evince disappeared

I frankly must confess I followed none of it.... They had their place & didn't interfere w/ the rest of the board so it worked for everyone..

Yes, Eman believed in strong Christian values, but he would meet you downstairs in the bar when your husband goes to sleep if you'd like...lol

I saw some videos of him on the Island taken not long before he passed & he seemed very happy, life of the party & lots of women around, some fawning & him shinning, loving every min of it..:)

I tried to get him to post here & he did briefly, but he had moved on & was having fun so I can't blame him.. I only wish I had a chance to kick around some old times w/ him before he passed........
I’m glad he was happy and sad for his passing, even though he wasn’t my cup of tea.
He had these very sexually explicit conversations, but then he’d tell you needed Jesus in your life, some Christians these days perplex me.


I actually had dear friend that was exactly that. He vacillated & got it coming & going, & prob rightly so.........

I recall one time he spent days w/ this neighbor girl, even going home w/ her & met her parents-then he starts getting scared & after about two weeks tells her all that, & he was sincere, @ the time..............

Less than a week later we ran into her @ a club, she starts yelling @ him about his righteousness/holy/guilt/ etc etc etc....... he had to run for it...........
She's actually pretty well informed and would come off much better if she would just drop the nasty act and ignore the trolls.

It is a classic mistake to jump into the mudpit with trolls. There's no coming out of that clean.

Better to make the good political points, and for those who make personal attacks, permanent ignore.

If someone cannot discuss the subject without the personal slams then they are not worth talking to.

There are plenty of others who can.

Avoid making it personal. Keep it on an academic level and well informed people will wish to engage on that level.

The mind games and interpersonal stuff is nothing but a waste of time.

Too bad that logic eluded evince.

All that trash talk just diluted her good political points.

She would make a really good political comment, ok, fine, and then follow it up with so many insults that the good point scrolled right off the screen and was lost. Too bad. Good point gone.

She never realized the value of the good points she was making, never let them stand on their own merit.

What a shame.

I hope she is taking time to reflect on my observations, and she comes back a changed person, copies my PIP, and begins a new era of total respect for others, demanding the same in return.

I can tell you for a fact it works.

I got told 2 years ago I would never last here with my style of posting.

Looks like that was wrong.

Doing fine.

Never insulted anybody.

Never needed to.

Just attack their argument.

That's the challenge.

If you've got the mind for it.

Shove your PIP up your jacksie, obnoxious twat,!
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Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Well said. It also requires the desire to actually discuss issues rather than engage in petty gossip and dog-piling, and the ability to communicate... which also means not reading into someone's statements something that they did not say. I wish you luck!

Oh, it's always a battle. Just trying to push the needle a little toward higher decorum in the forum.

Remember, everyone: This forum is what YOU make it.

Only YOU can make the forum more respectful for YOU.
bac and ttq think everyone is racist. In fact, both BAC and TTQ have called desh racist, adamently so.

I don't recall seeing BAC say that, but TTQ definitely has. Both of them tagged Toxic with the label too, along with some others. But not all.
Top certainly has left her mark on the psyches of several of our more obsessed posters here.
