FEMA is doing nothing....

I would have thought that even you are not stupid enough to have remained in place with a possible level 5 hurricane bearing down, Concarty.

ROTFLMFAO!!!! I can read a map. I guess that's another thing you struggle with, eh frat boy? Maybe your buddy who has a son in Harvard can explain to you how weather works.

I am a Democrat, so I can just make the weather miss my house.

Do you want to know how my dogs are doing, stalker?

"Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Look up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…Concarty!

You fantasize that I am a superhero now? I guess you are entitled to your homoerotic fantasies. Do you ask your wife to dress up like Wonder Woman?
well as I see another MAGA that has no idea of just how much damage a EMB can do.
IF it is as massive as they say it could be and it shuts down a lot of our electronics we could lose electric to millions of households ALL over the country, a lot of our phones Millions of them, Traffic control devices any thing electronic and if it does happen and I hope they are wrong it could be a disaster a LOT bigger then just the two Hurricanes, this could effect the whole USA not just a couple of states.
Have a nice day
I'm not arguing the devastation. I'm arguing the possibility.
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The Ham (Amateur Radio) bands should be rocking...or not.
I was actually thinking of getting into that maybe as a hobby. Totally different things but When I was a kid in the 70,s CB 's were all the rage. We had a nice base station and fairly large antenna at home and I used to have a lot of fun with that. The big thing was when you could get " skip" as we called it back in those days and talk with people a long distance away. Furthest I ever got was from our home in Northern Wisconsin to speaking with a guy in West Virginia. Spoke to him several times over that summer,...1976 I believe. pretty good for a little Cobra dynascan base station! :)
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Nooooooooooo!!!!!! Maybe we should all light our hair on fire and run screaming thru the streets like a bunch of goofy left wing idiots? :laugh: Heres the thing T,..........in the end if it comes it comes and if it doesn't it doesn't. Who gives a shit. Nothing you or I are going to do about it anyway. Wake me up when the zombie apocalypse starts,.....now there's a good world ender I can sink my teeth into. Those zombies are slow as hell and dumb as a rock and I have have unlimited ammo! Talk about the PERFECT target practice scenario!

what are we supposed to do?


ROTFLMFAO!!!! I can read a map. I guess that's another thing you struggle with, eh frat boy? Maybe your buddy who has a son in Harvard can explain to you how weather works.

I am a Democrat, so I can just make the weather miss my house.

Do you want to know how my dogs are doing, stalker?
Well, Concarty, congrats on mastering maps.

I am sure it is helpful on your Uber Eats route. GPS? Satellite navigation?

I hope your perros (or perras) are alright, Concarty.
Well, Concarty, congrats on mastering maps.

I am sure it is helpful on your Uber Eats route. GPS? Satellite navigation?

I hope your perros (or perras) are alright, Concarty.

Why don't you just say dogs you insufferable prick? I am just SO impressed with your ability to throw a spanish word into a sentence. I hear IRS notices come in multiple languages so you'll know when you hearing is.
I was actually thinking of getting into that maybe as a hobby. Totally different things but When I was a kid in the 70,s CB 's were all the rage. We had a nice base station and fairly large antenna at home and I used to have a lot of fun with that. The big thing was when you could get " skip" as we called it back in those days and talk with people a long distance away. Furthest I ever got was from our home in Northern Wisconsin to speaking with a guy in West Virginia. Spoke to him several times over that summer,...1976 I believe. pretty good for a little Cobra dynascan base station! :)
It's a great hobby.

There is no code requirement now. I had to pass 13 words per minute for my General and 20 wpm for my Extra ticket.

I have had QSO's (conversations) with hams all over the world. If you want to get your license, the ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League) can help with study material. Telephone number number is 860-594-0200.
The over/under on Uber Eats references for today is 45. 45. Yesterday's mark of 37 did not take into account the frat boy and Doofy Howser having another circle jerk. This number should factor in the obsessive factor and the circle jerk factor. Good luck, bettors!
Why don't you just say dogs you insufferable prick? I am just SO impressed with your ability to throw a spanish word into a sentence. I hear IRS notices come in multiple languages so you'll know when you hearing is.
Um...that should be "your hearing," Concarty.

Spanish is a proper noun and requires the upper case, Concarty.

I am trying to educate you in a second language, Concarty. Of course, it is helpful to be literate in your first language, first.
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Um...that should be "your hearing," Concarty.

Spanish is a proper noun and requires the upper case, Concarty.

I am trying to educate you in a second language, Concarty. Of course, it is helpful to be literate in your first language, first.

Hold on, let me check. Yeah, I don't care. I hope that sale wasn't too long ago. Interest and penalties are a killer.
The over/under on Uber Eats references for today is 45. 45. Yesterday's mark of 37 did not take into account the frat boy and Doofy Howser having another circle jerk. This number should factor in the obsessive factor and the circle jerk factor. Good luck, bettors!
How do you handle all this between Uber Eats routes, Concarty?
Hold on, let me check. Yeah, I don't care. I hope that sale wasn't too long ago. Interest and penalties are a killer.
Don't be a slug, Concarty. Broaden your horizons beyond the trailer park (that was ugly).

Many people profited from that company, Concarty. The 85 employees and the owners... and yo.
Shortly after becoming operational in May, the pier broke in rough weather. The Army fixed it and tried again, only to have to remove the pier from the coast two more times due to high sea states. Four months after he ordered its construction, Biden acknowledged the pier hadn't worked as planned.

Nothing that the vegetable has done worked as planned.
The pier wasn't build in a week which only proves that it takes time to conduct operations when there are no roads discrediting the accusation that Biden is taking too long in NC since aid wasn't delivered the first day after Helene.
I don't. Do you have any other stupid questions today? That's three, at least that I know of. You need to up your game, frat boy.
Why are you so bitter, Concarty? Remember, they beat you twice if you are bitter.

Didn't you have the same opportunity to better your life with higher learning, perhaps a community college?

You preferred to be a slug but you don't have to be a slug forever.