False Flags Falling Apart: Uvalde and Buffalo unraveling.

i advocate nonviolence.

we have the hearts and minds. we don't need violence.

Just because you are a chickenshit coward doesn't mean you are against violence; you're just too much of a pussified poltroon to do it yourself so you foment hate and spread lies against others hoping a braver, stronger man will do the job for you.

we can either stand up now or after billions die.

your narrative has failed, deep state fucko.

the people see the truth.
I have never said any of this. you lying dicksucker.
he totally won.
get over your dumb instincts, deep state johnny.

trump will be shitting in your coffee again. quite soon. get ready.

It's morning in america.
Yep. If you watched the video, the shooter apologized.

These idiots are irrational. Trying to rationalize their irrational behavior is an exercise in futility.

Regardless of what they say, regardless of their claimed motivations, they are mentally ill mass murderers whose end game was suicide. The fact Ramos went down with suicide-by-cop and Gendron tried twice but failed to pull the trigger on himself because he's a cowardly chickenshit like the OP is irrelevant to the fact both of these nutjobs planned on dying after they committed mass murder.

Does anyone really believe that is rational behavior? If not, then there is only one logical conclusion: they are/were irrational.
Just because you are a chickenshit coward doesn't mean you are against violence; you're just too much of a pussified poltroon to do it yourself so you foment hate and spread lies against others hoping a braver, stronger man will do the job for you.

Once again, you're wrong on all counts, fucko.

i counsel all to peace and reason.

You can quote me on that.
These idiots are irrational. Trying to rationalize their irrational behavior is an exercise in futility.

Regardless of what they say, regardless of their claimed motivations, they are mentally ill mass murderers whose end game was suicide. The fact Ramos went down with suicide-by-cop and Gendron tried twice but failed to pull the trigger on himself because he's a cowardly chickenshit like the OP is irrelevant to the fact both of these nutjobs planned on dying after they committed mass murder.

Does anyone really believe that is rational behavior? If not, then there is only one logical conclusion: they are irrational.

Yeah but it was odd that Gendron apologized to that guy. What gives?
Once again, you're wrong on all counts, fucko.

i counsel all to peace and reason.

You can quote me on that.

You're a liar and a coward. If you ever put on a suicide vest, I have no doubt someone with a remote will have to detonate it.

It is from the hadiths, but you're underplaying the value of the hadiths in the muslim world. Westerners also make this mistake with jews and their book of hate, the talmud. The talmud supercedes the torah.

Yes, i want others to go and do something. Go see for yourselves what noahide means. Then read the well publicized teachings of freemasonry, which are noahide and elitist.

Rubbish? So you 're british now? what a poseur.

http://noahide.com/ check this one. THere are tons of other noahide sites.

Oh, the poor powerless jews. boo fricking hoo. Do you believe your own lies?...

...What violence are you speaking of? ANd which jews are preaching against it? can you provide a link? I have....

...Again, you misrepresenting what's out there. There are plenty of legitimate noahide sites. The power of the jews is mulitplied immensely by the power seeking righteous gentiles who just want power or are duped by wrong teachings in christian church.
Noahidism (/ˈnoʊəhaɪdɪzəm/) or Noachidism (/ˈnoʊəxaɪdɪzəm/) is a monotheistic Jewish religious movement based upon the Seven Laws of Noah and their traditional interpretations within Orthodox Judaism.
You're a liar and a coward. If you ever put on a suicide vest, I have no doubt someone with a remote will have to detonate it.

Noahidism (/ˈnoʊəhaɪdɪzəm/) or Noachidism (/ˈnoʊəxaɪdɪzəm/) is a monotheistic Jewish religious movement based upon the Seven Laws of Noah and their traditional interpretations within Orthodox Judaism.

I still don't advocate violence. nor did i above.

Im happy to see im living rent free in your mind tho. sissy.

I will also not accept an identity of noahide.
Yeah but it was odd that Gendron apologized to that guy. What gives?

First, please let me repeat: He was irrational. A fucking nutjob.

That said, he was also a radicalized white supremacist extremist. I suspect that in his mind, he believed that bullshit and considered Caucasian-appearing people to be human like him and everyone else to be animals.

Teaching an 18 year old human being to ignore 18 years of "hurting people is wrong" indoctrination is difficult. It's easier if the people being targeted are dehumanized with names like gook, Haji, nigger, wetback, mick, dago, limey, kraut, etc. Once dehumanized, it makes it easier to shoot them down like animals. My guess is that Gendron recognized a fellow human being and apologized for his mistake.

