Were there no survivors?
Difficult to understand why an agile 12 year old aboard was unable to dive out a window.
As another life-long sailor I agree it's a dangerous design.
BUT !!
However much I may personally disfavor it, such cat. fails as this are apparently rare for this design. It seems to favor calm water.
I suspect in this case the skipper could have saved vessel & passengers by reversing course. The video I saw showed the vessel directly into the wind.
I deduce the bilge pump/s if any couldn't keep up with the flood over the gunwale.
Not one survivor?
Difficult to understand why an agile 12 year old aboard was unable to dive out a window.
As another life-long sailor I agree it's a dangerous design.
BUT !!
However much I may personally disfavor it, such cat. fails as this are apparently rare for this design. It seems to favor calm water.
I suspect in this case the skipper could have saved vessel & passengers by reversing course. The video I saw showed the vessel directly into the wind.
I deduce the bilge pump/s if any couldn't keep up with the flood over the gunwale.
Not one survivor?