He's quite the grammar and punctuation Nazi. I think it makes him feel important. Oh well. Too each their own.
If we're being self-critically honest, I'm that way myself.
I hate using "they" in a singular connotation.
I was always content to use "he" when gender was unspecified,
but now that everyone is hypersensitive, I use "he/she"---but never "they."
I hate using "amount" when "number" is correct, or "less" when "fewer" is correct.
I hate when people say, "I feel badly about that," when they mean "I feel bad about that."
"Feel" is a connecting verb in that case. "Feeling badly" means doing a bad job of feeling.
I could go on and and on, but there was a reason for this.
My parents were first generation Americans, the children of immigrants.
They were obsessive about speaking proper English.
If I HAD to have a flaw, they'd rather I feel superior than inferior.
I only correct other people's grammar, however, if I'm intentionally being a prick.
I find being respectful toward tumpanzees very difficult.
That's clearly an obvious character weakness on my part.
Being nice to the repugnant is something on which I needed to work harder.
It's too late at this age, I would imagine.