Once again, please don't dive too deep into irrational behavior because it'll just make you feel bad. These mass murder/suicides are committed by very sick people. They cannot be reasoned with or debated. They can only be treated and/or neutralized.
You're a liar and a coward. If you ever put on a suicide vest, I have no doubt someone with a remote will have to detonate it.

Noahidism (/ˈnoʊəhaɪdɪzəm/) or Noachidism (/ˈnoʊəxaɪdɪzəm/) is a monotheistic Jewish religious movement based upon the Seven Laws of Noah and their traditional interpretations within Orthodox Judaism.

the noahide laws are for non jews tho. that's the funny thing about them.
I still don't advocate violence. nor did i above.

Im happy to see im living rent free in your mind tho. sissy.

I will also not accept an identity of noahide.
:rofl2: Facts are facts, dumbass.

It's fine to hate southerners for their racism only if it's also fine to hate niggers for being criminals.
Simply too much diversity slithering around. How do you degenerates prioritize?
niggers on bottom.
so niggers can take the day off from pretending they can read.
First, please let me repeat: He was irrational. A fucking nutjob.

That said, he was also a radicalized white supremacist extremist. I suspect that in his mind, he believed that bullshit and considered Caucasian-appearing people to be human like him and everyone else to be animals.

Teaching an 18 year old human being to ignore 18 years of "hurting people is wrong" indoctrination is difficult. It's easier if the people being targeted are dehumanized with names like gook, Haji, nigger, wetback, mick, dago, limey, kraut, etc. Once dehumanized, it makes it easier to shoot them down like animals. My guess is that Gendron recognized a fellow human being and apologized for his mistake.

Once again, please don't dive too deep into irrational behavior because it'll just make you feel bad. These mass murder/suicides are committed by very sick people. They cannot be reasoned with or debated. They can only be treated and/or neutralized.

The first person he shot in the head twice was a white woman.
The first person he shot in the head twice was a white woman.

Gendron or Ramos? Regardless, please let me repeat: these are irrational people with an end game of suicide. If Gendron shot was white woman, was it a mistake or intentional? Does it matter? He was irrational. A fucking nutjob who planned to blow his own brains out when he was out of ammo.

I slay me.

still no calls to violence tho, cindy.

Of course not; you're a chickenshit. A pussified poltroon just like I posted previously. You foment hate and spread lies from your keyboard then sit back and hope someone else takes all the risks.
Just because you are a chickenshit coward doesn't mean you are against violence; you're just too much of a pussified poltroon to do it yourself so you foment hate and spread lies against others hoping a braver, stronger man will do the job for you.

If Patriot Act 202X passes, I suspect people like you, Tucker and the other loudmouthed cowards will have your Internet access restricted and possibly house arrest and a fine.
Gendron or Ramos? Regardless, please let me repeat: these are irrational people with an end game of suicide. If Gendron shot was white woman, was it a mistake or intentional? Does it matter? He was irrational. A fucking nutjob who planned to blow his own brains out when he was out of ammo.

Gendron shot a white woman who was the first time he shot twice squarely in her forehead. It was perfectly executed. A professional hitman or a sniper would be able to do the same.
Gendron shot a white woman who was the first time he shot twice squarely in her forehead. It was perfectly executed. A professional hitman or a sniper would be able to do the same.

Anything but to address the real problem with these Republican scum - it's the guns, stupid!
Of course not; you're a chickenshit. A pussified poltroon just like I posted previously. You foment hate and spread lies from your keyboard then sit back and hope someone else takes all the risks.

If Patriot Act 202X passes, I suspect people like you, Tucker and the other loudmouthed cowards will have your Internet access restricted and possibly house arrest and a fine.

A call to violence is not violence itself.

a chicken shit can still call for violence, consider you and your call for violence against patriots for instance.

dude, you're tyler durden.

and angel heart.

Lou Cipher? wake up.
Gendron shot a white woman who was the first time he shot twice squarely in her forehead. It was perfectly executed. A professional hitman or a sniper would be able to do the same.
He was no professional. Even Lurch or Fredo can put a gun to someone's head and pull the trigger. Most people will be surprised and freeze if someone points a gun at them. It's only when the first shots are fired that most will start running.

Where are you trying to go with this? That Gendron was sane and a professional 18 year old hitman?
He was no professional. Even Lurch or Fredo can put a gun to someone's head and pull the trigger. Most people will be surprised and freeze if someone points a gun at them. It's only when the first shots are fired that most will start running.

Where are you trying to go with this? That Gendron was sane and a professional 18 year old hitman?

He shot that woman from a distance out of his car twice. Every bullet was squarely in her forehead. That takes training.