Dog attack deaths-Anyone seen a study were just one breed/mixs don't far exeed all ot

No, not really. It’s the usual suspects though when it does happen. Usually large breed dogs that have been bred to be aggressive, for one reason or the other, like fighting, hunting, guarding, etc., that have not been properly socialized.

Pittbulls have the most notorious reputation and if you leave a child in a room with a pittbull and a Yorkie and neither have been properly socialized it’s going to be the Pittbull who will do the most harm, obviously.

So any large breed dog that hasn’t been properly socialized and/or fixed, even a Labrador Retriever, can be dangerous.

Having said that certain breeds do have more aggressive temperaments and there is peer reviewed data listing those breeds but you might be surprised by which dogs are on that list. Pitt Bulls are, at #9, we’ll below Chihuahuas and Dacshunds.

I had a wolf mix, many years ago, he never bit anyone, and I have pictures of when our son was younger, where he was using the 165lb animal as a pillow.

It has to do with how their raised; because dogs are still pack animals and if they don't know their place in the pack, then they're confused and will confront.
Yup. His human does this very well. They also have a wolf mix. You dont take that on if you dont know how. That wolf is sweet as can be.

They have to know where they fit in the pack, so to speak.

My wife and I were the Alphas, the kids came next, and our wolf mix was at the bottom of the "totem pole".

He NEVER once challenged anyone and after watching him destroy a cow leg knuckle bone, I was very glad he didn't. :D

Hell, he used to let kittens crawl all over him and he would just lay there.

The only person he didn't like, was my brother in law's brother; but then, I never liked him either. :D
I had a wolf mix, many years ago, he never bit anyone, and I have pictures of when our son was younger, where he was using the 165lb animal as a pillow.
It has to do with how their raised; because dogs are still pack animals and if they don't know their place in the pack, then they're confused and will confront.

What excellent advice from a piece of shit who freely admits that he keeps his aging dog outside 24/7 in the Arizona environment because "he likes it that way." You afraid he'll attack you?
Teen dies in pit bull attack while trespassing in Texas backyard
@ThatOwlWoman-this may be where I got the idea, I read this yesterday..

A 16-year-old boy died after being attacked by three dogs while trespassing in a backyard in suburban Dallas.

Police officers responded to the scene in Irving, Texas, around 5 a.m. Saturday morning after being alerted of a "suspicious circumstance."

When officers arrived at the home, they saw the three pit bulls mauling the boy, according to a statement. Officers jumped the fence to shield him from the attacks.

One officer was bitten, which led to officers firing at the pit bulls. One of the pit bulls was injured and later euthanized.

"She did what she’s supposed to do,” Guillermo Lorenzo, who owned the home and the dogs, later said of the euthanized dog to WFAA-TV.

The boy was rushed to Dallas' Parkland Memorial Hospital but died as a result of the dogs' attacks.

The teen did not live in the home, according to a statement from the Irving Police Department, and it was unclear why he was in the backyard.

Lorenzo told investigators that the boy was trespassing.

"Nobody has the right to be in this yard," Lorenzo told WFAA-TV.

The officer who was bitten has since been treated and released. The surviving dogs were taken to an animal shelter.

Contributing: The Associated Press. Follow Joshua Bote on Twitter: @joshua_bote
What excellent advice from a piece of shit who freely admits that he keeps his aging dog outside 24/7 in the Arizona environment because "he likes it that way." You afraid he'll attack you?

OH - LOOK, Owl is "just being her typical whiny gossip-girl bitchy cunt hypocritical self"??

I thought you had me on ignore, you lying cunt??

Just because I pulled my dick out of your pie hole, doesn't mean you had permission to speak and next time you better not let any dribble out from between those fat assed lips of yours.

Because people who seek to make an aggressive dog tend to favor pitts you see more of them lately.
Theyre cheaper than the old scapegoat breeds (dobies rotties etc) but a poodle is just as capable.
Chihuahuas or min pins would love to be but theyre just not strong enough. No shortage of attitude.
But the breed thats fully responsible is homo sapien.


So effing true and so amazing homp sapients don't know it.

You CA have a golden retriever and make it an evil animal. You can have a pit bull and make it the cutest pupper around.

In many ways dogs are like people. It is nurture and parenting.
If I could own any doggo, it would be a female golden retriever. I've only had one dog in my life and she was a yellow lab. She was supposed to be my brothers special guide dog, but the fit never worked. He didn't want one and that was that.

We moved up north after my parents divorced and lived in a not very nice area. Our doggo always had our back. Always. There was this asshole German Shepherd in the neighborhood who always and I mean aggressively always barked at us kids. He was behind a low fence so the asshole owner told us to fuck our selves.

Well, one glorious day, it was overcast but glorious, the asshole owner left his gate open. I hear this massive screaming / yelling and I run out of the house and my precious female yellow lab and the German Shepherd were fighting.

By the time I got there, my Princess was on all fours standing over that asshole with total submission. I kid you not. She literally had that fucker on his back. And her mouth at his neck. I can't believe she won the fight.

And from that day forward, my dog and I were heroes.

True story.
Teen dies in pit bull attack while trespassing in Texas backyard
@ThatOwlWoman-this may be where I got the idea, I read this yesterday..

A 16-year-old boy died after being attacked by three dogs while trespassing in a backyard in suburban Dallas.

Police officers responded to the scene in Irving, Texas, around 5 a.m. Saturday morning after being alerted of a "suspicious circumstance."

When officers arrived at the home, they saw the three pit bulls mauling the boy, according to a statement. Officers jumped the fence to shield him from the attacks.

