FEMA is doing nothing....

How did you manage to do all that in between your “soft landing” job at Uber Eats, Concarty?

I had a long career. I talked to a guy who is an high level executive. I mentioned the Uber Eats soft landing, because he told me he was struggling to let go. I think he actually worked for a living instead of being a trust fund baby. He thought the idea was brilliant. I really don't give a fuck what you think about it, frat boy. I don't feel the need to impress people by tossing in a Croatian word in the middle of sentence. It actually just makes you look like the pompous asshole that you have proven to be over and over again. A perfect example of a person born with the proverbial silver spoon. You haven't had to do shit. I accomplished a lot in my career, and I made a lot of money. But my retirement fortune was from smart investing. You? You got yours from daddy, and probably mismanaged it as badly as Trump. I am considered one of the top experts in the country on Medicare Risk Adjustment and how to maximize capitation payments while staying inside the safe harbor set by CMS. I am still asked to speak at conferences, but thanks to my soft landing, I'm done. I ran into one of my employees one night when I was picking up from Insomnia cookies. They were envious. And of course, so are you. It's okay, Winthrop, daddy's money will probably keep your country club membership intact. You are an insufferable prick. Of the highest order. Any other stupid questions, frat boy?
I had a long career. I talked to a guy who is an high level executive. I mentioned the Uber Eats soft landing, because he told me he was struggling to let go. I think he actually worked for a living instead of being a trust fund baby. He thought the idea was brilliant. I really don't give a fuck what you think about it, frat boy. I don't feel the need to impress people by tossing in a Croatian word in the middle of sentence. It actually just makes you look like the pompous asshole that you have proven to be over and over again. A perfect example of a person born with the proverbial silver spoon. You haven't had to do shit. I accomplished a lot in my career, and I made a lot of money. But my retirement fortune was from smart investing. You? You got yours from daddy, and probably mismanaged it as badly as Trump. I am considered one of the top experts in the country on Medicare Risk Adjustment and how to maximize capitation payments while staying inside the safe harbor set by CMS. I am still asked to speak at conferences, but thanks to my soft landing, I'm done. I ran into one of my employees one night when I was picking up from Insomnia cookies. They were envious. And of course, so are you. It's okay, Winthrop, daddy's money will probably keep your country club membership intact. You are an insufferable prick. Of the highest order. Any other stupid questions, frat boy?
Did your “guy who is an high level executive “ tell you that you used the wrong article, Concarty?

Wow, if you truly accomplished all of that, Concarty, why did you have to work at Uber Eats, as you said, after you retired?

Can you stop speeding bullets, are you stronger than steel, Concarty?

Shouldn’t you begin evacuating, Concarty…seriously?
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Did your “guy who is an high level executive “ tell you that you used the wrong article, Concarty?

Wow, if you truly accomplished all of that, Concarty, why did you have to work at Uber Eats, as you said, after you retired?

Can you stop speeding bullets, Concarty?

Shouldn’t you begin evacuating, Concarty…seriously?

Go fuck yourself, grammar nazi. Your fake concern is revolting. Mind your own fucking business, asshole.

I didn't have to do anything. I chose to. I am used to working hard. Suddenly not having a job didn't suit me. We were taking care of my elderly parents at that point, and I couldn't have a gig with set hours so I opted for Uber Eats. Who knew that my one time mention of that would send you and your fake doctor buddy into an obsessive rant about a simple statement I made. You are obsesssed with me. So is the fake doctor. It makes me laugh. Having two dogs humping my legs is just what I was hoping for in retirement. Go and play some golf with your frat brothers. You probably have mastered the foot wedge.
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Go fuck yourself, grammar nazi. Your fake concern is revolting. Mind your own fucking business, asshole.

I didn't have to do anything. I chose to. I am used to working hard. Suddenly not having a job didn't suit me. We were taking care of my elderly parents at that point, and I couldn't have a gig with set hours so I opted for Uber Eats. Who knew that my one time mention of that would send you and your fake doctor buddy into an obsessive rant about a simple statement I made. You are obsesssed with me. So is the fake doctor. It makes me laugh. Having two dogs humping my legs is just what I was hoping for in retirement. Go and play some golf with your frat brothers. You probably have mastered the foot wedge.
Well, Concarty, a job at Uber Eats is not to be minimized. All work is inspirational but…you know the rest.

