Does Winterborn = Solitary?

1. Population of posters on this site v population of US: 758/310 million = 1/409,000;
2. Population of Alabama v population of US: 1/65;
3. Posters obsessed with DY v all posters (10 members of the SM hate group): 10/758 = 1/76;
4. Posters who continue threads for weeks 5/758 = 1/152;
5. Tide fans? Folks who watched 2009 NCAA finals who live in AL: 1/8 x 1/65 = 1/520.

Currently 1/ 160,000,000,000,000 possibility.
1. Population of posters on this site v population of US: 758/310 million = 1/409,000;
2. Population of Alabama v population of US: 1/65;
3. Posters obsessed with DY v all posters (10 members of the SM hate group): 10/758 = 1/76;
4. Posters who continue threads for weeks 5/758 = 1/152;
5. Tide fans? Folks who watched 2009 NCAA finals who live in AL: 1/8 x 1/65 = 1/520.

Currently 1/ 160,000,000,000,000 possibility.

One problem is that you are trying to quantify the people who hate you and those who do not quit an argument. There is no way you can do that. The rest is a function of populations. Since roughly 35 million people watched the Rose Bowl (not the NCAA Finals btw), and at least half of those would be Bama fans, so you have me as 1 in 17,500,000. The lowest number in the equation is the population of Alabama, which is over 4 million. So teh chances I am who you claim is roughly 1 in 4,000,000. Not exactly convincing odds.
An excellent estimation of the number who hate me can be made by the number in my hate group. If you think a different number is justified then by all means make your case.

I've quantified the "arguers ad-nauseum" as 5 based on my own observations. Again if you think a different number is justified then make your case.

Half of Rose Bowl watchers wouldn't be Tide fans to the point of using their logo as your avatar, which is what you did prior to your Pope-hating one.
An excellent estimation of the number who hate me can be made by the number in my hate group. If you think a different number is justified then by all means make your case.

I've quantified the "arguers ad-nauseum" as 5 based on my own observations. Again if you think a different number is justified then make your case.

Half of Rose Bowl watchers wouldn't be Tide fans to the point of using their logo as your avatar, which is what you did prior to your Pope-hating one.

Since that number was half of 35 million, and I used the population of Alabama (4 million) it really doesn't matter.

I don't just think a different number is justified. I don't think there is any way to put a number to that.

As I said, the best you can do is that I am 1 of 4 million. The rest is bogus guessing.

Now about that imaginary engineer...... :corn:
I've given you the most conservative estimates for each of the five parameters. Now here's a 6th:

Damo created this site in 7/06, Winterborn joined 4/2009, or 132 weeks later. Chances of someone joining 2 weeks after Solitary resigned in shame? 2/132 or 1/66.

Odds that Winterborn = Solitary are now 10,500,000,000,000,000 to 1.
I've given you the most conservative estimates for each of the five parameters. Now here's a 6th:

Damo created this site in 7/06, Winterborn joined 4/2009, or 132 weeks later. Chances of someone joining 2 weeks after Solitary resigned in shame? 2/132 or 1/66.

Odds that Winterborn = Solitary are now 10,500,000,000,000,000 to 1.

WTF? I thought you claimed you are an engineer? With math skills like this?
Is there a computation error? I don't think so. Not a single, solitary one. LOL!

As I said, the numbers for how many people dislike you or whatever are not quantifiable.

The rest is just bogus. If there are 4 million people in Alabama who can log on this site today, unless something changes that number the possibility does not change based on the number of days.

Your claim "Damo created this site in 7/06, Winterborn joined 4/2009, or 132 weeks later. Chances of someone joining 2 weeks after Solitary resigned in shame? 2/132 or 1/66" is ridiculous.

Because WinterBorn joined 132 weeks after the site was opened means there is a 1/132 chance of something? WTF? Where do you get this?
As I said, the numbers for how many people dislike you or whatever are not quantifiable.

The rest is just bogus. If there are 4 million people in Alabama who can log on this site today, unless something changes that number the possibility does not change based on the number of days.

Your claim "Damo created this site in 7/06, Winterborn joined 4/2009, or 132 weeks later. Chances of someone joining 2 weeks after Solitary resigned in shame? 2/132 or 1/66" is ridiculous.

Because WinterBorn joined 132 weeks after the site was opened means there is a 1/132 chance of something? WTF? Where do you get this?
I disagree that these assumptions aren't conservative in your favor. Even if he was off by a factor of two the chances of you not being Solitary are still 5,500,000,000,000,000 to 1, and if off by a factor of ten, which is inconceivable, the chances are 1,050,000,000,000,000 to 1.

I disagree that these assumptions aren't conservative in your favor. Even if he was off by a factor of two the chances of you not being Solitary are still 5,500,000,000,000,000 to 1, and if off by a factor of ten, which is inconceivable, the chances are 1,050,000,000,000,000 to 1.


Sorry SM, but your math is completely bogus. All you have done is provide ample doubt that you are an engineer.