evince disappeared

Hello Phantasmal,

Desh use to be very civil, but then she was constantly attacked and called names, so she fights back and people call her crazy. I get it, she’d had enough.

I want the civil Desh back.

I missed that part.

I have shown it is possible to be civil and a part of the board.

It doesn't matter if people call you names. That's going to happen. That is to be expected. There is an easy solution to that. Those people do not deserve a response. If more people would quit talking to trolls then trolls would be left with nobody to talk to but themselves. Let them quote you all day long. When you do not respond it gives you the upper hand, makes them look pathetic. You're above that.

I have totally shown that even on a board with virtually no rules, people can self-moderate and enjoy participation.

And what an amazing board it would be if more people did.
Hello christiefan915,

She was, I remember that clearly. It was only in the last few years that she really started fighting back. I can understand how the name calling and false accusations can get to someone and make them lash out.

Maybe Bill has a point.

It is true that when we are in disintegration we tend to be more argumentative, and when we are in integration we tend to be of cooler minds. Maybe something happened in Desh's life to cause the change. Maybe after going through the five stages she can re-emerge as the civil poster she once was. I would like to see that.
BAC and I got along just fine. We always had civil discussions. IQ64 just considers any white person who disagrees with her on any subject is racist, or in my case my contention that a healthy diet is beneficial since we happen to agree quite often.

I miss him. Hope he's doing well, wherever he is.
But you're not racist...

I don't expect certain races to vote any way in particular because anybody of any race is intelligent enough to think for themselves. Another reason to consider me a racist.
Healthy diet is good.
Anybody of any race is allowed to think for themselves. :doh:

Yet dims consider any black that votes other than dim is stupid and is an Uncle Tom
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Yet dims consider any black that votes other than dim is stupid and is an Uncle Tom

They think they still "own" Black men and women, like they used to.

They never wanted Black Americans to be free in the first place, and they certainly never wanted African-Americans to vote, until they figured out how to buy their votes with empty promises.
WTF?Top is supposed to be a ground woman(?)
Why are you replying?


A few years ago ,I meet someone who introduced me to BDSM. My first encounter, I thought it would be about how much pain, one could stand. But I soon learned the secret to BDSM. It's not about pain! But that fine line between pain, and a type of ecstasy I had never experienced! Sure there was pain, humiliation, submission, all of which I gladly with stood. To reach that ecstasy! For a year, I couldn't wait to heal from when encounter, so I could have another. During the beating one side of your brain wanted the beating to stop. The other side wanted it never to stop! It also taught one to trust your dominate completely to give you pain, but not to hurt you.


A few years ago ,I meet someone who introduced me to BDSM. My first encounter, I thought it would be about how much pain, one could stand. But I soon learned the secret to BDSM. It's not about pain! But that fine line between pain, and a type of ecstasy I had never experienced! Sure there was pain, humiliation, submission, all of which I gladly with stood. To reach that ecstasy! For a year, I couldn't wait to heal from when encounter, so I could have another. During the beating one side of your brain wanted the beating to stop. The other side wanted it never to stop! It also taught one to trust your dominate completely to give you pain, but not to hurt you.
I don't expect certain races to vote any way in particular because anybody of any race is intelligent enough to think for themselves. Another reason to consider me a racist.
Healthy diet is good.
Anybody of any race is allowed to think for themselves. :doh:

Yet dims consider any black that votes other than dim is stupid and is an Uncle Tom

But you're not biased. :rofl2:

Personally, I believe that anyone -- white, black, red, purple, green -- who votes (R) is stupid and no better than the serfs that the GOP wants to make of us.
WTF?Top is supposed to be a ground woman(?)
Why are you replying?

Ew, someone turned Toxic into a ground woman? Please, hand me the mind bleach! lol

Havana Moron is a lonely, sad, and bitter man who pretends to be what he's not -- smart, educated, intellectual, etc. He fixates on certain ppl and follows them around, bestowing groans and unseen comments that he prob. thinks are ever so clever. Basically he's another attention whore.

Notice the similarities with anyone else you know? :laugh:
Ew, someone turned Toxic into a ground woman? Please, hand me the mind bleach! lol

Havana Moron is a lonely, sad, and bitter man who pretends to be what he's not -- smart, educated, intellectual, etc. He fixates on certain ppl and follows them around, bestowing groans and unseen comments that he prob. thinks are ever so clever. Basically he's another attention whore.

Notice the similarities with anyone else you know? :laugh:

Top certainly has left her mark on the psyches of several of our more obsessed posters here.

Gagged about as tight as that poor dog you stake out in the blazing hot Arizona summer sun.

Today, 08:06 PM

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