I’m going to have to call horse mierda on your braggadocio. None of my contemporaries use such scatological and vulgar, low class prose. Shame on you, Concarty. Show a little class and breeding.

Do better.
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Well, Concarty, a job at Uber Eats is not to be minimized. All work is inspirational but…you know the rest.

I’m going to have to call horse mierda on your braggadocio. None of my contemporaries use such scatological and vulgar, low class prose. Shame on you, Concarty. Show a little class and breeding.

Do better.

Yes, I'm sure your racism, your misogany and your disgusting entitlement attitude is expressed in flowery prose with your fellow frat boys. Lipstick on a pig. I couldn't give a FUCK if you believe me. My money still spends. And I am still married to a smoking hot, highly intelligent, highly successful woman. From Georgia of all places. She has more class in her little finger than you do in your entire body. And you are trying to turn YOUR wife into a white woman. I wouldn't trade places with for all the tea in China. You are a pretentious asshole who has accomplished absolutely nothing on your own. I despise you frat boys. With good reason. You've earned it. Do you brag to your country club buddies about sparring with an Uber Eats driver? I doubt it.
Yes, I'm sure your racism, your misogany and your disgusting entitlement attitude is expressed in flowery prose with your fellow frat boys. Lipstick on a pig. I couldn't give a FUCK if you believe me. My money still spends. And I am still married to a smoking hot, highly intelligent, highly successful woman. From Georgia of all places. She has more class in her little finger than you do in your entire body. And you are trying to turn YOUR wife into a white woman. I wouldn't trade places with for all the tea in China. You are a pretentious asshole who has accomplished absolutely nothing on your own. I despise you frat boys. With good reason. You've earned it. Do you brag to your country club buddies about sparring with an Uber Eats driver? I doubt it.
We don’t speak of Uber Eats at our club. I doubt that these two words have ever been uttered there, Concarty.

My esposa is a white lady, why would you be so racist as to believe that no Latina ladies are white? That’s raaacist (sic) Concarty.

We don’t sit around speaking of the “little people” (as one of my profs called them).

As to accomplishments, I helped provide the seed funding for my son and one of his college friends to start an engineering company that, when sold, had 85 employees. (You won’t believe what it sold for but I will tell you anyway…27.5 million dollars.) He and his partner were very generous with me. My son retired at 42 and his partner too, but after a few weeks of playing golf, they started another smaller company with 8-10 employees. They needed no seed funding.

I’ve told this success story before, by two young men who worked 16-18 hour days and lived in their warehouse. It’s aspirational, at least to most people. They received not one penny of government help.

Both of these young men have trust funds but preferred to earn their own way, Concarty…very aspirational, right?
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"Poor Earl, doesn't understand that border encounters is not the same thing as being allowed to enter the country."

The direct subject..."encounters" is plural and requires a predicate that is plural.

Poor Pobre.
I guess you don't know about the word "do" or how it can used in a contraction like doesn't.
Poor Earl, isn't well versed on verbs. (Can you tell us the verb in that sentence and what the implied subject is?)
We don’t speak of Uber Eats at our club. I doubt that these two words have ever been uttered there, Concarty.

My esposa is a white lady, why would you be so racist as to believe that no Latina ladies are white? That’s raaacist (sic) Concarty.

We don’t sit around speaking of the “little people” (as one of my profs called them).

As to accomplishments, I helped provide the seed funding for my son and one of his college friends to start an engineering company that, when sold, had 85 employees. (You won’t believe what it sold for but I will tell you anyway…27.5 million dollars.) He and his partner were very generous with me. My son retired at 42 and his partner too, but after a few weeks of playing golf, they started another smaller company with 8-10 employees. They needed no seed funding.

I’ve told this success story before, by two young men who worked 16-18 hour days and lived in their warehouse. It’s aspirational, at least to most people. They received not one penny of government help.

Trust fund babies don’t require government help but t hey stand hat in hand anyway. Generous? That’s not how business works. Which makes the entire story suspect. You provide money; you receive stock. You are so full of shit that it comes out your ears.

I was actually starting to believe you until you told this fucking whopper.
Go fuck yourself, grammar nazi. Your fake concern is revolting. Mind your own fucking business, asshole.

