Dog attack deaths-Anyone seen a study were just one breed/mixs don't far exeed all ot

My grand dog looks like a lab, except for the black tongue.. He is a mut but we thought mostly lab, come to find out (she did a DNA test on him) he was mostly chow, terrier & bits n pieces...

He has that two layers of hair, & when he is shedding (most of the time) you could brush it out 24/7 & never run out.....

They see black and assume. My old girl most everyone thought was a lab, english lab or lab mix because she was black but she was literally 50/50 mastiff & golden retriever. Mom and dad were both purebred. She was an accident. Daddio lived next door and they had given mom up for barren. Turns out she just hadnt met Mr Right.
They see black and assume. My old girl most everyone thought was a lab, english lab or lab mix because she was black but she was literally 50/50 mastiff & golden retriever. Mom and dad were both purebred. She was an accident. Daddio lived next door and they had given mom up for barren. Turns out she just hadnt met Mr Right.

Well we should give a :hand: :hand: to the neighbor lady & delivery person for taking one for the team.:)

I feel the same about them & have no trust of them.. When I am out walking in the neighborhood I have had a few run up on me but fortunately their owner put them in check..

I have a neighbor that I ran into a few months ago & she had a big scare on her face where two pit bulls attacked her & her dog @ the dog park... These two pits were not in the dog park but out by a baseball diamond about a 100 yards away so she saw them bolting towards them but was unable to get back inside the dog park fence..

She was suing the owner for med bill for her & the dog & the dogs were ordered euthanized..

What still sticks w/ me, almost hauntingly, is she said she & her dog were covered in blood & those dogs were still trying to get @ them, being held by the owner & they were not apologizing but rather trying to excuse their dogs, they aren't bad etc etc etc :blah: :blah: :blah:
I don't share the same mistrust as you do, but then, I've not had similar I'm sure that contributes to your uneasiness...I'm around them quite a bit, and never had an issue..."pit bulls" are not a "breed", you know....
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I don't share the same mistrust as you do, but then, I've not had similar I'm sure that contributes to your uneasiness...I'm around them quite a bit, and never had an issue...pit bulls are not a "breed", you know....

They can be but most are not purebred
Worked with lots of them at the shelter and while some had rough lives before they would up with us they were not bad dogs. No worse than the others with unfortunate pasts.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a purebred dog breed recognized by the United Kennel Club and American Dog Breeders Association, but not the American Kennel Club. It is a medium-sized, solidly-built, intelligent, short-haired dog, whose early ancestors came from the British Isles. Wikipedia
I don't share the same mistrust as you do, but then, I've not had similar I'm sure that contributes to your uneasiness...I'm around them quite a bit, and never had an issue...pit bulls are not a "breed", you know....

They can be but most are not purebred
Worked with lots of them at the shelter and while some had rough lives before they would up with us they were not bad dogs. No worse than the others with unfortunate pasts.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a purebred dog breed recognized by the United Kennel Club and American Dog Breeders Association, but not the American Kennel Club. It is a medium-sized, solidly-built, intelligent, short-haired dog, whose early ancestors came from the British Isles. Wikipedia
They can be but most are not purebred
Worked with lots of them at the shelter and while some had rough lives before they would up with us they were not bad dogs. No worse than the others with unfortunate pasts.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a purebred dog breed recognized by the United Kennel Club and American Dog Breeders Association, but not the American Kennel Club. It is a medium-sized, solidly-built, intelligent, short-haired dog, whose early ancestors came from the British Isles. Wikipedia
"Pit bull" is just a type... kind of like "hound"...
The four pedigree breeds include the one you mention....American pit bull terrier....also the American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier...American bully/bulldog...
They can be but most are not purebred
Worked with lots of them at the shelter and while some had rough lives before they would up with us they were not bad dogs. No worse than the others with unfortunate pasts.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a purebred dog breed recognized by the United Kennel Club and American Dog Breeders Association, but not the American Kennel Club. It is a medium-sized, solidly-built, intelligent, short-haired dog, whose early ancestors came from the British Isles. Wikipedia
Thank you so very much for your work at the shelter...Most of the dogs are transformed when they get out of there into the right home, aren't they?
You cannot allow the pit to be the least bit alpha.
They can be lovely dogs but it takes effort.
Get a lab if you want a low maintance doggo. But be prepared for them to shed a complete puppy daily.

LOL @ shed a complete puppy.

We had a golden when my kids were growing up. He was a wonderful friend. Miss him so much.
Well we should give a :hand: :hand: to the neighbor lady & delivery person for taking one for the team.:)

I feel the same about them & have no trust of them.. When I am out walking in the neighborhood I have had a few run up on me but fortunately their owner put them in check..

I have a neighbor that I ran into a few months ago & she had a big scare on her face where two pit bulls attacked her & her dog @ the dog park... These two pits were not in the dog park but out by a baseball diamond about a 100 yards away so she saw them bolting towards them but was unable to get back inside the dog park fence..

She was suing the owner for med bill for her & the dog & the dogs were ordered euthanized..

What still sticks w/ me, almost hauntingly, is she said she & her dog were covered in blood & those dogs were still trying to get @ them, being held by the owner & they were not apologizing but rather trying to excuse their dogs, they aren't bad etc etc etc :blah: :blah: :blah:

That's the story you *always* hear pit owners say -- They're not bad dogs, just bad owners. B.S. There can't be THAT many "bad owners" when the statistics clearly show that pit attacks/fatalities far outnumber those of other breeds -- which we can surmise have the same percentage of "bad owners" as the pits.

