'Duck boat' design flaw flagged years ago


Sharp point, well stated.
None of that makes these death-traps any safer. But candidly, neither are kitchen knives. So as a society we've resolved to handle them safely. I think this one's on the skipper. And if he was following SOP, then update the SOP !!

Pilot error? The famous corporate scapegoat?
Not this time.
Ride the Ducks corporate negligence has come home to roost.
They are done.
My argument is this:

This is the first incident in 40+ years at Branson with the boats. I’m not willing to shut down a job providing business over one incident that likely could have been avoided if the skipper used good judgment (my speculation...I wasn’t there). They’re going to have a very tough time going forward anyway. Make them remove the canopies and the people can wear sunscreen and life jackets.

But I don’t see much difference in this and when a shooting occurs and people want to ban firearms or regulate them of the hands of the people.

Yeah me too, business as usual, roll on. Think about following orders all the time, maybe you/we shouldn't. I'll hazard the guess they were all told they had to put those "life" jackets on and just did so without thinking for themselves. By the business and its employees.
"Pilot error? The famous corporate scapegoat?
Not this time.
Ride the Ducks corporate negligence has come home to roost.
They are done." Lc
Seems to me you're failing to make clear a distinction between what is right, and an adjudicated outcome.

We can quibble details over the waterlogged remnants. But I consider it a certitude that this disaster would not have occurred if the skipper refused to leave port on that final voyage.

And if you'll indulge me a somewhat philosophical point:

Smooth seas do not a skillful mariner make. English proverb

I suspect this guy was rather more a bus driver than a sea captain.
"Pilot error? The famous corporate scapegoat?" Lc #161
Did you not see the video of the bus / boat shipping water over the bow while heading directly into the whitecaps?

Cards on table.
I know a thing or two about small boats.
I was earning a steady paycheck as a boat captain before I was old enough to get a drivers license.
I know small boats.
Seems to me this skipper may have been hired because he had a DMV driver's license, not for his nautical skill.
And this is the face that Middle America sees on the Democratic Party. People who think exactly like this moron.

No that's fringe thinking. Unfortunate that both sides have them, and don't silence it, but the right is disappearing into it, and needs to save itself, before conservative values become too jaded for even some of their loyal's. I'm full of Catholic values, but I won't touch that group with a ten foot pole.

Did you not see the video of the bus / boat shipping water over the bow while heading directly into the whitecaps?

Cards on table.
I know a thing or two about small boats.
I was earning a steady paycheck as a boat captain before I was old enough to get a drivers license.
I know small boats.
Seems to me this skipper may have been hired because he had a DMV driver's license, not for his nautical skill.

Well you don't know jack about Duck boats, Cap'n Crunch
The "driver" and the "skipper" are two different people.
Once on the water the "captain" takes the helm when the vehicle becomes a boat.
In the Branson incident the "captain" survived and the "driver" was drowned.
But you are sure you know all about it because you have a cereal named for you.
Remember the last death voyage?
The thing sank at the ramp being launched and killed every one on board.

The axel seals had been removed, the idiots never even gave it sea trials before loading it with passengers and killing them.

Yes. You know what it is Cap? None of the people that run these things are mariners. Just tour boat operators.
I have at stayed at Branson for work several times. I have witnessed the heartland obesity epidemic first hand.
These people eat things like fried mayonnaise and fried butter and they don't care how fat they get.
It is an appalling thing to see.

Ride The Ducks is part of the Branson Tourism Center.
Branson is like Disneyland for country rednecks. They come from all over the south to eat and see country music shows.

You simply could have said you have nothing. As usual.
Yes, I saw some incidents from around the world. I was referencing Branson, MO only showing they had a good track record. I think even if one considers all of the incidents worldwide it still doesn’t constitute shutting down a business. They’re still going to hard time surviving though.

I don't see them getting shut down over a few lives.
"Well you don't know jack about Duck boats, Cap'n Crunch
But you are sure you know all about it because you have a cereal named for you." Lc #169
I've never seen one on the mighty Hudson.
I said I know small boats. I never claimed to be an expert on buses.
"The "driver" and the "skipper" are two different people." Lc
It's two different roles. It's not necessarily all ways two different persons.

In any case, I stand resolutely by my prior assertions. Whoever whatever piloted that vessel on that final voyage could have prevented it. I could have prevented it. If it was mid-Pacific, over 1,000 miles from the nearest shore, different story. How far from shore were they?
I not that it's an ironic contrast with the Costa Concordia.
I've never seen one on the mighty Hudson.
I said I know small boats. I never claimed to be an expert on buses.

It's two different roles. It's not necessarily all ways two different persons.

In any case, I stand resolutely by my prior assertions. Whoever whatever piloted that vessel on that final voyage could have prevented it. I could have prevented it. If it was mid-Pacific, over 1,000 miles from the nearest shore, different story. How far from shore were they?
I not that it's an ironic contrast with the Costa Concordia.

Well stated and very accurate. Nice.
Yes. You know what it is Cap? None of the people that run these things are mariners. Just tour boat operators.

There are several tour boat outfits here in the UP, and all captains and personnel are Coast Guard trained and certified. They won't go out when Superior is acting frisky. The crappy things here are the kayak rental places. They will rent to rank newbies even on days with 4-5 foot seas. Every summer there are a number of CG rescues of kayakers who've gotten in trouble out on the Lake.
There are several tour boat outfits here in the UP, and all captains and personnel are Coast Guard trained and certified. They won't go out when Superior is acting frisky. The crappy things here are the kayak rental places. They will rent to rank newbies even on days with 4-5 foot seas. Every summer there are a number of CG rescues of kayakers who've gotten in trouble out on the Lake.

Those are real lakes up there.
I've never seen one on the mighty Hudson.
I said I know small boats. I never claimed to be an expert on buses.

It's two different roles. It's not necessarily all ways two different persons.

In any case, I stand resolutely by my prior assertions. Whoever whatever piloted that vessel on that final voyage could have prevented it. I could have prevented it. If it was mid-Pacific, over 1,000 miles from the nearest shore, different story. How far from shore were they?
I not that it's an ironic contrast with the Costa Concordia.
...and Trump would have run into the school and disarmed the shooter by himself.
I'm sure Cap'n Crunch is a hero in his own mind, and thinks he could save an unsafe vessel in hurricane force winds.
The sinking could have been prevented, Cap'n Crunch, if the corporate greed of the Ducks had been mitigated by a concern for the safety of their passengers.

It wasn't.
They deserve what they will get.