T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer

Want to go see this? (It's in New Mexico in the middle of no-fucking-where), you better bring some extra batteries...
I cannot learn the truth. I am pro EVs and will reject anything that comes out against them. I am blind to the opposing facts, so why deal with me?
EVs are far more expensive to operate and require a hell of a lot more resources. I am idiot. I will never figure it out.
Lithium-ion batteries use lithium, dumbass. It provides 3861 Ah/kg.
You cannot charge a lithium ion battery pack in an EV from dead to full charge in 5 minutes, dumbass.
Not enough. It will take days to charge an EV using solar panels.
They are now being produced you stupid fuck. There are 3 new batteries being worked on and being built that will be a huge change from the ones we have now you ignorant asshole. The fact is your neanderthal caterwauling is losing its base you jerk.
You are so wrong it's not even funny.
I do it every week or so.
Todays EV's are in their infancy. Costs will come down, batteries will improve and charging times will be reduced.
If it only took an additional 10 minutes to charge your vehicle, you would find something else to complain about. For you, living in the past is the only way to go.Great! Get back to us when you can recharge your EV in the same amount of time it takes for me to fill my tank.
If it only took an additional 10 minutes to charge your vehicle, you would find something else to complain about. For you, living in the past is the only way to go.
That's incorrect and asinine. If it took 10 minutes and 45 secs to recharge an EV I'd consider it and if the price was comparable to an ICE vehicle. My biggest problem isnt EVs it's the govt outlawing ICE vehicles such as the idiots in CA. I know you people have no trouble forcing your will into others you just don't like it done to you.
EV's are the perfect vehicle for city driving. At this point a family with two cars should have one EV.
You can today, add 150 miles of charge to an EV in 10 minutes. As technology improves so will charging times.
And AGAIN when you can recharge in 10 mins and 45 secs and the vehicke is comparably priced I'd consider one.
At any point a family with 2 cars should decide if either will be an EV the govt shouldnt be dictating that
No one is dictating what kind of a car to drive.
Furthermore handjob, you dont drive 250-300 miles a day, so you can comfortably charge your vehicle at home.
They will be in CA you retarded fuck
How far do I drive shut stain? Oh thats right you're the retard that claimed I said something I never did but didn't have the decency to acknowledge you made a mistake. Go fuck yourself
I would guarantee you dont drive anywhere near 200-300 miles a day. Of course you will lie, and disagree, that's just the kind of shit you are. Do you live in California or are you just in a mood for hating everything possible.
Prove it.
You have claimed to know where I live so tell us where I live. Stupid cow
You will lie about everything my dear, that's what makes you such a cunt.
Prove it you stupid cow. Oh that's right you can't even keep who said what straight in your "mind". You're a dumbass cow.
If it only took an additional 10 minutes to charge your vehicle, you would find something else to complain about. For you, living in the past is the only way to go.
EV's are the perfect vehicle for city driving. At this point a family with two cars should have one EV.
You can today, add 150 miles of charge to an EV in 10 minutes. As technology improves so will charging times.