand how the legal system works. They are not fake charges. He is guilty of 34 felonies.
A grand jury of citizens found evidence to put him on trial. He was given a fair trial. He had his side represented by high-priced lawyers. The judge gave him a deference that the average person would not get. He was found guilty very quickly of 34 felonies. He is out on bail awaiting sentencing.
You do not understand how the legal system works. They are not fake charges. He is guilty of 34 felonies.
blow it out your lie-hole, jizz-caddy.
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I realized he was a fast food guy in the other thread no tax on tips. He's concerned if his tips aren't taxed he won't have a good SS benefit at 70! Would rather have Denny's pay him a higher salary than rely on the waitress' sharing tips with the kitchen.

Not that there's anything wrong with the restaurant industry. If you're a college kid or single mom.
That ridiculous. Trump is guilty of 34 felonies. He is out on bail, awaiting sentencing. The judge giving him time for his crimes is not "trying something". It is a legal decision based on many other cases and legal guidelines. The judge can't take politics into the case, but sadly, he will. Trump should get time.
This is what dictatorships like Venezuela and Myanmar do to their political opposition...
blow it out your lie-hole, jizz-caddy.
You swear and bluster your way of dealing with facts. Do you think that was a response to Trump's serious problem coming up next month? I doubt Judge Merchan will throw Trump in jail, although 34 felonies and Trump's no purpose of amendment means he should. During sentencing, the judge will ask Trump if he understands what he did wrong and is he sorry for criming away like he does. A smart person would accept what he did wrong and promise not to do it again. That usually results in a lighter sentence. Trump will not do that. He should get an immediate maximum sentence. Instead, he will be set free and Trump will hold a presser crying about how he is so mistreated.
You swear and bluster your way of dealing with facts. Do you think that was a response to Trump's serious problem coming up next month? I doubt Judge Merchan will throw Trump in jail, although 34 felonies and Trump's no purpose of amendment means he should. During sentencing, the judge will ask Trump if he understands what he did wrong and is he sorry for criming away like he does. A smart person would accept what he did wrong and promise not to do it again. That usually results in a lighter sentence. Trump will not do that. He should get an immediate maximum sentence. Instead, he will be set free and Trump will hold a presser crying about how he is so mistreated.
fake news.

you believe dumb shit and are obsessed with lies.
fake news.

you believe dumb shit and are obsessed with lies.
Did you miss the Trump trial and all the testimony? A jury found him guilty of 34 felonies. That is not fake. He has a sentencing coming up next month. Fact. He could get jail time and he should. Truth. You really are out in the ozone.
How many other individuals have been told that they need to hand over hundreds of millions of dollars before they are allowed to appeal?
It's not an exaggeration to say that Democrats have turned our justice system into a banana republic/soviet-style system.
A grand jury of citizens found evidence to put him on trial. He was given a fair trial. He had his side represented by high-priced lawyers. The judge gave him a deference that the average person would not get. He was found guilty very quickly of 34 felonies. He is out on bail awaiting sentencing.
You do not understand how the legal system works. They are not fake charges. He is guilty of 34 felonies.
the case is flawed from it's very inception.

it will be thrown out on many grounds.
It's not an exaggeration to say that Democrats have turned our justice system into a banana republic/soviet-style system.
Nope, it is a lie. Trump got far more preferable treatment than any other citizen would get. You would already be in jail if you committed 34 felonies.
It's not an exaggeration to say that Democrats have turned our justice system into a banana republic/soviet-style system.
Actually, it is an imbecilic exaggeration to say that.

The only people who think it to be an exaggeration are those MAGA morons that still support the abomination, Trump.