evince disappeared

Yet ppl like TDAK, CFM, Volsrock, etc. who constantly spout vulgar racist comments and unhinged personal attacks are not, Dr. Freud?

She certainly has left her mark on the psyches of several of our more obsessed posters here. One of them resurrected a thread from seven years ago just to mourn her absence, joined by others obsessed with her as well.

To Evince!


Sometimes, it appears that you are the most obsessed member.
I see. So your schtick is talking about ppl behind their backs. Got it.

I took a month-long break from this place too. I don't know if anyone started any "where's Owl at?" threads, but I was definitely mentioned daily by my favorite fan and crazy stalker bitch. Even today if I don't respond to or about the skank, the coat-tailing and nasty little jabs begin. But never, ever to my face. Only behind my back.

Must be a Reichwing chickenshit thing, eh? :laugh:

When will you learn that using the term Reichwing is old and anything but civil?

But it makes one point which applies to you and PoliTalker. Daesh is on your side of the political aisle. If she were on the other side, you two would have completely different attitudes about her.
Hello Controlled Opposition,

As I said, you are a Russia-phobe.

That is a stupid non-argument.

But I get it.

If you can't make your own case, attack those who believe differently.

All you're doing is name-calling.

You've done nothing to dispute my view, nor promote yours.

That's why name-calling is a stupid non-argument.

And it's disappointing. You're capable of a better argument when you try.
Hello Controlled Opposition,

When will you learn that using the term Reichwing is old and anything but civil?

I have commented on that myself. I do not approve of name-calling.

But it makes one point which applies to you and PoliTalker. Daesh is on your side of the political aisle. If she were on the other side, you two would have completely different attitudes about her.

If I were conservative I would have had evince on Permanent Ignore from the first insult. After that it wouldn't matter to me what she said. I would not be reading it.
When will you learn that using the term Reichwing is old and anything but civil?

But it makes one point which applies to you and PoliTalker. Daesh is on your side of the political aisle. If she were on the other side, you two would have completely different attitudes about her.

Interesting that you deflected from responding to the substance of my post, which was both valid and accurate. Typical Reichwinger -- when you find out you're wrong, you drag out the "let's everybody be nice and civil" whine. :laugh:

Just like you, I'm not here to be civil and play nice. I'm here to speak my mind. If you don't want to read my posts, use the ignore thingie.
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Hello Controlled Opposition,

That is a stupid non-argument.

But I get it.

If you can't make your own case, attack those who believe differently.

All you're doing is name-calling.

You've done nothing to dispute my view, nor promote yours.

That's why name-calling is a stupid non-argument.

And it's disappointing. You're capable of a better argument when you try.

Yes, you are the picture of civility. If you continue to pretend that you would be so fond of evince if she was not on your side of the aisle, you are lying to your readers and yourself.

But thanks for not writing an entire essay this time.
Interesting that you deflected from responding to the substance of my post, which was both valid and accurate. Typical Reichwinger -- when you find out you're wrong, you drag out the "let's everybody be nice and civil" whine. :laugh:

Just like you, I'm not here to be civil and play nice. I'm hear to speak my mind. If you don't want to read my posts, use the ignore thingie.

You lack insight. No one expects you to be civil. Essentially calling republicans Nazis is the type of rhetoric that causes the Democrats to lose elections. Fix the party.
Hello Controlled Opposition,

Yes, you are the picture of civility. If you continue to pretend that you would be so fond of evince if she was not on your side of the aisle, you are lying to your readers and yourself.

But thanks for not writing an entire essay this time.

LOL, thanks.

Um, false call on the pretending. I've already stated if I were conservative I would have evince on Permanent Ignore from the first insult. I routinely got on her case for being nasty. The only reason I did not have her on Ignore is because she was respectful to me.

It was funny. She would write these long missives about why it was logical to be nasty. I would find the weak point in her argument each time, which she would blow off and basically re-create the entire bit about how this board is so important and all these people read it who don't participate, and she was killing lies so the nastiness was justified. I guess she really thought she was changing the nation by insulting conservatives an accusing them of being Russian computer programs.

I pointed out that if all these people were really computer programs it didn't really matter much what was said, that few were really reading it. She didn't like that.

How do you hurt the feelings of a computer program with insults? Whatever...
I've already stated if I were conservative I would have evince on Permanent Ignore from the first insult. I routinely got on her case for being nasty. The only reason I did not have her on Ignore is because she was respectful to me.

I don't believe you.
When will you learn that using the term Reichwing is old and anything but civil?

If Fowl was capable of learning, she wouldn't be a liberal.

But it makes one point which applies to you and PoliTalker. Daesh is on your side of the political aisle. If she were on the other side, you two would have completely different attitudes about her.

The left often exercises double standards.
You lack insight. No one expects you to be civil. Essentially calling republicans Nazis is the type of rhetoric that causes the Democrats to lose elections. Fix the party.

Not in my job description. Your poutraged huffing will have more impact if you start scolding the assholes on your side who call everyone else fascists and totalitarians and Nazis and commies and so on, as well.
Interesting that you deflected from responding to the substance of my post, which was both valid and accurate. Typical Reichwinger -- when you find out you're wrong, you drag out the "let's everybody be nice and civil" whine. :laugh:

Just like you, I'm not here to be civil and play nice. I'm here to speak my mind. If you don't want to read my posts, use the ignore thingie.

So reichwinger isn't civil... what about "demmyc*nt?" :laugh:
Not in my job description. Your poutraged huffing will have more impact if you start scolding the assholes on your side who call everyone else fascists and totalitarians and Nazis and commies and so on, as well.
I don't have a side. I have never voted for a Republican. In the last election, I voted for Jill Stein. JPoutrage? Sweetie, you are the one who huffs and puffs and can't get over your name-calling.

Why don't you ask PoliTalker why he never holds you to the civility standard? I should ask him, but his posts are often longer than my attention span.

No one expects you to be calm and polite. No one expects it from me either. But I'll tell you what, getting back on subject, most people are either polite or indifferent to my presence, few would notice if I stopped posting.