'Duck boat' design flaw flagged years ago

I have at stayed at Branson for work several times. I have witnessed the heartland obesity epidemic first hand.
These people eat things like fried mayonnaise and fried butter and they don't care how fat they get.
It is an appalling thing to see.



Ride The Ducks is part of the Branson Tourism Center.
Branson is like Disneyland for country rednecks. They come from all over the south to eat and see country music shows.

Draws rednecks?

How many shootings there compared to a place that draws a lot of blacks?
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White Stormfront is a bit is a bit redundant don'tcha think?

The moron keeps asking members to PM him so he can give them his snail addy. Why won't he just post it. What's the difference ?

The difference is that the bullying asshole is a Walter Mitty tough-guy who gets off on his own Internet ego balloon.


Post it, you weakling.
The cut-and-paste knowledge repository rides again.
You're going to need a duck, when your unprecedented heatwave breaks with mighty maggot-swamping storms.
Why not decorate it with climate scepticism phrases from your oil-shill handbook ?

Stick to Joo baiting and Hamas humping.
The cut-and-paste knowledge repository rides again.
You're going to need a duck, when your unprecedented heatwave breaks with mighty maggot-swamping storms.
Why not decorate it with climate scepticism phrases from your oil-shill handbook ?

Poor Tom.
The weather warnings were out hours before it struck.
No Duck boat had any business on the water, overloaded in 60 mph winds.
These deaths were caused by greed and callous disregard for safety.

Yes, because by golly you were there and know exactly how things send down.
Yes, and anyone who’s ever been caught on the water in some of the microbursts that occur in our part of the world understands how this could happen. Life jackets are there (I’ve been on these rides) but are hard to get to. Nearly impossible in the case of a roll over. The drivers are also in constant contact with someone monitoring the weather. Again, these storms roll up suddenly. I wasn’t there so I will not speculate on what should have been done?

Much respect Mr. leaning but those vessels are categorically unsafe... regardless of the weather.

As a life long sailor I urge you to never temp fate in this manner again.
Those DUKW were never designed for that kind of weather, though they have certainly performed in worse. They handle seas ok if dead on or directly astern. Anything abeam and they will roll quite easily. The Canopy added ( those were never on military craft) just made it more unstable in those seas and obviously hindered any escape when she flipped.

Remember the last death voyage?
The thing sank at the ramp being launched and killed every one on board.

The axel seals had been removed, the idiots never even gave it sea trials before loading it with passengers and killing them.