Dog attack deaths-Anyone seen a study were just one breed/mixs don't far exeed all ot

It is, isn't it? I'm not sure why you constantly feel the need to do that, but it is what it is.

As I recall, we had a very similar discussion on JPP about dangerous dog breeds, including pitbulls. One member related how he lost a child to a pitbull attack. You're right about laws changing -- more and more municipalities are banning the ownership of these animals. Unfortunately many ppl cannot be trusted to care for them responsibly and keep them from harming others. Many dog parks also ban them for good reason, as Bill's neighbor learned to the sorrow of both her and her poor dogs.

Passive aggressive victimhood is alive and well
I had a wolf mix, many years ago, he never bit anyone, and I have pictures of when our son was younger, where he was using the 165lb animal as a pillow.

It has to do with how their raised; because dogs are still pack animals and if they don't know their place in the pack, then they're confused and will confront.

But still the usual suspects do apply. Pitt Bulls are involved in nearly 75% of fatal dog maulings and though much of that can probably be attributed to their training (or lack there of) but not completely. Some Pitts, a small percentage of them, have been bred via breeding programs to exagerate extreme characteristics and are genuinely dangerous animals.

If lack of proper training and socialization is the problem and the only problem then you would see a more normal distribution among dog breeds and not the one we see heavily weighted towards Pitt Bulls. I have known Pitt Bull breeders and I have seen them kill pups because they were excessively aggressive, so it's not always the training or the socialization. Sometimes it's just a dangerous damned dog.
They are "high maintenance" dogs; but it is a working breed, so it requires work to do.
That and they are incredibly pig headed. They are highly intelligent but unlike most highly intelligent dogs who want to work with you in the worst possible way...Siberian Huskies don't. They'd rather do it their own way and who ever is the alpha male is constantly having to keep them in line as they just love to go do their own thing and constantly push the envelopes. Pretty much like Australian Sheppard. Great work dogs but boy do they suck as pets.
And you hit the nail on the head.

If the owner hasn't socialized his dog and/or trains it to be "tough", things are going to happen.

I'd say that is probably the case in most fatal maulings that were the only comes the majority of fatal maulings involve just a very few breeds and is very lop sided in regards to Pitt it's not just always lack of socialization or training. Some Pitt Bulls are just simply dangerous animals due largely to their breeding. Don't get me wrong...I've seen a lot of Pitts who were great pets and fantastic family dogs but some aint.
But still the usual suspects do apply. Pitt Bulls are involved in nearly 75% of fatal dog maulings and though much of that can probably be attributed to their training (or lack there of) but not completely. Some Pitts, a small percentage of them, have been bred via breeding programs to exagerate extreme characteristics and are genuinely dangerous animals.

If lack of proper training and socialization is the problem and the only problem then you would see a more normal distribution among dog breeds and not the one we see heavily weighted towards Pitt Bulls. I have known Pitt Bull breeders and I have seen them kill pups because they were excessively aggressive, so it's not always the training or the socialization. Sometimes it's just a dangerous damned dog.
...Breeding is indeed a problem... But...We've taken "assessed/labeled" "vicious uncontrollable dangerous" dogs from the shelter, from individuals, from shuttered mills/ the right homes, with decompression, training, etc. they're fine...There are always going to be animals with problems...
Years ago, which dog was referred to as the "Nanny dog"?
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I'd say that is probably the case in most fatal maulings that were the only comes the majority of fatal maulings involve just a very few breeds and is very lop sided in regards to Pitt it's not just always lack of socialization or training. Some Pitt Bulls are just simply dangerous animals due largely to their breeding. Don't get me wrong...I've seen a lot of Pitts who were great pets and fantastic family dogs but some aint.

When we outlaw guns,those fucking pit bulls are going too!
That and they are incredibly pig headed. They are highly intelligent but unlike most highly intelligent dogs who want to work with you in the worst possible way...Siberian Huskies don't. They'd rather do it their own way and who ever is the alpha male is constantly having to keep them in line as they just love to go do their own thing and constantly push the envelopes. Pretty much like Australian Sheppard. Great work dogs but boy do they suck as pets.
LOL..We have a Husky and one Aussie...we lost his sister in pets ever;) All rescues....
(and a few
I'd say that is probably the case in most fatal maulings that were the only comes the majority of fatal maulings involve just a very few breeds and is very lop sided in regards to Pitt it's not just always lack of socialization or training. Some Pitt Bulls are just simply dangerous animals due largely to their breeding. Don't get me wrong...I've seen a lot of Pitts who were great pets and fantastic family dogs but some aint.
Great post. Some are very sweet but some aren't, so true. It is the breed in some cases.
TDS...growing stronger
Share the "fiction", though, why don't you:)
I'd say that is probably the case in most fatal maulings that were the only comes the majority of fatal maulings involve just a very few breeds and is very lop sided in regards to Pitt it's not just always lack of socialization or training. Some Pitt Bulls are just simply dangerous animals due largely to their breeding. Don't get me wrong...I've seen a lot of Pitts who were great pets and fantastic family dogs but some aint.

Far too many are not good family pets. It only takes one to cause a tragedy, as one of our JPP members knows all too well. Shelters that take them in and adopt them out, knowing that they were labeled "dangerous," should bear criminal and civil liability if one of those dogs injures or kills a human or another animal.
Most are very good family pets....they are not labeled "dangerous" as a category/type...every dog is an individual...
...Breeding is indeed a problem... But...We've taken "assessed/labeled" "vicious uncontrollable dangerous" dogs from the shelter, from individuals, from shuttered mills/ the right homes, with decompression, training, etc. they're fine...There are always going to be animals with problems...
Years ago, which dog was referred to as the "Nanny dog"?

Castration chills them out too.