It's on topic. If the pilot in the OP accepts responsibility for his actions, he could return to flying one day. If he's a fucking loser like you, he'll sulk, blame others and be a loser for life.
His choice to choose just like it's your choice to choose.
Several years ago two Northwest Airline pilots were busted for being under the influence**. The Captain, Lyle Prouse, accepted responsibility for his actions and sought treatment.
In 1990, Northwest Airlines Captain Lyle Prouse, his co-pilot and a flight engineer were arrested for flying drunk after taking passengers aboard Northwest Airlines flight 650 from Fargo to Minneapolis.
At the time, WCCO-TV reporter Alan Cox wrote, “Witnesses at a bar told investigators the captain had more than a dozen mixed drinks and co-pilots shared six pitchers of beer.”
Now 27 years after the incident, county attorney staff sat in silence, mesmerized as Lyle Prouse described growing up in an alcoholic household in Kansas. Still, he credits them for instilling in him solid values and work ethic.
“I don’t blame them for my alcoholism, I’m an alcoholic because I made a choice to drink,” Prouse told the audience....
...Prouse was rehired by Northwest in 1993 and would remain with the company until 1998, when he retired at the mandatory age of 60, a 747 captain.
What appeared to be Lyle Prouse’s darkest days, would eventually unleash his brightest. His book detailing his experience, “Final Approach,” helped other struggling alcoholics seek treatment.
“No matter how far down the scale we’ve gone, we will see how our experiences can benefit others,” Prouse said.
**the joke at the time was "
How many pilots does it take to fly a Northwest airliner? Three and a fifth." Bada Boom!