FEMA is doing nothing....

well as I see another MAGA that has no idea of just how much damage a EMB can do.
MAGA isn't a person, Tball.
Geomagnetic storms are fairly commonplace.
IF it is as massive as they say it could be and it shuts down a lot of our electronics
Nope. It won't.
we could lose electric to millions of households ALL over the country,
Nope. It automatically resets.
a lot of our phones Millions of them,
Nope. Cell towers are not affected and neither are the phones.
Traffic control devices any thing electronic
Nope. They are encased in a metal NEMA-4 enclosure, which acts like a Faraday cage. Many traffic control systems are still on the old cam timers, and aren't even electronic.
and if it does happen and I hope they are wrong it could be a disaster a LOT bigger then just the two Hurricanes, this could effect the whole USA not just a couple of states.
Have a nice day
Your paranoia is YOUR problem, Tball.
luckily we don't actually need electricity or technology.
He's just fear mongering due to his paranoia and inability to understand either electronics or physics.
Strong geomagnetic storms are rather commonplace. Occasionally they get strong enough to drive Auroras further south so they can be seen in Atlanta.

Power systems automatically reset should a pulse trigger one to fault. He's just making shit up again.
I was actually thinking of getting into that maybe as a hobby.
It can be a fun hobby, particularly if you take the time to build your own rig.
Totally different things but When I was a kid in the 70,s CB 's were all the rage.
With Ham radio, you can legally go to higher power, and you can use frequencies that can travel around the world, not just the next block or so.
We had a nice base station and fairly large antenna at home and I used to have a lot of fun with that. The big thing was when you could get " skip" as we called it back in those days and talk with people a long distance away. Furthest I ever got was from our home in Northern Wisconsin to speaking with a guy in West Virginia. Spoke to him several times over that summer,...1976 I believe. pretty good for a little Cobra dynascan base station! :)
It can happen with CB, but generally only under very unusual propagation events like you mention. The antenna you use is a factor as well.
I just telling you that IF this does happen and I hope it doesn't that we will have a NATIONAL disaster the kind we have never seen before.
So much of our stuff now a days is electronic and this could render a lot of it useless and turn it into trash.
Have a nice day
Won't even bother it, Tball.
AND IF it does I hope for your sake nothing happens to you or your loved ones because there may not be any phones to call an ambulance or a Fire truck . all your food will be gone, stores will not have refrigeration so no food there.
most everything electric/ electronic could be rendered useless.
I am just pointing out to you that again IF it happens and I hope it doesn't we will be in deep shit
Have a nice day
I already know you deny physics, Tball. Enjoy your paranoia.
you say your a ham so you should know IF it does happen what damage it would do to a lot of electronics and you know phones won't work, the grid could go down for days and even more .
I have a generator here and have a 10 to 160 meter radio and a 2 meter radio in a fairaday cage just for back up.
Stop making shit up, Tball.
It could be IF you know how to avoid and prepare for things , BUT most people do not and as I said IF and I say IF this does happen power in major cities will be out for a really long time.
And a good part of everything we use today is electronic and runs on electricity .
Stop making shit up, Tball.
And why would I care what a pompous jackass thinks? But my God, can you be any more pretentious, frat boy? And you haven't earned a dime in your life.

I am rich beyond your imagination, Earl. Because you are a dead soul.
You are describing yourself again, Sybil. I already know you are jealous.
I'm pretty sure your wrong.

companies can make all kinds of deals with angel capital.

you ever watch shark tank?

I am 100% certain I'm right. When those shark tank deals are sealed, what do you think the sharks get?? Shares in the company, dummy.
Not wasted at all. If you want to stay in a Holiday Inn because you can't afford anything better, that's cool. I like the luxury, and I can afford it. Not everyone can. The world needs ditch diggers too. Those grapes were sour anyway, right Joey?
Aren't you a fancy CumCunt! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :hand:
Do you mean BS like "gas hot water heaters must have electricity" Concarty?
I know right? They sound so smart flapping about shit you don't know but then all of a sudden they slip up and you realize they know jack shit about pretty much everything.
Notice how yet again criticism of the Regime is called hate speech by the Regime, and how they claim (lie) that the first amendment does not protect hate speech....how so much more must be done to limit speech.

Buckle Up Fuckers!