I hope your neighbor is able to recoup the expenses. I guess she will need plastic surgery? I feel so bad for her. How terrifying.
Thank you so very much for your work at the shelter...Most of the dogs are transformed when they get out of there into the right home, aren't they?

Thats the goal. Most all dogs want to be good.
Unfortunatly people get in the way of that.
The lady who trained me (you dont train dogs) told me any dog can learn and obey unless tgey are brain damaged. She had one failure. I knew that dog and i believe he was brain damaged. He was sweet but utterly out of control. He was a weimaraner and i saw him jump over his 6'3" himan indoors.
Thats the goal. Most all dogs want to be good.
Unfortunatly people get in the way of that.
The lady who trained me (you dont train dogs) told me any dog can learn and obey unless tgey are brain damaged. She had one failure. I knew that dog and i believe he was brain damaged. He was sweet but utterly out of control. He was a weimaraner and i saw him jump over his 6'3" himan indoors.
That's quite a on what he did when he landed:)
(That is the goal indeed....and a very worthy one....tough, but worth every minute of trying....I don't know harder working, more loving, dedicated people than the ones in rescue here....they are not afraid to move people out of the way,;)
Thanks again for all you do..
I don't share the same mistrust as you do, but then, I've not had similar I'm sure that contributes to your uneasiness...I'm around them quite a bit, and never had an issue..."pit bulls" are not a "breed", you know....

I have not had an "experience" as in an attack by a pit bull.. Actually only been bit once by a one eyed dog, well he wasn't one eyed till he bit me...;)

I respect yours & others feelings & experiences w/ them, I don't share that.......
That's the story you *always* hear pit owners say -- They're not bad dogs, just bad owners. B.S. There can't be THAT many "bad owners" when the statistics clearly show that pit attacks/fatalities far outnumber those of other breeds -- which we can surmise have the same percentage of "bad owners" as the pits.

I hope your neighbor is able to recoup the expenses. I guess she will need plastic surgery? I feel so bad for her. How terrifying.

She had to have three or four surgeries....... She is afraid to go to dog parks now though..

Some owners are bad, :dunno: owners of Chihuahuas, wiener dogs & pit bulls..

If the owner is bad & the Chihuahua bites you, smack it to the floor, same w/ the wiener dog.. Pit bull you are in a battle.. A small child, as has been seen numerous times don't do well against them..
That's quite a on what he did when he landed:)
(That is the goal indeed....and a very worthy one....tough, but worth every minute of trying....I don't know harder working, more loving, dedicated people than the ones in rescue here....they are not afraid to move people out of the way,;)
Thanks again for all you do..

Upon landing he continued running around the house with his favorite toy. That happened to be a couch cushion pike 2.5'x2.5' square and he DIDNT rip it to shreds though it was well "loved". I know it sounds made up but its real.
That's the story you *always* hear pit owners say -- They're not bad dogs, just bad owners. B.S. There can't be THAT many "bad owners" when the statistics clearly show that pit attacks/fatalities far outnumber those of other breeds -- which we can surmise have the same percentage of "bad owners" as the pits.

I hope your neighbor is able to recoup the expenses. I guess she will need plastic surgery? I feel so bad for her. How terrifying.
I agree. I know some of them are very sweet but the problem is, you can't fully trust them. Too often, they 'snap' and attack family members they've been with since puppyhood. I just can't have a dog I can't trust.
She had to have three or four surgeries....... She is afraid to go to dog parks now though..
Some owners are bad, :dunno: owners of Chihuahuas, wiener dogs & pit bulls..
If the owner is bad & the Chihuahua bites you, smack it to the floor, same w/ the wiener dog.. Pit bull you are in a battle.. A small child, as has been seen numerous times don't do well against them..

If you see a family with kids that are rude, undisciplined, and wild it's a sure bet that their dogs are too. Many ppl who are afraid to discipline a kid because "he won't like me" are the same with pets. Dangerous scenario if the pet is a 70-lb ball of muscle with a bite force that can snap bones.

I hope your neighbor will be okay. What a horrible thing.
I agree. I know some of them are very sweet but the problem is, you can't fully trust them. Too often, they 'snap' and attack family members they've been with since puppyhood. I just can't have a dog I can't trust.

My personal belief on the dogs is that they should not be allowed in populated areas like cities and suburbs. Period. If a rural person wants one, fine. Out in the country if your dog runs loose and goes after someone's child, pet, livestock, chickens -- they will take care of the problem for you. How many times have we seen a horrible tragedy on TV where someone is quoted as "We never thought he'd do that, he's so sweet"? It makes me ill every time I think that my g-daughter could have been one of their victims. I'm so glad that they got rid of that dog, and pray that they never get another.
If you see a family with kids that are rude, undisciplined, and wild it's a sure bet that their dogs are too. Many ppl who are afraid to discipline a kid because "he won't like me" are the same with pets. Dangerous scenario if the pet is a 70-lb ball of muscle with a bite force that can snap bones.

I hope your neighbor will be okay. What a horrible thing.

She will.... She will never forget though..

Good points about owners..