Do you expect Trump to be jailed before the election?

Yeah, Trump did not have access to the best lawyers and best defense in the world. They failed to get it thrown out. They needed a Trump nut like you to teach them. Trump has you so conned . You are all Trump all the time.
There's a reason that all of the successful charges against Trump were brought in New York and not some other state... And those have nothing to do with justice...
There's a reason that all of the successful charges against Trump were brought in New York and not some other state... And those have nothing to do with justice...
That is where he lived and committed his crimes. That one is easy. He is also being charged in Georgia, Florida and several states for election fraud with fake electors.
I cant get any good read on this....please tell us what you think will happen (rather than what you want to happen) and why.


I think Merchan will sentence him, probably 2 years community service, since it's a first offense, and if he violates the terms, then to prison.
Spitballing: If I were making the decisions for the Revolution I would give him a jail sentence, and delay it till say Jan 6, letting the American people know that if we elect him (speaking in Old America terms.....the one that was murdered) and the country descends into chaos then that is our fault.

They will dare us to vote for Trump, this will be them rubbing our noses in it as Neil Oliver puts it.

This Revolution is demonic, they will behave diabolically.

Horse manure. After 1/6 and all those jail sentences, no one is going to 'fight like hell' as Trump wants you to.

No, he's the reason for the chaos, and with him out of the picture, the nation will gradually heal.

I hope he goes to jail, but he probably will get community service.
I look at his platform and remember that he accomplished 95% of what he promised in his first term......
He failed to get us out of afganistan.
He failed to build a wall along the southern border.
He failed to get an infrastructure bill passed.

But, he did a lot of easy things, such as a tax cut, CARES act (dems are easy for that one).
..I want to see him close the border,
Impossible. $3 billion worth of durable goods traverse the border each day, then 10s fo thousands of people who live on one side and work on the other, then there are asylum seekers, etc, the constitution will not allow sealing the border.

deport Biden's illegals,
they are not 'biden's illegals'.
cut taxes,
already did that, Biden might extend the current, but not for the rich guys.

cut gas prices,
The president cannot control gas prices.

end the wars in Gaza
Trump won't do better than Biden on that point, Netanyahu is pretty stubborn,

and Ukraine
Trump will give Ukraine to Putin in order to stop the war, Wonderful.

and appoint more SC justices.......
You mean more of the same, the guys that are corrupt, taking bribes, destroying the country?
No thanks.
Trump didn't commit any crimes. The OP specified that this thread is not about what alternate reality you desperately want.

We the People want Trump to continue representing us. The only people terrorized by Trump are those who allowed themselves to be infected with TDS. Those people can fuck off.

We the People don't need any break. We need Trump to be President post haste. Trump is this country's only hope for casting off the deep state tyranny.

We the People just want Trump to hurry up and become President, and the TDS'ers can go ream themselves in a persistent cluster-fuck of their own design until the cows come home.

If it takes jail to rid the country of all the deep staters and tyranny-advocates then yes, send them to jail and out of harms way of We the People.

What crimes did Trump commit? Nothing? Gotcha.
They're listed on the charging documents, use google.

Trump is a threat to US National Security. [

Trump is an ignoramus, a clown, a buffoon. He is nauseating to even listen to. Everytime he moves his lips, he lies.

Trump is going to jail, sooner or later.

Trump is a sex abusing, pervert, fraudster, criminal.

I hope they give him a long sentence and he rots in jail.
Horse manure. After 1/6 and all those jail sentences, no one is going to 'fight like hell' as Trump wants you to.

No, he's the reason for the chaos, and with him out of the picture, the nation will gradually heal.

I hope he goes to jail, but he probably will get community service.
It won't be Trump who suggests us to "fight like hell" against your socialization of this country. Count on it.

No, the border crisis, the waste of revenue paying for illegals and the Biden/Harris socialist policies are the reason for chaos.

His community service will be serving as president for 4 more years. Don't blow a fuse when it happens :)
Netanyahu is not the problem.......Biden trying to keep Israel from finishing Hamas is the problem......

You can't end crime, you can only put a dent in it. Same is true with terrorism. In trying to do the impossible, Netanyahu is committing war crimes. Yes, the sicko terrorists hide behind hospitals and schools, but what, you're gonna do? --bomb the hospital and schools? You really can't do that.
There is a middle ground where you can render Hamas impotent without committing war crimes and it doesn't look like Netanyahu is considering it.
You can't end crime, you can only put a dent in it. Same is true with terrorism. In trying to do the impossible, Netanyahu is committing war crimes. Yes, the sicko terrorists hide behind hospitals and schools, but what, you're gonna do? --bomb the hospital and schools? You really can't do that.
There is a middle ground where you can render Hamas impotent without committing war crimes and it doesn't look like Netanyahu is considering it.
Fuck Israel. They are committing genocide with the help of the US. idiots have been saying that for eight I recall he was supposed to be sentenced the week before the GOP's that working......
We said the same abou Al Capone, but we finally got him. Same for Gotti. they are clever, but they do slip up. Your point does not have merit.