Calm down. The stress on your immune system will open you up to all sorts of maladies.Holy fuck you brainless twit, this is for the NEXT storm. What a fucking moron.
Calm down. The stress on your immune system will open you up to all sorts of maladies.Holy fuck you brainless twit, this is for the NEXT storm. What a fucking moron.
If stupid were an art form, Vandy Clown, you'd give up nothing to Michelangelo.I explained this to you already, old msn.
The bill codified millions of illegals entering and the funds were to hire more BP people to process those illegals.
Get a clue and stop trashing this thread, old man.
Thank GOD for EV's. They don't need fuel.
Same source who told me earlier today that there's virtually NO FUEL along the I-75 evacuation corridor heading North out of Tampa now says we're headed for MILES OF STALLED VEHICLES that will simply run out of gas, and many thousands of motorists will be stranded on the interstate. I've been trying to get intel on the fuel situation, and so far I've been told that once Gov. DeSantis declared the emergency, fuel resources get re-prioritized to law enforcement and first responders, with less fuel available to civilians. Not sure where replacement fuel is going to come from, but many of those who did not bring extra fuel are going to run out. I-75 is going to become a parking lot along vast stretches. And lemme guess... FEMA will announce "tough luck," right?
We for years now have been seeing things as Bret says are not accounted for by incompetence, they are done too constantly poorly to be explained by incompetence, it has to be on purpose.
Is this another example?
Calm down. The stress on your immune system will open you up to all sorts of maladies.
If stupid were an art form, Vandy Clown, you'd give up nothing to Michelangelo.
I understand your frustration with the current administration. Perhaps a few months away from any political forum would be advisable. Otherwise,Yes, I am pissed off this morning. But you are a fucking moron. Later today I'll be calm. And you will still be a fucking morning.
You imagine they have that much power? Its currently way below the they will just keep it right below the threshold, all the time, daily.
with a long line on the other side the cartels can control and gain favors with.
You imagine they have that much power? Its currently way below the threshold.
Yes, Concarty, as Kamala Trump posted and I quoted "at the 4,000/day level, that's 1.4 million before anything is triggered and as the learned Kamala Trump posted, "the triggering is a lie"...nothing would be triggered. I agree, there is a history with Kamala/Biden doing nada to stop illegal immigration."The “trigger” authority—called the “Border Emergency Authority”—would enable the administration to summarily deport migrants who enter between ports of entry without permitting them to apply for asylum.
The new emergency authority could be activated if border “encounters” reach a daily average of 4,000 over a period of seven days and would become mandatory once border encounters reach over 5,000 over a period of seven days or 8,500 over a single calendar day. However, there are several other rules governing the use of the emergency authority, rendering it much less straightforward than the simple mathematics of crossings (for example, the so-called “discretionary” authority at the 4,000/day level would in fact be mandatory for the first 90 days at that level after passage). In addition, the bill defines “encounters” to exclude apprehensions of unaccompanied migrant children."
An Analysis of the Senate Border Bill
If passed in its current form, the 2024 Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act would be the most sweeping immigration bill of the twenty-first
Looks like pompous asshole trust fund babies didn't have to take math class because Daddy paid their tuition.
The bill doesn't wait for a fucking year, dipshit. Maybe you should try reading before you stick your fucking foot so far into your mouth that it comes out your ass.
how many unknown gotaways are there?You imagine they have that much power? Its currently way below the threshold.
OMG... Can't the military just wave their magic wand and cause roads to appear? it's sadistic that they are unable to do that.
The WOKE are sadistic.
Yes, Concarty, as Kamala Trump posted and I quoted "at the 4,000/day level, "that's 1.4 million before anything is triggered and as the learned Kamala Trump posted, the triggering is a lie...nothing would be triggered.
Indeed, great news.
Calm down, 3.9 K per day, the invasion could continue for decades.NOT FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR you insufferable prick. It is triggered IMMEDIATELY. And it is mandatory. Do you need help with what that word means, frat boy?
Goddamn you are fucking twit.
OMG... Can't the military just wave their magic wand and cause roads to appear? it's sadistic that they are unable to do that.
Poor Concarty who does not understand the scam that Democrats tried to use to allow 3.9 K illegals to cross daily...into perpetuity, should heed your post.
More Roads are good for Uber Eats drivers like you. You should vote for Trump.Trump would have roads built in less than three hours. He will tell you how if you elect him President.