I listened to my tax adviser, not some Internet clown, Pobre.Did your son file form 709?
Or did you claim the money as income on your income tax?
If neither of those occurred then you were in violation of US tax law.
I listened to my tax adviser, not some Internet clown, Pobre.Did your son file form 709?
Or did you claim the money as income on your income tax?
If neither of those occurred then you were in violation of US tax law.
I just telling you that IF this does happen and I hope it doesn't that we will have a NATIONAL disaster the kind we have never seen before.it's a nice to have for sure.
But i'll eat rats and live in a hole and drink dog piss and be happy for the opportunity.
that's what being an American means, Arthur.
suffering is unavoidable.I just telling you that IF this does happen and I hope it doesn't that we will have a NATIONAL disaster the kind we have never seen before.
So much of our stuff now a days is electronic and this could render a lot of it useless and turn it into trash.
Have a nice day
I listened to my tax adviser, not some Internet clown, Pobre.
AND IF it does I hope for your sake nothing happens to you or your loved ones because there may not be any phones to call an ambulance or a Fire truck . all your food will be gone, stores will not have refrigeration so no food there.Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Nooooooooooo!!!!!! Maybe we should all light our hair on fire and run screaming thru the streets like a bunch of goofy left wing idiots?Heres the thing T,..........in the end if it comes it comes and if it doesn't it doesn't. Who gives a shit. Nothing you or I are going to do about it anyway. Wake me up when the zombie apocalypse starts,.....now there's a good world ender I can sink my teeth into. Those zombies are slow as hell and dumb as a rock and I have have unlimited ammo! Talk about the PERFECT target practice scenario!
NO they are almost useless right now.The Ham (Amateur Radio) bands should be rocking...or not.
An addendum...que sera, sera.
my girl grew up squatting in a national forest in northern wisonsin.AND IF it does I hope for your sake nothing happens to you or your loved ones because there may not be any phones to call an ambulance or a Fire truck . all your food will be gone, stores will not have refrigeration so no food there.
most everything electric/ electronic could be rendered useless.
I am just pointing out to you that again IF it happens and I hope it doesn't we will be in deep shit
Have a nice day
OH I am NOT saying it IS going to happen I am just letting people know what to expect IF it does.I'm not arguing the devastation. I'm arguing the possibility.
You might like it , Talking around the world can be fun.I was actually thinking of getting into that maybe as a hobby. Totally different things but When I was a kid in the 70,s CB 's were all the rage. We had a nice base station and fairly large antenna at home and I used to have a lot of fun with that. The big thing was when you could get " skip" as we called it back in those days and talk with people a long distance away. Furthest I ever got was from our home in Northern Wisconsin to speaking with a guy in West Virginia. Spoke to him several times over that summer,...1976 I believe. pretty good for a little Cobra dynascan base station!![]()
Did your son file form 709?
Or did you claim the money as income on your income tax?
If neither of those occurred then you were in violation of US tax law.
I NEVER said to.exactly.
what are we supposed to do?
Well, no, Concarty.You might want a new tax advisor to go along with your new financial adviser. But that's just me. Suit yourself, frat boy. I hear white collar prisons are very nice.
you say your a ham so you should know IF it does happen what damage it would do to a lot of electronics and you know phones won't work, the grid could go down for days and even more .It's a great hobby.
There is no code requirement now. I had to pass 13 words per minute for my General and 20 wpm for my Extra ticket.
I have had QSO's (conversations) with hams all over the world. If you want to get your license, the ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League) can help with study material. Telephone number number is 860-594-0200.
that's only for a public company.I've been involved in a couple of startups. I provided sweat equity, but I didn't make a side deal to get paid back. Because, you know, that's not legal. I was given stock in exchange for my services. Or more to the point, I was allowed to purchase stock at par value, which I think in both cases was 0.1 cents a share. I had to actually write a check to pay for the stock. You cannot make a side deal that cuts out the shareholders. But Earl appears to have made up a story above his pay grade. Either that, or his trust fund entitlement attitude led him to believe he did not have to follow the law. If you are providing seed money to a startup, you must be compensated in stocks, or you must have a loan agreement. A 'private side deal' is completely illegal, and if this actually happened, which I doubt, it would be done to evade taxes. Which, considering his character would not surprise me in the least. He lacks any ethics or integrity. That's not speculation on my part, I have witnessed it firsthand in my interactions with him. He is a serial liar. He lies when the truth will do.
Well, no, Concarty.
They are both old friends and neighbors. They have served me well for decades.
My lawyer’s son has a degree in International Law. He has a 7 figure income and he is still just a lad.
My friends say that a net worth of a few million dollars does not make you rich these days. I agree.
What say you, Concarty!
It could be IF you know how to avoid and prepare for things , BUT most people do not and as I said IF and I say IF this does happen power in major cities will be out for a really long time.suffering is unavoidable.
it's time to read the Buddha.
do you have the stones to watch it all go, and still live in joy?
Post the laws or regulations that prevent the private agreement with a relative before the startup of a company, Concarty.I've been involved in a couple of startups. I provided sweat equity, but I didn't make a side deal to get paid back. Because, you know, that's not legal. I was given stock in exchange for my services. Or more to the point, I was allowed to purchase stock at par value, which I think in both cases was 0.1 cents a share. I had to actually write a check to pay for the stock. You cannot make a side deal that cuts out the shareholders. But Earl appears to have made up a story above his pay grade. Either that, or his trust fund entitlement attitude led him to believe he did not have to follow the law. If you are providing seed money to a startup, you must be compensated in stocks, or you must have a loan agreement. A 'private side deal' is completely illegal, and if this actually happened, which I doubt, it would be done to evade taxes. Which, considering his character would not surprise me in the least. He lacks any ethics or integrity. That's not speculation on my part, I have witnessed it firsthand in my interactions with him. He is a serial liar. He lies when the truth will do.
d.b. cooper is it really you?you say your a ham so you should know IF it does happen what damage it would do to a lot of electronics and you know phones won't work, the grid could go down for days and even more .
I have a generator here and have a 10 to 160 meter radio and a 2 meter radio in a fairaday cage just for back up.
that's only for a public company.