Dog attack deaths-Anyone seen a study were just one breed/mixs don't far exeed all ot

When we outlaw guns,those fucking pit bulls are going too!

Good luck with that. My answer to a hillbilly neighbor who couldn’t control his Pitt bull was I shot him after umptenth time it wondered onto my property. I also came close to shooting some of his sheep for the same reason.
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Oh good that will save your Social Security and Medicare for the rest of us!thanks!
I don't want the government controlling every aspect of my life. If you want to sign up to be a govt slave, that's fine. Just don't demand I do the same.

They should not tell me what type of washing machine or dog to own. I am free and have sense enough to make my own decisions.

With the exception of our wonderful US military, everything the govt handles is of poor quality.
I had a wolf mix, many years ago, he never bit anyone, and I have pictures of when our son was younger, where he was using the 165lb animal as a pillow.

It has to do with how their raised; because dogs are still pack animals and if they don't know their place in the pack, then they're confused and will confront.

An outsider, person or animal will not be part of their "pack" & thus subject to attack??

SO is it up to the public, neighbors & family members etc to know if the owner has done this, should we assume something??

Personally I never heard one owner ever say "Yea, I knew he was a killer but was always sweet to me".... It's always something like "I didn't think he would do that"..
I don't want the government controlling every aspect of my life. If you want to sign up to be a govt slave, that's fine. Just don't demand I do the same.

They should not tell me what type of washing machine or dog to own. I am free and have sense enough to make my own decisions.

With the exception of our wonderful US military, everything the govt handles is of poor quality.

So you're not taking Social Security or Medicare?
An outsider, person or animal will not be part of their "pack" & thus subject to attack??

SO is it up to the public, neighbors & family members etc to know if the owner has done this, should we assume something??

Personally I never heard one owner ever say "Yea, I knew he was a killer but was always sweet to me".... It's always something like "I didn't think he would do that"..
This is why I say breed does matter. I have Goldens and you don't have to make all those power plays to get them to behave and they'd never attack anyone.

It also has a lot to do with the individual dog, regardless of breed. In all breeds, some are laid back, some are more assertive. The assertive ones are the ones you have to let know who is in charge. Some dogs are just better fits with experienced dog owners. I'd say huskies fall into that category.
This is why I say breed does matter. I have Goldens and you don't have to make all those power plays to get them to behave and they'd never attack anyone.

It also has a lot to do with the individual dog, regardless of breed. In all breeds, some are laid back, some are more assertive. The assertive ones are the ones you have to let know who is in charge. Some dogs are just better fits with experienced dog owners. I'd say huskies fall into that category.

But you said you wanted "Nothing" to do with the government !
Now you're planning on getting on the government tit?
If I could opt out of them taking money from me, I would. But I have no choice.

Why do you want the shit govt to tell you what you can own? Stop deflecting.
I'd say that is probably the case in most fatal maulings that were the only comes the majority of fatal maulings involve just a very few breeds and is very lop sided in regards to Pitt it's not just always lack of socialization or training. Some Pitt Bulls are just simply dangerous animals due largely to their breeding. Don't get me wrong...I've seen a lot of Pitts who were great pets and fantastic family dogs but some aint.

You have a choice,put your beliefs before your wallet,and say thanks but no thanks to Social Security and Medicare.
And give the gubmint more "free money" they've stolen from me to hand out to lazy fucks?

No thanks.

Again, if you want to sign up for gubmint slavery, i.e., they determine what you can own, etc. knock yourself out but you won't infringe on my rights by demanding I do the same.
And give the gubmint more "free money" they've stolen from me to hand out to lazy fucks?

No thanks.

Again, if you want to sign up for gubmint slavery, i.e., they determine what you can own, etc. knock yourself out but you won't infringe on my rights by demanding I do the same.

So you're all talk no integrity