I didn't have to do anything. I chose to. I am used to working hard. Suddenly not having a job didn't suit me. We were taking care of my elderly parents at that point, and I couldn't have a gig with set hours so I opted for Uber Eats. Who knew that my one time mention of that would send you and your fake doctor buddy into an obsessive rant about a simple statement I made. You are obsesssed with me. So is the fake doctor. It makes me laugh. Having two dogs humping my legs is just what I was hoping for in retirement. Go and play some golf with your frat brothers. You probably have mastered the foot wedge.
Concrete, you suggested you might stop posting in an attempt to lower your stress level and help prevent long hidden viruses from leaching out. When can we expect this to take place? Save some meds for your fellow alt lefties.
So, Pobre, you admit that you made a basic grammatical boo boo.

Good for you, Pobre.

As I recall, non-finite clauses contain a verb which does not show tense.

Confession is good for the soul...Pobre.
I don't think you recall that at all. I think you had to look up non-finite clauses and then just relied on the first link without doing any more research as to the kinds of non-finite clauses.
Confession is good for the soul, Earl. Understanding something before you make yourself look like a fool might also be good for the soul.
Trust fund babies don’t require government help but t hey stand hat in hand anyway. Generous? That’s not how business works. Which makes the entire story suspect. You provide money; you receive stock. You are so full of shit that it comes out your ears.

I was actually starting to believe you until you told this fucking whopper.
Well, Concarty, we are at an impasse.

You don’t believe me and I don’t believe you.

Perhaps we both are lying but I do believe the part where you deliver Uber Eats. Good job.
I don't think you recall that at all. I think you had to look up non-finite clauses and then just relied on the first link without doing any more research as to the kinds of non-finite clauses.
Confession is good for the soul, Earl. Understanding something before you make yourself look like a fool might also be good for the soul.
I didn’t make the boo boo, you did, Pobre.

Poor Pobre.
They seemed to do that in GAZA building an entire offshore port in a month only to tear it down a month later. $300 MILLION pissed away by the Heel Up/Brandon administration.
You seem to be completely out of touch with reality.
Biden announced the pier would be built on March 7th.
On March 9th the first ship left with supplies to build the pier.
On May 17th, the first deliveries were made to the pier.
Shortly after becoming operational in May, the pier broke in rough weather. The Army fixed it and tried again, only to have to remove the pier from the coast two more times due to high sea states. Four months after he ordered its construction, Biden acknowledged the pier hadn't worked as planned.

Nothing that the vegetable has done worked as planned.
Well, Concarty, we are at an impasse.

You don’t believe me and I don’t. believe you.

Perhaps we both are lying but I do believe the part where you deliver Uber Eats. Good job.

Except you literally don’t understand business. And I do. I think you have a rich daddy and you’ve sponged off his money and his reputation for your entire life. When you start trying to add detail it becomes obvious that you are lying. You don’t hand someone a check as ‘seed money.’ Every corporation in America must issue stock, appoint a board, keep detailed minutes of shareholder meetings. You must declare the par value of that stock and it must be purchased by any shareholder. When you exit a business the owners are not ‘generous’. They determine the value of the shares of stock and pay the shareholders. You didn’t know any of that. You are a poser. Everything you claim I am is projection. You are nothing but a rich asshole.
Except you literally don’t understand business. And I do. I think you have a rich daddy and you’ve sponged off his money and his reputation for your entire life. When you start trying to add detail it becomes obvious that you are lying. You don’t hand someone a check as ‘seed money.’ Every corporation in America must issue stock, appoint a board, keep detailed minutes of shareholder meetings. You must declare the par value of that stock and it must be purchased by any shareholder. When you exit a business the owners are not ‘generous’. They determine the value of the shares of stock and pay the shareholders. You didn’t know any of that. You are a poser. Everything you claim I am is projection. You are nothing but a rich asshole.
The company was sold to a larger company, Concarty, their 30th acquisition. The agreement was a private agreement between my son and his partner and me, before the sale.

Since you don’t believe me, why are you commenting?
The company was sold to a larger company, Concarty, their 30th acquisition. The agreement was a private agreement between my son and his partner and me, before the sale.

Since you don’t believe me, why are you commenting?

Bullshit. That would be a completely illegal transaction. Yep. you are a poser.