FEMA is doing nothing....

You are a billionaire, Concarty?

My, you are “rich” as you have said multiple times,

Heavens no, old chap, I am a gazillionaire. Indeed, my lawyer has represented seven generations of Rockfellers. And they are paupers.
As an aside here, remember hurricane Katrina and New Orleans?

The MSM relentlessly attacked Bush and FEMA for their response to that disaster. Louisiana's state and local government (Democrats) were largely ignored as part of the problem even as they were the source of much of it.

Now, the shoe is on the other foot, and the MSM is downplaying Biden's, Harris's, and FEMA's poor response while shifting blame to Trump (who isn't even in office!) and DeSantis. Seems to me that the MSM isn't reporting the news but taking sides politically here. How usual...
Bush and FEMA were "attacked" by accurately reporting their response.
Even the Bush WH recognized that the response was not what it should have been and it resulted in a need to change how to respond.

Katrina - Lessons learned

By any measure, Hurricane Katrina was a national catastrophe. Similar to the images of grief and destruction on September 11, 2001, the images of suffering and despair from Hurricane Katrina are forever seared into the hearts and memories of all Americans. Those painful images must be the catalyst for change

I suggest you read the report
Did you tell your tax advisor about the money you received. Since you were not a corporate share holder it could not be a capital gain and should have been taxed at the regular rate.
As I said, Pobre, my lawyer is a bit more informed than you and I trust him more than some Internet clown.
Indeed and we know how to spell it.

Nice cool temps today, TOP…no golf though…MLB playoffs.
I know... It was such a fun year. I hope it's not over for us just yet... Gotta hit the ball though when it counts ....
Did you tell your tax advisor about the money you received. Since you were not a corporate share holder it could not be a capital gain and should have been taxed at the regular rate.

Exactly. And it would have been just as easy to provide stock in consideration of the seed money. Earl made the whole thing up. He isn't that hard to figure out. I'm guessing he heard the story from a buddy at the club and made it his own. When he initially described the situation, he said he provided seed money, and when the company was sold, they were 'very generous'. That's not how business works. If there was an agreement in place ahead of time, which is now his claim, they were not 'generous', they simply fulfilled the terms of that agreement. But he doesn't claim to have been a shareholder or a creditor. Which of course is just laughable. No seed money agreement in history involved a word of mouth deal that 'I'll be generous when the time comes'. LOL, that and a dollar will buy you a cup of coffee. Then he mentioned that the SEC wouldn't be involved. Well, DUH. They would have no involvement unless it was a publicly held company. To me, that demonstrates that he is making shit up as he goes along. And he thinks I won't know about this kind of stuff. Oopsie.

Earl is incredibly insecure. My suspicion is that he had a rich daddy who got him into school, but he was a failure because frankly, Earl isn't really all that bright. He can't hold his own in a substantive discussion, so he tries to sound smart by playing grammar nazi and tossing in the random Spanish word. Problem is, he makes as many mistakes as he corrects. He is clearly clueless on how to use an ellipse. He also thinks that denigrating someone's employment (real or imagined) makes him somehow a 'cool kid'. And he is so insecure he literally lies about having made a typo. I've grown bored with stealing candy from the baby, so I think I'll return Earl to where he came from, my very first ignore. But he knows that I know, and I'm guessing he is embarrassed reading this. He will twist like a pretzel to explain why he is so superior. Now he thinks counting millions makes him special. How sad. Oh well. Back to it!!!! (multiple exclamation marks intended).
Exactly. And it would have been just as easy to provide stock in consideration of the seed money. Earl made the whole thing up. He isn't that hard to figure out. I'm guessing he heard the story from a buddy at the club and made it his own. When he initially described the situation, he said he provided seed money, and when the company was sold, they were 'very generous'. That's not how business works. If there was an agreement in place ahead of time, which is now his claim, they were not 'generous', they simply fulfilled the terms of that agreement. But he doesn't claim to have been a shareholder or a creditor. Which of course is just laughable. No seed money agreement in history involved a word of mouth deal that 'I'll be generous when the time comes'. LOL, that and a dollar will buy you a cup of coffee. Then he mentioned that the SEC wouldn't be involved. Well, DUH. They would have no involvement unless it was a publicly held company. To me, that demonstrates that he is making shit up as he goes along. And he thinks I won't know about this kind of stuff. Oopsie.

Earl is incredibly insecure. My suspicion is that he had a rich daddy who got him into school, but he was a failure because frankly, Earl isn't really all that bright. He can't hold his own in a substantive discussion, so he tries to sound smart by playing grammar nazi and tossing in the random Spanish word. Problem is, he makes as many mistakes as he corrects. He is clearly clueless on how to use an ellipse. He also thinks that denigrating someone's employment (real or imagined) makes him somehow a 'cool kid'. And he is so insecure he literally lies about having made a typo. I've grown bored with stealing candy from the baby, so I think I'll return Earl to where he came from, my very first ignore. But he knows that I know, and I'm guessing he is embarrassed reading this. He will twist like a pretzel to explain why he is so superior. Now he thinks counting millions makes him special. How sad. Oh well. Back to it!!!! (multiple exclamation marks intended).
Um…Concarty. You haven’t provided the asked for laws or regulations.

Is it because they don’t exist?

Do you have a law degree, Concarty? I don’t and that’s why I don’t put much stock in Internet clowns who pretend they do.

I trust my lawyer. Don’t you trust yours?

Here’s some random Spanish…tres triste tigres tragaron tres tazas de trigo.

An alliteration or perhaps a limerick.

Remember, Concarty, in Spanish, “i” is pronounced as “e” and e is pronounced as “a” and physically descriptive adjectives follow the noun (casa blanca not blanca casa). Reflexive verbs are difficult as is the subjective tense.

Try expanding your horizons, don’t be a slug,
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Here are words that you will never hear out of Donald Trumps mouth:

'And I'm donating the proceeds from the sale of my bibles, watches, sneakers, bitcoin, and NFTs to Hurricane relief'.
