Everyone that was negged to oblivion or possed to oblivion please post in this thread

So basically, you're just a cum stain on the world.

You should rename yourself to wetspot; because that's all you are.

Thanks for proving my assertion that the anti-right will always abuse what little bit of power they are given.

Even thought I know you won't be able to help yourself, there really is no need for you to respond; because you'll be ignored anyway.

I am more on the anti-shite wing than the anti-right and you are the shitest of all with no close rivals.
Nah, coconuts come with an outside layer that isn't nearly as hard as the inner core. First you have to peel off the outside layer, then you have the hard inner shell to crack in order to get at the meat.

Kind of like a Walnut. The ones you get in the store already have the outside layer peeled off. If you ever watched the early seasons of Survivor you would have seen some people peeling off the outside layer to get at the shell, then having to crack that shell... They then used the cleaned shells as cooking utensils.

Here is a picture of the pulpy outside layer of the coconut after what we all know as a coconut has been removed:


Yeah similar to a walnut....I didn't realize you were assuming that had not been removed.
Well, it started like this. Grind gave me one billion points. At first I was a little embarrassed that he gave me them. Then I realized I had leet power.

First thing I did was neg the dumbest, least worthwile poster at this site, USF. Then I possed IB1. Then I negged tinfoil and christopher. IB1 possed Zappasguitar and I don't know what all he did next, but apparently he delivered righteous justice to at least two other people. I decided not to use my power after that, because I didn't want to make Grind have to reset too much reputation, but then webbway said something that was just TOO FUCKING STUPID AND OBNOXIOUS for me to pass up. I should have negged all the trash from debatepolitics. If they died, I would not care, they are human scum.

I imagine there are many who wouldn't care if you died. You're like a petty child who has never grown up.
It's reassuring to know that you've managed to turn yourself into a pariah on here as well. I salute the good sense of the majority.

And it's nice to see that you're still the lap dog that you've always been.
It's nice to have a pet that follows me around.
Now, if I couild only find a way to stop you licking everyone's balls; but then, what would you do for recreational fun.

Considering the "right" guy named Grind is the one who abused his actual power as moderator, you're looking pretty retarded right now.
Well I dunno, USF. If the US government randomly decided to give you two billion dolllars... you wouldn't think that the rest of the people in the US would consider that abusive and unfair?
Well I dunno, USF. If the US government randomly decided to give you two billion dolllars... you wouldn't think that the rest of the people in the US would consider that abusive and unfair?

Gee, Waterstain, I guess that might depend on what I decided to do with it; but the ultimate responsibility lies with me and me alone, ergo: Grind was not responsible for your stupidity, unless you can prove that he know you would act like a total asshole.


How can anyone be this much of a retard? I can't understand this. Just die. You'd be doing all of us a favor. I am perfectly serious.



Since you can't defend your asinine behavior, it appears that the best you can do is.............................................


At least you finally got that right.
Good job

Well I dunno, USF. If the US government randomly decided to give you two billion dolllars... you wouldn't think that the rest of the people in the US would consider that abusive and unfair?

you're basically saying that if someone comes up to you and gives you a gun and you kill someone with that gun then it is their fault, not yours....:pke:

logic fail