One officer was bitten, which led to officers firing at the pit bulls. One of the pit bulls was injured and later euthanized.

"She did what she’s supposed to do,” Guillermo Lorenzo, who owned the home and the dogs, later said of the euthanized dog to WFAA-TV.

The boy was rushed to Dallas' Parkland Memorial Hospital but died as a result of the dogs' attacks.

The teen did not live in the home, according to a statement from the Irving Police Department, and it was unclear why he was in the backyard.

Lorenzo told investigators that the boy was trespassing.

"Nobody has the right to be in this yard," Lorenzo told WFAA-TV.

The officer who was bitten has since been treated and released. The surviving dogs were taken to an animal shelter.

Contributing: The Associated Press. Follow Joshua Bote on Twitter: @joshua_bote

The key word here is TRESPASSING. If he hadn't BEEN trespassing, he wouldn't have been attacked. End of story.
I have not had an "experience" as in an attack by a pit bull.. Actually only been bit once by a one eyed dog, well he wasn't one eyed till he bit me...;)

I respect yours & others feelings & experiences w/ them, I don't share that.......
Thanks for the very civil response....unfortunate that some chose to let their personal obsessions ruin what was becoming a interesting and important discussion...I hope that it's possible to get it back on track. Laws pertaining to animals are changing throughout the ownership, responsibility, and commitment is a subject that everyone should take seriously...
Lots of people working to get that done....
Kids and pets are for life....who doesn't realize that?
Upon landing he continued running around the house with his favorite toy. That happened to be a couch cushion pike 2.5'x2.5' square and he DIDNT rip it to shreds though it was well "loved". I know it sounds made up but its real.
Oh, I believe you...;) We have a couple of big guys ....they just don't realize how big they are....(thankfully, they're not couch shredders either...)
Thanks for the very civil response....unfortunate that some chose to let their personal obsessions ruin what was becoming a interesting and important discussion...I hope that it's possible to get it back on track. Laws pertaining to animals are changing throughout the ownership, responsibility, and commitment is a subject that everyone should take seriously...
Lots of people working to get that done....
Kids and pets are for life....who doesn't realize that?

It is, isn't it? I'm not sure why you constantly feel the need to do that, but it is what it is.

As I recall, we had a very similar discussion on JPP about dangerous dog breeds, including pitbulls. One member related how he lost a child to a pitbull attack. You're right about laws changing -- more and more municipalities are banning the ownership of these animals. Unfortunately many ppl cannot be trusted to care for them responsibly and keep them from harming others. Many dog parks also ban them for good reason, as Bill's neighbor learned to the sorrow of both her and her poor dogs.
Teen dies in pit bull attack while trespassing in Texas backyard
@ThatOwlWoman-this may be where I got the idea, I read this yesterday..

A 16-year-old boy died after being attacked by three dogs while trespassing in a backyard in suburban Dallas.

Police officers responded to the scene in Irving, Texas, around 5 a.m. Saturday morning after being alerted of a "suspicious circumstance."

When officers arrived at the home, they saw the three pit bulls mauling the boy, according to a statement. Officers jumped the fence to shield him from the attacks.

One officer was bitten, which led to officers firing at the pit bulls. One of the pit bulls was injured and later euthanized.

"She did what she’s supposed to do,” Guillermo Lorenzo, who owned the home and the dogs, later said of the euthanized dog to WFAA-TV.

The boy was rushed to Dallas' Parkland Memorial Hospital but died as a result of the dogs' attacks.

The teen did not live in the home, according to a statement from the Irving Police Department, and it was unclear why he was in the backyard.

Lorenzo told investigators that the boy was trespassing.

"Nobody has the right to be in this yard," Lorenzo told WFAA-TV.

The officer who was bitten has since been treated and released. The surviving dogs were taken to an animal shelter.

Contributing: The Associated Press. Follow Joshua Bote on Twitter: @joshua_bote

They have to know where they fit in the pack, so to speak.

My wife and I were the Alphas, the kids came next, and our wolf mix was at the bottom of the "totem pole".

He NEVER once challenged anyone and after watching him destroy a cow leg knuckle bone, I was very glad he didn't. :D

Hell, he used to let kittens crawl all over him and he would just lay there.

The only person he didn't like, was my brother in law's brother; but then, I never liked him either. :D

Canines are excellent judges of character.
Actually many more communities are removing the ban....our community included:)Improved education, awareness, stiffer penalties for violations when it comes those who don't comply with existing laws.
Any animal attack is a tragedy...
It's a people problem more than a dog problem....
If I could own any doggo, it would be a female golden retriever. I've only had one dog in my life and she was a yellow lab. She was supposed to be my brothers special guide dog, but the fit never worked. He didn't want one and that was that.

We moved up north after my parents divorced and lived in a not very nice area. Our doggo always had our back. Always. There was this asshole German Shepherd in the neighborhood who always and I mean aggressively always barked at us kids. He was behind a low fence so the asshole owner told us to fuck our selves.

Well, one glorious day, it was overcast but glorious, the asshole owner left his gate open. I hear this massive screaming / yelling and I run out of the house and my precious female yellow lab and the German Shepherd were fighting.

By the time I got there, my Princess was on all fours standing over that asshole with total submission. I kid you not. She literally had that fucker on his back. And her mouth at his neck. I can't believe she won the fight.

And from that day forward, my dog and I were heroes.

True story.

Labs may be loveable goofballs but they are also powerful and protective.
Goldens are lovely dogs but i dont have the patience for a long coat.