evince disappeared

Gagged about as tight as that poor dog you stake out in the blazing hot Arizona summer sun.

Today, 08:06 PM

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I've never said he has "staked out and your post is nothing more then:

Hello Controlled Opposition,

How lame. There you go. Attacking the person, not the argument. If you wanted to say something positive about Russia, why they are somehow no threat to us, why it would be OK for us to drop our guard, that would be your choice. I can't see making such an argument, but we believe differently on that. It appears to be so difficult to make that position, that you falsely justify resorting to a petty personal attack.

Russia is an adversary. It is run by a tyrant who is subverting their constitution to become dictator for life. He is an ex KGB guy who knows no bounds and uses dirty tricks to get what he wants. Their system is completely corrupt and he has to play dirty to stay on top. People who oppose his view get poisoned. No. I can never condone that. Calling it out has nothing to do with me. It's not even about me. Poverty reins in Russia worse than the USA. Everything is payola there. There is official law, and there is the pay-off to get something done. And it all trickles up to the top, to Putin, who is very rich and lives the life of luxury and power, at others' expense, sometimes to the point of the ultimate price.

Saying so is not 'Russia-phobia.' It is being realistic.

Evince was over the top nasty to anyone who disagrees with her, and also certainly a bit extreme with the accusations of everyone being a Russian bot, but at least some of that is probably on the mark. Our intelligence agencies concluded that is what the Russians did and are doing. They infiltrate our discussion boards and social media, try to stir up hate, try to get us as emotional and polarized as possible. They want us angry at one another, unable to discuss and function. Evince took that bait, hook line and sinker. We need to stay above that. The most patriotic thing we can do is to respect one another and keep the lines of communication open if at all possible. That is exactly what my approach does, and why I recommend it for everyone to adopt my approach, copy my PIP, put it into action. If everyone did that, our discussions would move up to a higher level and we would all benefit.

Also, if more people did as I do, we would see an influx of more intellectual posters. The way the board currently goes, it drives good people away.

As I said, you are a Russia-phobe. You went to great lengths to prove it. Hillary lost. You should be over that by now and concentrate on fixing the party.

Daesh is not well informed. I like her and hope that she is merely taking a break, but pretending that she is some saint is stupid.
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